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Routine: DINIT00T


Go to the documentation of this file.
 ;;22.2;VA FileMan;;Jan 05, 2016;Build 42
 ;;Per VA Directive 6402, this routine should not be modified.
 ;;Submitted to OSEHRA 5 January 2015 by the VISTA Expertise Network.
 ;;Based on Medsphere Systems Corporation's MSC FileMan 1051.
 ;;Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
 F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X=""  S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
 ;;='S' is optional when entering a screen number. 10 or S10 will Goto screen 10,
 ;;=if screen 10 is a valid screen. L99 will go to line 99.
 ;;=To change the content of the Title Bar, press <PF1> <PF1> ARROW DOWN or ARROW
 ;;=UP. This function replaces the content of the Title Bar with the text in the
 ;;=body of the document. Users with programmer access can also use <PF4> 'T', to
 ;;=permanently change the title of a hypertext document.
 ;;=To copy text to VA FileMan's Clipboard, press <PF1><PF1>C. This open up a
 ;;=dialog screen and prompts for a line or range of lines to copy or append to the
 ;;=clipboard. A range of lines are represented by two numeric values separated by
 ;;=a colon (:), the wild card (*) may also be used if the entire text is
 ;;=desired.  To append to the existing clipboard text, enter the letter 'A'
 ;;=as the last character, when entering the range of lines to copy.  This
 ;;=text is then retrieved for word-processing fields, when using VA FileMan's
 ;;=Screen Editor.
 ;;=To SPLIT SCREEN, while in Full (Browse Region) Screen mode, press <PF2>
 ;;=followed by the letter 'S'. This causes the screen to split into two separate
 ;;=scroll regions.
 ;;=To navigate to the bottom screen, while in Split Screen mode, press <PF2>
 ;;=followed by pressing the DOWN ARROW key.
 ;;=To navigate to the top screen, while in Split Screen mode, press <PF2> followed
 ;;=by pressing the UP ARRAY key.
 ;;=To return to FULL SCREEN mode, while in Split Screen mode, press <PF2> followed
 ;;=by the letter 'F'. This causes the entire browse region to return to one Full
 ;;=(Browse) Screen scroll region.
 ;;=The BOTTOM STATUS LINE shows that the Browser is in hypertext mode. It
 ;;=indicates the line numbers that correspond to the bottom text line on the
 ;;=screen, in the display text section, and provides the total line count. The
 ;;=screen indicator shows what screen the last line is on and also provides the
 ;;=total number of screens.
 ;;=<<<Press 'R' or <PF1>'E' to exit this help document>>>
 ;;=Screen 1 of Screen Editor help.
 ;;=                                                           \BHelp Screen 1 of 4\n
 ;;=   Incremental movement            Arrow keys
 ;;=   One word left and right         <Ctrl-J> and <Ctrl-L>
 ;;=   Next tab stop to the right      <Tab>
 ;;=   Jump left and right             <PF1><Left> and <PF1><Right>
 ;;=   Beginning and end of line       <PF1><PF1><Left> and <PF1><PF1><Right>
 ;;=                                      or:  <Find> and <Select>
 ;;=                                      or:  <Home> and <End>
 ;;=   Screen up or down               <PF1><Up> and <PF1><Down>
 ;;=                                      or:  <Prev Scr> and <Next Scr>
 ;;=                                      or:  <Page Up>  and <Page Down>
 ;;=   Top or bottom of document       <PF1>T and <PF1>B
 ;;=   Go to a specific location       <PF1>G
 ;;=Screen 2 of Screen Editor help.
 ;;=                                                           \BHelp Screen 2 of 4\n
 ;;=   Exit and save text              <PF1>E
 ;;=   Quit with optional save         <PF1>Q  or  <Ctrl-E>
 ;;=   Exit, save, and switch editors  <PF1>A
 ;;=   Save without exiting            <PF1>S
 ;;=   Enter minutes for AutoSave      <PF1><PF1>S
 ;;=   Character before cursor         <Backspace>
 ;;=   Character at cursor             <PF4>  or  <Remove>  or  <Delete>
 ;;=   From cursor to end of word      <Ctrl-W>
 ;;=   From cursor to end of line      <PF1><PF2>
 ;;=   Entire line                     <PF1>D
 ;;=Screen 3 of Screen Editor help.