;;22.2;VA FileMan;**2**;Jan 05, 2016;Build 139
;;Per VA Directive 6402, this routine should not be modified.
;;Submitted to OSEHRA 5 January 2015 by the VISTA Expertise Network.
;;Based on Medsphere Systems Corporation's MSC FileMan 1051.
;;Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
;;=This file stores ScreenMan blocks, which are used to build forms in the
;;=Form file.
;;=NAME^RFX^^0;1^K:$L(X)>30!($L(X)<3)!(X?1P.E)!(X=+$P(X,"E")) X I $D(X),$S($D(DDS)&$G(DA):$P($G(^DIST(.404,DA,0)),U)'=X,1:1),$D(^DIST(.404,"B",X)) K X
;;=S ^DIST(.404,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
;;=K ^DIST(.404,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
;;=Answer must be 3-30 characters in length.
;;=Enter the name of the block, 3-30 characters in length. The block name
;;=must be unique and cannot be numeric or start with punctuation.
;;=I '$D(DDSDEL) D EN^DDIOL($C(7)_"You must use the FileMan options to delete blocks.") I 1
;;=DATA DICTIONARY NUMBER^FX^^0;2^K:X'=+$P(X,"E")!(X<2)!($L(X)>16)!'$D(^DD(X))&(X'?1".81".N) X
;;=Answer must be 1-16 characters in length.
;;=Enter the data dictionary number of the file or subfile that contains the
;;=fields that are placed on this block. A block can contain fields from
;;=only one file or subfile.
;;=Enter 'YES' if navigation within the block should be disabled. When
;;=navigation is disabled, user cannot ^-jump to other fields, they cannot
;;=^-jump to the Command Line, and the <Up>, <Down>, <Tab>, and <F4> keys
;;=traverse the fields in the same order as the <RET> key -- that is, in the
;;=order established by the Field Order property of the fields.
;;=Enter 'OUTOK' to disable navigation, but allow the user to ^-jump to the
;;=Command Line.
;;=PRE ACTION^K^^11;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
;;=Enter standard MUMPS code that will be executed when the user navigates to the block.
;;=This is MUMPS code that is executed when the user navigates to the
;;=This pre-action is part of the block definition itself, so if this
;;=block is used on another page or another form, the pre-action still
;;=POST ACTION^K^^12;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
;;=Enter standard MUMPS that will be executed when the user leaves the block.
;;=This is MUMPS code that is executed when the user leaves the block.
;;=This post-action is part of the block definition itself, so if the
;;=block is used on another page or on another form, the post-action still
;;=Enter text that describes this block.
;;=D EN^DDIOL($S($P(^(0),U,2)?1"Select "1.E:$E($P(^(0),U,2),8,999),1:$S($P(^(0),U,2)="!M":$G(^(.1)),1:$P(^(0),U,2)))_$S($P(^(0),U,4)]"":" ("_$P(^(0),U,4)_")",1:""),"","?9")
;;=D EN^DDIOL($S($P($G(^(7)),U,2):" (Sub Page Link defined)",1:"")_$S($G(^(1)):" (Field #"_^(1)_")",1:"")_$S($P(^(0),U,5)]"":" ("_$P(^(0),U,5)_")",1:""),"","?0")
;;=FIELD ORDER^MNJ4,1X^^0;1^K:X'=+$P(X,"E")!(X>99.9)!(X<0)!(X?.E1"."2N.N) X I $D(X),$D(^DIST(.404,DA(1),40,"B",X)) K X
;;=S ^DIST(.404,DA(1),40,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
;;=K ^DIST(.404,DA(1),40,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
;;=Enter a unique number between 0 and 99.9, inclusive, which represents the order in which the fields will be edited.
;;=The Field Order number determines the order in which users traverse the
;;=fields in the block as they press <RET>.
;;=CAPTION^FX^^0;2^K:$L(X)>80!($L(X)<1) X S:$E($G(X))="!"&($G(X)'="!M") X=$$FUNC^DDSCAP(X)
;;=S:X'="!M" ^DIST(.404,DA(1),40,"C",$$UP^DILIBF($E($S(X?1"Select "1.E:$P(X,"Select ",2,99),1:X),1,63)),DA)=""
;;=K:X'="!M" ^DIST(.404,DA(1),40,"C",$$UP^DILIBF($E($S(X?1"Select "1.E:$P(X,"Select ",2,99),1:X),1,63)),DA)
;;=Programmer only
;;=This cross referenced is used to allow selection of fields by caption name
;;=as well as by order number when entering new fields in the block.
--- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HDINIT295 6992 printed Jan 18, 2025@03:52:17 Page 2
+1 ;;22.2;VA FileMan;**2**;Jan 05, 2016;Build 139
+2 ;;Per VA Directive 6402, this routine should not be modified.
+3 ;;Submitted to OSEHRA 5 January 2015 by the VISTA Expertise Network.
+4 ;;Based on Medsphere Systems Corporation's MSC FileMan 1051.
+5 ;;Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
+6 ;
+7 ;
+8 ;
+9 ;
+10 ;
+11 FOR I=1:2
if X=""
SET Y=$EXTRACT($TEXT(Q+I+1),4,999)
if $ASCII(Y)=126
SET Y=$EXTRACT(Y,2,999)_$EXTRACT($TEXT(Q+I+1),5,99)
if $ASCII(Y)=61
+12 GOTO ^DINIT296
+1 ;;^DIC(.404,0,"GL")
+2 ;;=^DIST(.404,
+3 ;;^DIC("B","BLOCK",.404)
+4 ;;=
+5 ;;^DIC(.404,"%D",0)
+6 ;;=^^2^2^2940914^
+7 ;;^DIC(.404,"%D",1,0)
+8 ;;=This file stores ScreenMan blocks, which are used to build forms in the
+9 ;;^DIC(.404,"%D",2,0)
+10 ;;=Form file.
+11 ;;^DD(.404,0)
+12 ;;=FIELD^^40^7
+13 ;;^DD(.404,0,"DT")
+14 ;;=2940625
+15 ;;^DD(.404,0,"IX","B",.404,.01)
+16 ;;=
+17 ;;^DD(.404,0,"NM","BLOCK")
+18 ;;=
+19 ;;^DD(.404,0,"PT",.4031,1)
+20 ;;=
+21 ;;^DD(.404,0,"PT",.4032,.01)
+22 ;;=
+23 ;;^DD(.404,.01,0)
+24 ;;=NAME^RFX^^0;1^K:$L(X)>30!($L(X)<3)!(X?1P.E)!(X=+$P(X,"E")) X I $D(X),$S($D(DDS)&$G(DA):$P($G(^DIST(.404,DA,0)),U)'=X,1:1),$D(^DIST(.404,"B",X)) K X
+25 ;;^DD(.404,.01,1,0)
+26 ;;=^.1
+27 ;;^DD(.404,.01,1,1,0)
+28 ;;=.404^B
+29 ;;^DD(.404,.01,1,1,1)
+30 ;;=S ^DIST(.404,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
+31 ;;^DD(.404,.01,1,1,2)
+32 ;;=K ^DIST(.404,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
+33 ;;^DD(.404,.01,1,1,"DT")
+34 ;;=2900912
+35 ;;^DD(.404,.01,3)
+36 ;;=Answer must be 3-30 characters in length.
+37 ;;^DD(.404,.01,21,0)
+38 ;;=^^2^2^2940907^^
+39 ;;^DD(.404,.01,21,1,0)
+40 ;;=Enter the name of the block, 3-30 characters in length. The block name
+41 ;;^DD(.404,.01,21,2,0)
+42 ;;=must be unique and cannot be numeric or start with punctuation.
+43 ;;^DD(.404,.01,"DEL",1,0)
+44 ;;=I '$D(DDSDEL) D EN^DDIOL($C(7)_"You must use the FileMan options to delete blocks.") I 1
+45 ;;^DD(.404,.01,"DT")
+46 ;;=2931020
+47 ;;^DD(.404,1,0)
+48 ;;=DATA DICTIONARY NUMBER^FX^^0;2^K:X'=+$P(X,"E")!(X<2)!($L(X)>16)!'$D(^DD(X))&(X'?1".81".N) X
+49 ;;^DD(.404,1,3)
+50 ;;=Answer must be 1-16 characters in length.
