;;22.2;VA FileMan;;Jan 05, 2016;Build 42
;;Per VA Directive 6402, this routine should not be modified.
;;Submitted to OSEHRA 5 January 2015 by the VISTA Expertise Network.
;;Based on Medsphere Systems Corporation's MSC FileMan 1051.
;;Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
;;= To SCROLL RIGHT, press the ARROW RIGHT key.
;;= To SCROLL LEFT, press the ARROW LEFT key.
;;= Try pressing these keys at this time and observe the behavior. Get a
;;= feel for 'browsing' through a document. Press the arrow down key a
;;= few times, then press the arrow up key. Also notice that the 'Line>'
;;= and 'Screen>' indicator numbers are changing. To see more of this
;;= text keep pressing the ARROW DOWN key. Now try the arrow right key,
;;= then the arrow left key. Notice that the 'Col>' indicator number is
;;= also changing. This shows what column the left most edge of the
;;= document is on. As you can see, the VA FileMan Browser is like a
;;= window placed over a document. You are in control of this window
;;= which moves over the document by pressing the functional key
;;= sequences. Here are a few more functions.
;;= To PAGE DOWN one screen at one time, press the NEXT SCREEN key, PAGE
;;= DOWN or F1 followed by the ARROW DOWN key, depending on what kind of
;;= CRT or workstation that is being used.
;;= To PAGE UP one screen at one time, press the PREV SCREEN key, PAGE UP
;;= or F1 followed by the ARROW UP key, depending on what kind of CRT or
;;= workstation that is being used.
;;= To return to the TOP, back to the beginning of the document, press
;;= the <PF1> key followed by the letter 'T'.
;;= To go to the BOTTOM, end of the document, press the <PF1> key
;;= followed by the letter 'B'.
;;= To GOTO a specific screen, line or column press the <PF1> key
;;= followed by the letter 'G'. This will cause a prompt to be displayed
;;= where a screen, line or column number can be entered preceded by a
;;= 'S' , 'L' or 'C'. The default is screen, meaning that the 'S' is
;;= optional when entering a screen number. 10 or S10 will go to screen
;;= 10, if screen 10 is a valid screen. L99 will go to line 99 and C33
;;= will go to column 33.
;;= To FIND a string of characters, on a line, press the <PF1> key
;;= followed by the letter 'F' or 'FIND' key. A prompt will appear where
;;= a search string of characters can be entered. The Find facility will
;;= search the document and immediately stop when it finds a match and
;;= 'Goto' the line/screen. The matched text will be highlighted in
;;= reverse video, if available, so it can be found easily. However, if
;;= a string contains two or more words, matching will only be done if
;;= the words are found on the same line. The default direction of the
;;= search is down. This can be controlled by using the ARROW UP or
;;= ARROW DOWN keys instead of the RETURN key to terminate the search
;;= string.
;;= To, NEXT FIND, find the next occurrence of the same search string,
;;= press the letter 'N' or <PF1> followed by the letter 'N'. The FIND
;;= facility keeps track of the last find string including the direction
;;= and continues searching through the document and brings up the next
;;= screen. If no match is found a message appears indicating this and
;;= the screen is repainted at it's original location.
;;= To rePAINT the screen, press the <PF1> key followed by the letter
;;= 'P'.
;;= To PRINT the current document, press <PF1><PF1> followed by the
;;= letter 'P'. You will be prompted whether to print a header on each
;;= page, whether to wrap the text at word bounaries, whether to
;;= interpret wp windows (|), and for a DEVICE to print to.
;;= To SWITCH to another document press the <PF1> key followed by the
;;= letter 'S'. This will allow the selection of another file, (wp)field
;;= and entry. The document is put on an active list and Browse
;;= switches to the newly selected document. Subsequent use of Switch
;;= will allow choosing from the active list if desired or branch to
;;= select file, (wp)field and entry prompts. This function CAN BE
;;= RESTRICTED depending on how the running application calls the Browser
;;= utility.
;;= To RETURN to the previous document after using Switch or Help, press
--- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HDINIT00Q 7618 printed Jan 18, 2025@03:50:51 Page 2
+1 ;;22.2;VA FileMan;;Jan 05, 2016;Build 42
+2 ;;Per VA Directive 6402, this routine should not be modified.
+3 ;;Submitted to OSEHRA 5 January 2015 by the VISTA Expertise Network.
+4 ;;Based on Medsphere Systems Corporation's MSC FileMan 1051.
+5 ;;Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
+6 ;
+7 FOR I=1:2
if X=""
SET Y=$EXTRACT($TEXT(Q+I+1),4,999)
if $ASCII(Y)=126
SET Y=$EXTRACT(Y,2,999)_$EXTRACT($TEXT(Q+I+1),5,99)
if $ASCII(Y)=61
+1 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,85,0)
+2 ;;= To SCROLL RIGHT, press the ARROW RIGHT key.
+3 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,86,0)
+4 ;;=
+5 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,87,0)
+6 ;;= To SCROLL LEFT, press the ARROW LEFT key.
+7 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,88,0)
+8 ;;=
+9 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,89,0)
+10 ;;= Try pressing these keys at this time and observe the behavior. Get a
+11 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,90,0)
+12 ;;= feel for 'browsing' through a document. Press the arrow down key a
+13 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,91,0)
+14 ;;= few times, then press the arrow up key. Also notice that the 'Line>'
+15 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,92,0)
+16 ;;= and 'Screen>' indicator numbers are changing. To see more of this
+17 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,93,0)
+18 ;;= text keep pressing the ARROW DOWN key. Now try the arrow right key,
+19 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,94,0)
+20 ;;= then the arrow left key. Notice that the 'Col>' indicator number is
+21 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,95,0)
+22 ;;= also changing. This shows what column the left most edge of the
+23 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,96,0)
+24 ;;= document is on. As you can see, the VA FileMan Browser is like a
+25 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,97,0)
+26 ;;= window placed over a document. You are in control of this window
+27 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,98,0)
+28 ;;= which moves over the document by pressing the functional key
+29 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,99,0)
+30 ;;= sequences. Here are a few more functions.
