- ;;22.2;VA FileMan;;Jan 05, 2016;Build 42
- ;;Per VA Directive 6402, this routine should not be modified.
- ;;Submitted to OSEHRA 5 January 2015 by the VISTA Expertise Network.
- ;;Based on Medsphere Systems Corporation's MSC FileMan 1051.
- ;;Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
- ;
- F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
- G ^DINIT298
- Q Q
- ;;^DD(.4044,5.1,1,0)
- ;;=^.1^^0
- ;;^DD(.4044,5.1,3)
- ;;=Enter the caption coordinate relative to the block. Answer must be two positive integers separated by a comma (,), as follows: 'Row,Column'.
- ;;^DD(.4044,5.1,21,0)
- ;;=^^2^2^2940907^^
- ;;^DD(.4044,5.1,21,1,0)
- ;;=Caption coordinate is relative to the position of the block. The
- ;;^DD(.4044,5.1,21,2,0)
- ;;=top left corner of the block has coordinate 1,1.
- ;;^DD(.4044,5.1,"DT")
- ;;=2940908
- ;;^DD(.4044,5.2,0)
- ;;^DD(.4044,5.2,1,0)
- ;;=^.1^^0
- ;;^DD(.4044,5.2,3)
- ;;=
- ;;^DD(.4044,5.2,21,0)
- ;;=^^2^2^2940907^^
- ;;^DD(.4044,5.2,21,1,0)
- ;;=Enter 'YES' to suppress the display of a colon and space after the
- ;;^DD(.4044,5.2,21,2,0)
- ;;=caption.
- ;;^DD(.4044,5.2,"DT")
- ;;=2940629
- ;;^DD(.4044,6,0)
- ;;=DEFAULT^F^^3;1^K:X[""""!($A(X)=45) X I $D(X) K:$L(X)>245!($L(X)<1) X
- ;;^DD(.4044,6,3)
- ;;=Answer must be 1-245 characters in length.
- ;;^DD(.4044,6,21,0)
- ;;=^^8^8^2940907^
- ;;^DD(.4044,6,21,1,0)
- ;;=Enter the default you want displayed when the user first loads the page
- ;;^DD(.4044,6,21,2,0)
- ;;=on which this field is located, and the field's value is originally null.
- ;;^DD(.4044,6,21,3,0)
- ;;=Since ScreenMan validates the default, it must be valid, unambiguous, and
- ;;^DD(.4044,6,21,4,0)
- ;;=in external form; otherwise, it is not used.
- ;;^DD(.4044,6,21,5,0)
- ;;=
- ;;^DD(.4044,6,21,6,0)
- ;;=If you want to create an executable default, i.e., a default whose value
- ;;^DD(.4044,6,21,7,0)
- ;;=is determined at run time when the page is first loaded, the value of
- ;;^DD(.4044,6,21,8,0)
- ;;=this field must be "!M".
- ;;^DD(.4044,6,"DT")
- ;;=2920218
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.01,0)
- ;;=EXECUTABLE DEFAULT^K^^3.1;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.01,3)
- ;;=Enter standard MUMPS code that sets the variable Y.
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.01,9)
- ;;=@
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.01,21,0)
- ;;=^^4^4^2940907^
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.01,21,1,0)
- ;;=Enter MUMPS code that sets the variable Y equal to the default you want
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.01,21,2,0)
- ;;=displayed when the page is first loaded and the data value on file is
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.01,21,3,0)
- ;;=null. Y must be set to a valid, unambiguous user response; otherwise, it
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.01,21,4,0)
- ;;=is ignored.
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.01,"DT")
- ;;=2920218
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.1,0)
- ;;=REQUIRED^S^0:NO;1:YES;^4;1^Q
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.1,3)
- ;;=
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.1,21,0)
- ;;=^^5^5^2940907^
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.1,21,1,0)
- ;;=Whenever the user attempts a Save, ScreenMan checks all required fields
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.1,21,2,0)
- ;;=on all pages accessed during the editing session, as well as all pages
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.1,21,3,0)
- ;;=linked to the first page via the Next and Previous Page links. If any of
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.1,21,4,0)
- ;;=the required fields have null values, no Save occurs. You need not make a
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.1,21,5,0)
- ;;=field required that is already required by its data definition.
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.2,0)
- ;;=DUPLICATE^S^0:NO;1:YES;^4;2^Q
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.2,3)
- ;;=Enter 'YES' if the field value from the previous record can be duplicated with the 'spacebar-return' feature.
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.2,21,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2940629^
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.2,21,1,0)
- ;;=This field is not currently being used.
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.3,0)
- ;;=RIGHT JUSTIFY^S^0:NO;1:YES;^4;3^Q
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.3,21,0)
- ;;=^^2^2^2940907^
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.3,21,1,0)
- ;;=Enter 'YES' if the data for this field should be displayed right-justified
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.3,21,2,0)
- ;;=in the editing window.