+51 ;;^DD(.404,1,21,0)
+52 ;;=^^3^3^2940907^
+53 ;;^DD(.404,1,21,1,0)
+54 ;;=Enter the data dictionary number of the file or subfile that contains the
+55 ;;^DD(.404,1,21,2,0)
+56 ;;=fields that are placed on this block. A block can contain fields from
+57 ;;^DD(.404,1,21,3,0)
+58 ;;=only one file or subfile.
+59 ;;^DD(.404,1,"DT")
+60 ;;=3151102
+61 ;;^DD(.404,2,0)
+63 ;;^DD(.404,2,3)
+64 ;;=
+65 ;;^DD(.404,2,21,0)
+66 ;;=^^8^8^2940907^^
+67 ;;^DD(.404,2,21,1,0)
+68 ;;=Enter 'YES' if navigation within the block should be disabled. When
+69 ;;^DD(.404,2,21,2,0)
+70 ;;=navigation is disabled, user cannot ^-jump to other fields, they cannot
+71 ;;^DD(.404,2,21,3,0)
+72 ;;=^-jump to the Command Line, and the <Up>, <Down>, <Tab>, and <F4> keys
+73 ;;^DD(.404,2,21,4,0)
+74 ;;=traverse the fields in the same order as the <RET> key -- that is, in the
+75 ;;^DD(.404,2,21,5,0)
+76 ;;=order established by the Field Order property of the fields.
+77 ;;^DD(.404,2,21,6,0)
+78 ;;=
+79 ;;^DD(.404,2,21,7,0)
+80 ;;=Enter 'OUTOK' to disable navigation, but allow the user to ^-jump to the
+81 ;;^DD(.404,2,21,8,0)
+82 ;;=Command Line.
+83 ;;^DD(.404,11,0)
+84 ;;=PRE ACTION^K^^11;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
+85 ;;^DD(.404,11,3)
+86 ;;=Enter standard MUMPS code that will be executed when the user navigates to the block.
+87 ;;^DD(.404,11,9)
+88 ;;=@
+89 ;;^DD(.404,11,21,0)
+90 ;;=^^6^6^2940907^^
+91 ;;^DD(.404,11,21,1,0)
+92 ;;=This is MUMPS code that is executed when the user navigates to the
+93 ;;^DD(.404,11,21,2,0)
+94 ;;=block.
+95 ;;^DD(.404,11,21,3,0)
+96 ;;=
+97 ;;^DD(.404,11,21,4,0)
+98 ;;=This pre-action is part of the block definition itself, so if this
+99 ;;^DD(.404,11,21,5,0)
+100 ;;=block is used on another page or another form, the pre-action still
+101 ;;^DD(.404,11,21,6,0)
+102 ;;=applies.
+103 ;;^DD(.404,12,0)
+104 ;;=POST ACTION^K^^12;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
+105 ;;^DD(.404,12,3)
+106 ;;=Enter standard MUMPS that will be executed when the user leaves the block.
+107 ;;^DD(.404,12,9)
+108 ;;=@
+109 ;;^DD(.404,12,21,0)
+110 ;;=^^5^5^2940907^^
+111 ;;^DD(.404,12,21,1,0)
+112 ;;=This is MUMPS code that is executed when the user leaves the block.
+113 ;;^DD(.404,12,21,2,0)
+114 ;;=
+115 ;;^DD(.404,12,21,3,0)
+116 ;;=This post-action is part of the block definition itself, so if the
+117 ;;^DD(.404,12,21,4,0)
+118 ;;=block is used on another page or on another form, the post-action still
+119 ;;^DD(.404,12,21,5,0)
+120 ;;=applies.
+121 ;;^DD(.404,15,0)
+122 ;;=DESCRIPTION^.40415^^15;0
+123 ;;^DD(.404,40,0)
+124 ;;=FIELD^.4044I^^40;0
+125 ;;^DD(.40415,0)
+127 ;;^DD(.40415,0,"NM","DESCRIPTION")
+128 ;;=
+129 ;;^DD(.40415,0,"UP")
+130 ;;=.404
+131 ;;^DD(.40415,.01,0)
+132 ;;=DESCRIPTION^W^^0;1^Q
+133 ;;^DD(.40415,.01,3)
+134 ;;=
+135 ;;^DD(.40415,.01,21,0)
+136 ;;=^^1^1^2940908^^^
+137 ;;^DD(.40415,.01,21,1,0)
+138 ;;=Enter text that describes this block.