+31 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,100,0)
+32 ;;=
+33 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,101,0)
+34 ;;= To PAGE DOWN one screen at one time, press the NEXT SCREEN key, PAGE
+35 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,102,0)
+36 ;;= DOWN or F1 followed by the ARROW DOWN key, depending on what kind of
+37 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,103,0)
+38 ;;= CRT or workstation that is being used.
+39 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,104,0)
+40 ;;=
+41 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,105,0)
+42 ;;= To PAGE UP one screen at one time, press the PREV SCREEN key, PAGE UP
+43 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,106,0)
+44 ;;= or F1 followed by the ARROW UP key, depending on what kind of CRT or
+45 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,107,0)
+46 ;;= workstation that is being used.
+47 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,108,0)
+48 ;;=
+49 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,109,0)
+50 ;;= To return to the TOP, back to the beginning of the document, press
+51 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,110,0)
+52 ;;= the <PF1> key followed by the letter 'T'.
+53 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,111,0)
+54 ;;=
+55 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,112,0)
+56 ;;= To go to the BOTTOM, end of the document, press the <PF1> key
+57 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,113,0)
+58 ;;= followed by the letter 'B'.
+59 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,114,0)
+60 ;;=
+61 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,115,0)
+62 ;;= To GOTO a specific screen, line or column press the <PF1> key
+63 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,116,0)
+64 ;;= followed by the letter 'G'. This will cause a prompt to be displayed
+65 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,117,0)
+66 ;;= where a screen, line or column number can be entered preceded by a
+67 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,118,0)
+68 ;;= 'S' , 'L' or 'C'. The default is screen, meaning that the 'S' is
+69 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,119,0)
+70 ;;= optional when entering a screen number. 10 or S10 will go to screen
+71 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,120,0)
+72 ;;= 10, if screen 10 is a valid screen. L99 will go to line 99 and C33
+73 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,121,0)
+74 ;;= will go to column 33.
+75 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,122,0)
+76 ;;=
+77 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,123,0)
+78 ;;= To FIND a string of characters, on a line, press the <PF1> key
+79 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,124,0)
+80 ;;= followed by the letter 'F' or 'FIND' key. A prompt will appear where
+81 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,125,0)
+82 ;;= a search string of characters can be entered. The Find facility will
+83 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,126,0)
+84 ;;= search the document and immediately stop when it finds a match and
+85 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,127,0)
+86 ;;= 'Goto' the line/screen. The matched text will be highlighted in
+87 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,128,0)
+88 ;;= reverse video, if available, so it can be found easily. However, if
+89 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,129,0)
+90 ;;= a string contains two or more words, matching will only be done if
+91 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,130,0)
+92 ;;= the words are found on the same line. The default direction of the
+93 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,131,0)
+94 ;;= search is down. This can be controlled by using the ARROW UP or
+95 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,132,0)
+96 ;;= ARROW DOWN keys instead of the RETURN key to terminate the search
+97 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,133,0)
+98 ;;= string.
+99 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,134,0)
+100 ;;=
+101 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,135,0)
+102 ;;= To, NEXT FIND, find the next occurrence of the same search string,
+103 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,136,0)
+104 ;;= press the letter 'N' or <PF1> followed by the letter 'N'. The FIND
+105 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,137,0)
+106 ;;= facility keeps track of the last find string including the direction
+107 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,138,0)
+108 ;;= and continues searching through the document and brings up the next
+109 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,139,0)
+110 ;;= screen. If no match is found a message appears indicating this and
+111 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,140,0)
+112 ;;= the screen is repainted at it's original location.
+113 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,141,0)
+114 ;;=
+115 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,142,0)
+116 ;;= To rePAINT the screen, press the <PF1> key followed by the letter
+117 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,143,0)
+118 ;;= 'P'.
+119 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,144,0)
+120 ;;=
+121 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,145,0)
+122 ;;= To PRINT the current document, press <PF1><PF1> followed by the
+123 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,146,0)
+124 ;;= letter 'P'. You will be prompted whether to print a header on each
+125 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,147,0)
+126 ;;= page, whether to wrap the text at word bounaries, whether to
+127 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,148,0)
+128 ;;= interpret wp windows (|), and for a DEVICE to print to.
+129 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,149,0)
+130 ;;=
+131 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,150,0)
+132 ;;= To SWITCH to another document press the <PF1> key followed by the
+133 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,151,0)
+134 ;;= letter 'S'. This will allow the selection of another file, (wp)field
+135 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,152,0)
+136 ;;= and entry. The document is put on an active list and Browse
+137 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,153,0)
+138 ;;= switches to the newly selected document. Subsequent use of Switch
+139 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,154,0)
+140 ;;= will allow choosing from the active list if desired or branch to
+141 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,155,0)
+142 ;;= select file, (wp)field and entry prompts. This function CAN BE
+143 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,156,0)
+144 ;;= RESTRICTED depending on how the running application calls the Browser
+145 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,157,0)
+146 ;;= utility.
+147 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,158,0)
+148 ;;=
+149 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9201,2,159,0)
+150 ;;= To RETURN to the previous document after using Switch or Help, press