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.3,"DT")
- ;;=2940625
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.4,0)
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.4,3)
- ;;=
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.4,21,0)
- ;;=^^3^3^2940907^^^
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.4,21,1,0)
- ;;=Enter 'YES' to disable editing and to prevent the user from navigating
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.4,21,2,0)
- ;;=to the field. Enter 'REACHABLE' to disable editing, but allow the user to
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.4,21,3,0)
- ;;=navigate to the field.
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.4,"DT")
- ;;=2940625
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.5,0)
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.5,3)
- ;;=
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.5,21,0)
- ;;=^^2^2^2931020^
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.5,21,1,0)
- ;;=Enter 'YES' to prohibit the user from adding new subentries into this
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.5,21,2,0)
- ;;=multiple. This question only pertains to multiple-valued fields.
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.6,0)
- ;;=ASK 'OK'^S^0:NO;1:YES;^4;6^Q
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.6,21,0)
- ;;=^^5^5^2990420^
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.6,21,1,0)
- ;;=Answer 'YES' to ask the user whether the looked-up entry is 'OK'. If only
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.6,21,2,0)
- ;;=one match is made to the user's lookup value, then ScreenMan will ask
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.6,21,3,0)
- ;;="OK?" instead of automatically selecting the found entry. This property
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.6,21,4,0)
- ;;=corresponds to the "V" flag in the DIC(0) input variable to ^DIC and only
- ;;^DD(.4044,6.6,21,5,0)
- ;;=pertains to multiple-valued fields.
- ;;^DD(.4044,8,0)
- ;;=SUB PAGE LINK^NJ5,1^^7;2^K:+X'=X!(X>999.9)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."2N.N) X
- ;;^DD(.4044,8,3)
- ;;=Enter the Page Number of the page to open up when the user presses <Return> at this field. Type a Number between 1 and 999.9, 1 Decimal Digit.
- ;;^DD(.4044,8,21,0)
- ;;=^^7^7^2940907^
- ;;^DD(.4044,8,21,1,0)
- ;;=If you wish to take users to a pop-up page when they press <RET> at
- ;;^DD(.4044,8,21,2,0)
- ;;=this field, enter the Page Number of that page. When users exit that
- ;;^DD(.4044,8,21,3,0)
- ;;=pop-up page, ScreenMan will automatically take them to the field following
- ;;^DD(.4044,8,21,4,0)
- ;;=this field.
- ;;^DD(.4044,8,21,5,0)
- ;;=
- ;;^DD(.4044,8,21,6,0)
- ;;=You can also use the Parent Field property of the pop-up page to link a
- ;;^DD(.4044,8,21,7,0)
- ;;=field to the pop-up page.
- ;;^DD(.4044,10,0)
- ;;=BRANCHING LOGIC^K^^10;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
- ;;^DD(.4044,10,3)
- ;;=Enter Standard MUMPS code, 1-245 characters in length.
- ;;^DD(.4044,10,9)
- ;;=@
- ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,0)
- ;;=^^18^18^2940907^
- ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,1,0)
- ;;=This MUMPS code is executed whenever the user presses <RET> at the
- ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,2,0)
- ;;=field. Here you can set DDSBR equal to the field, block, and page,
- ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,3,0)
- ;;=separated by up-arrow delimiters, of the field to which you wish to take
- ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,4,0)
- ;;=users when they press <RET>. For example,
- ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,5,0)
- ;;=
- ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,6,0)
- ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,7,0)
- ;;=
- ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,8,0)
- ;;=would take the user to the field with unique name or caption "TEST FIELD
- ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,9,0)
- ;;=1" on the block named "TEST BLOCK 1" on a page named "TEST PAGE 2".
- ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,10,0)
- ;;=
- ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,11,0)
- ;;=Alternatively, if you wish to take users to another page when they press
- ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,12,0)
- ;;=<RET> at this field, and then when they close that page, automatically
- ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,13,0)
- ;;=take them to the field immediately following this field, you can set
- ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,14,0)
- ;;=DDSSTACK equal to the page name or number of that page.
- ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,15,0)
- ;;=
- --- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HDINIT297 7749 printed Jan 18, 2025@03:52:19 Page 2
- +1 ;;22.2;VA FileMan;;Jan 05, 2016;Build 42
- +2 ;;Per VA Directive 6402, this routine should not be modified.
- +3 ;;Submitted to OSEHRA 5 January 2015 by the VISTA Expertise Network.
- +4 ;;Based on Medsphere Systems Corporation's MSC FileMan 1051.