+139 ;;^DD(.4044,0)
+140 ;;=FIELD SUB-FIELD^^30^33
+141 ;;^DD(.4044,0,"ID","WRITE")
+142 ;;=D EN^DDIOL($S($P(^(0),U,2)?1"Select "1.E:$E($P(^(0),U,2),8,999),1:$S($P(^(0),U,2)="!M":$G(^(.1)),1:$P(^(0),U,2)))_$S($P(^(0),U,4)]"":" ("_$P(^(0),U,4)_")",1:""),"","?9")
+143 ;;^DD(.4044,0,"ID","WRITE1")
+144 ;;=D EN^DDIOL($S($P($G(^(7)),U,2):" (Sub Page Link defined)",1:"")_$S($G(^(1)):" (Field #"_^(1)_")",1:"")_$S($P(^(0),U,5)]"":" ("_$P(^(0),U,5)_")",1:""),"","?0")
+145 ;;^DD(.4044,0,"IX","B",.4044,.01)
+146 ;;=
+147 ;;^DD(.4044,0,"IX","C",.4044,1)
+148 ;;=
+149 ;;^DD(.4044,0,"IX","D",.4044,3.1)
+150 ;;=
+151 ;;^DD(.4044,0,"NM","FIELD")
+152 ;;=
+153 ;;^DD(.4044,0,"UP")
+154 ;;=.404
+155 ;;^DD(.4044,.01,0)
+156 ;;=FIELD ORDER^MNJ4,1X^^0;1^K:X'=+$P(X,"E")!(X>99.9)!(X<0)!(X?.E1"."2N.N) X I $D(X),$D(^DIST(.404,DA(1),40,"B",X)) K X
+157 ;;^DD(.4044,.01,1,0)
+158 ;;=^.1
+159 ;;^DD(.4044,.01,1,1,0)
+160 ;;=.4044^B
+161 ;;^DD(.4044,.01,1,1,1)
+162 ;;=S ^DIST(.404,DA(1),40,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
+163 ;;^DD(.4044,.01,1,1,2)
+164 ;;=K ^DIST(.404,DA(1),40,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
+165 ;;^DD(.4044,.01,3)
+166 ;;=Enter a unique number between 0 and 99.9, inclusive, which represents the order in which the fields will be edited.
+167 ;;^DD(.4044,.01,21,0)
+168 ;;=^^2^2^2940907^
+169 ;;^DD(.4044,.01,21,1,0)
+170 ;;=The Field Order number determines the order in which users traverse the
+171 ;;^DD(.4044,.01,21,2,0)
+172 ;;=fields in the block as they press <RET>.
+173 ;;^DD(.4044,1,0)
+174 ;;=CAPTION^FX^^0;2^K:$L(X)>80!($L(X)<1) X S:$E($G(X))="!"&($G(X)'="!M") X=$$FUNC^DDSCAP(X)
+175 ;;^DD(.4044,1,1,0)
+176 ;;=^.1^^-1
+177 ;;^DD(.4044,1,1,2,0)
+178 ;;=.4044^C^MUMPS
+179 ;;^DD(.4044,1,1,2,1)
+180 ;;=S:X'="!M" ^DIST(.404,DA(1),40,"C",$$UP^DILIBF($E($S(X?1"Select "1.E:$P(X,"Select ",2,99),1:X),1,63)),DA)=""
+181 ;;^DD(.4044,1,1,2,2)
+182 ;;=K:X'="!M" ^DIST(.404,DA(1),40,"C",$$UP^DILIBF($E($S(X?1"Select "1.E:$P(X,"Select ",2,99),1:X),1,63)),DA)
+183 ;;^DD(.4044,1,1,2,3)
+184 ;;=Programmer only
+185 ;;^DD(.4044,1,1,2,"%D",0)
+186 ;;=^^2^2^2931029^^^^
+187 ;;^DD(.4044,1,1,2,"%D",1,0)
+188 ;;=This cross referenced is used to allow selection of fields by caption name
+189 ;;^DD(.4044,1,1,2,"%D",2,0)
+190 ;;=as well as by order number when entering new fields in the block.