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Routine: DINIT00V


Go to the documentation of this file.
 ;;22.2;VA FileMan;;Jan 05, 2016;Build 42
 ;;Per VA Directive 6402, this routine should not be modified.
 ;;Submitted to OSEHRA 5 January 2015 by the VISTA Expertise Network.
 ;;Based on Medsphere Systems Corporation's MSC FileMan 1051.
 ;;Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
 F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X=""  S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
 ;;=Command      Shortcut      Description
 ;;=-------      --------      -----------
 ;;=EXIT         see below    Exit form
 ;;=CLOSE        <PF1>C        Close window and return to previous level
 ;;=SAVE         <PF1>S        Save changes
 ;;=NEXT PAGE    <PF1><Down>   Go to next page
 ;;=REFRESH      <PF1>R        Repaint screen
 ;;=\BOther Shortcut Keys\n
 ;;=Exit form and save changes             <PF1>E
 ;;=Quit form without saving changes       <PF1>Q
 ;;=Invoke Record Selection Page           <PF1>L
 ;;=Print screen (including all multiples) <PF1>P
 ;;=ScreenMan help for MOUSE
 ;;=Click on: - Field CAPTION, or data window, to JUMP to that Field 
 ;;=          - BOTTOM line (left), to EXIT, SAVE, or QUIT
 ;;=          - CURSOR to get Help for this field
 ;;=          - "+" signs at left top or bottom of scrolling region
 ;;=          - INSERT (bottom right), to change typing mode to character-replace
 ;;=Help Screen 1 of Form Editor help.
 ;;=                                                          \BHelp Screen 1 of 9\n
 ;;=Press    To move              |  Press         To move
 ;;=<Up>     Up one line          |  <PF1><Up>     To top of screen
 ;;=<Down>   Down one line        |  <PF1><Down>   To bottom of screen
 ;;=<Right>  Right one character  |  <PF1><Right>  To right edge of screen
 ;;=<Left>   Left one character   |  <PF1><Left>   To left edge of screen
 ;;=<Tab>    To next element
 ;;=Q        To previous element
 ;;=S        Right 5 characters
 ;;=A        Left 5 characters
 ;;=Press    To
 ;;=<PF1>S   Save changes
 ;;=<PF1>E   Save changes and exit the Form Editor
 ;;=<PF1>Q   Quit the Form Editor without saving changes
 ;;=Help Screen 2 of Form Editor.
 ;;=                                                          \BHelp Screen 2 of 9\n
 ;;=To "select" a screen element, position the cursor over the element and
 ;;=press <SpaceBar> or <Enter>.  This process is abbreviated <SelectElement>.
 ;;=Press            To
 ;;=<SelectElement>  Select a screen element
 ;;=Once an element is selected, you can drag it around the screen by using
 ;;=the navigational keys.  You cannot drag an element beyond the boundaries
 ;;=of the block on which it is defined.
 ;;=If you press <SpaceBar> or <Enter> over the caption of an element, both
 ;;=the caption and data portion of the element, if one exists, are selected.
 ;;=If you press <SpaceBar> or <Enter> over the data portion of an element,
 ;;=only the data portion is selected and can be dragged independently of the
 ;;=caption.  Press <SpaceBar> or <Enter> again to deselect the element.
 ;;=Help Screen 3 of Form Editor.
 ;;=                                                          \BHelp Screen 3 of 9\n
 ;;=Press                 To
 ;;=<SelectElement><PF4>  Edit element properties
 ;;=You will then be taken into a ScreenMan form where the properties of the
 ;;=element can be edited.
 ;;=The Form Editor uses ScreenMan forms as a kind of modal dialog box.  The
 ;;=changes you make within the forms are permanent; that is, if from a
 ;;=ScreenMan form you edit the properties of an element, use <PF1>E to save
 ;;=and exit the form, and then use <PF1>Q to quit the Form Editor, the
 ;;=changes you made to the properties of the element will remain.
 ;;=Help Screen 4 of Form Editor.