- +5 ;;Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
- +6 ;
- +7 FOR I=1:2
- if X=""
- SET Y=$EXTRACT($TEXT(Q+I+1),4,999)
- SET X=$EXTRACT(X,4,999)
- if $ASCII(Y)=126
- SET I=I+1
- SET Y=$EXTRACT(Y,2,999)_$EXTRACT($TEXT(Q+I+1),5,99)
- if $ASCII(Y)=61
- SET Y=$EXTRACT(Y,2,999)
- SET @X=Y
- +8 GOTO ^DINIT298
- +1 ;;^DD(.4044,5.1,1,0)
- +2 ;;=^.1^^0
- +3 ;;^DD(.4044,5.1,3)
- +4 ;;=Enter the caption coordinate relative to the block. Answer must be two positive integers separated by a comma (,), as follows: 'Row,Column'.
- +5 ;;^DD(.4044,5.1,21,0)
- +6 ;;=^^2^2^2940907^^
- +7 ;;^DD(.4044,5.1,21,1,0)
- +8 ;;=Caption coordinate is relative to the position of the block. The
- +9 ;;^DD(.4044,5.1,21,2,0)
- +10 ;;=top left corner of the block has coordinate 1,1.
- +11 ;;^DD(.4044,5.1,"DT")
- +12 ;;=2940908
- +13 ;;^DD(.4044,5.2,0)
- +15 ;;^DD(.4044,5.2,1,0)
- +16 ;;=^.1^^0
- +17 ;;^DD(.4044,5.2,3)
- +18 ;;=
- +19 ;;^DD(.4044,5.2,21,0)
- +20 ;;=^^2^2^2940907^^
- +21 ;;^DD(.4044,5.2,21,1,0)
- +22 ;;=Enter 'YES' to suppress the display of a colon and space after the
- +23 ;;^DD(.4044,5.2,21,2,0)
- +24 ;;=caption.
- +25 ;;^DD(.4044,5.2,"DT")
- +26 ;;=2940629
- +27 ;;^DD(.4044,6,0)
- +28 ;;=DEFAULT^F^^3;1^K:X[""""!($A(X)=45) X I $D(X) K:$L(X)>245!($L(X)<1) X
- +29 ;;^DD(.4044,6,3)
- +30 ;;=Answer must be 1-245 characters in length.
- +31 ;;^DD(.4044,6,21,0)
- +32 ;;=^^8^8^2940907^
- +33 ;;^DD(.4044,6,21,1,0)
- +34 ;;=Enter the default you want displayed when the user first loads the page
- +35 ;;^DD(.4044,6,21,2,0)
- +36 ;;=on which this field is located, and the field's value is originally null.
- +37 ;;^DD(.4044,6,21,3,0)
- +38 ;;=Since ScreenMan validates the default, it must be valid, unambiguous, and
- +39 ;;^DD(.4044,6,21,4,0)
- +40 ;;=in external form; otherwise, it is not used.
- +41 ;;^DD(.4044,6,21,5,0)
- +42 ;;=
- +43 ;;^DD(.4044,6,21,6,0)
- +44 ;;=If you want to create an executable default, i.e., a default whose value
- +45 ;;^DD(.4044,6,21,7,0)
- +46 ;;=is determined at run time when the page is first loaded, the value of
- +47 ;;^DD(.4044,6,21,8,0)
- +48 ;;=this field must be "!M".
- +49 ;;^DD(.4044,6,"DT")
- +50 ;;=2920218
- +51 ;;^DD(.4044,6.01,0)
- +52 ;;=EXECUTABLE DEFAULT^K^^3.1;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
- +53 ;;^DD(.4044,6.01,3)
- +54 ;;=Enter standard MUMPS code that sets the variable Y.
- +55 ;;^DD(.4044,6.01,9)
- +56 ;;=@
- +57 ;;^DD(.4044,6.01,21,0)
- +58 ;;=^^4^4^2940907^
- +59 ;;^DD(.4044,6.01,21,1,0)
- +60 ;;=Enter MUMPS code that sets the variable Y equal to the default you want
- +61 ;;^DD(.4044,6.01,21,2,0)
- +62 ;;=displayed when the page is first loaded and the data value on file is
- +63 ;;^DD(.4044,6.01,21,3,0)
- +64 ;;=null. Y must be set to a valid, unambiguous user response; otherwise, it
- +65 ;;^DD(.4044,6.01,21,4,0)
- +66 ;;=is ignored.
- +67 ;;^DD(.4044,6.01,"DT")
- +68 ;;=2920218
- +69 ;;^DD(.4044,6.1,0)
- +70 ;;=REQUIRED^S^0:NO;1:YES;^4;1^Q
- +71 ;;^DD(.4044,6.1,3)
- +72 ;;=
- +73 ;;^DD(.4044,6.1,21,0)
- +74 ;;=^^5^5^2940907^
- +75 ;;^DD(.4044,6.1,21,1,0)
- +76 ;;=Whenever the user attempts a Save, ScreenMan checks all required fields
- +77 ;;^DD(.4044,6.1,21,2,0)
- +78 ;;=on all pages accessed during the editing session, as well as all pages
- +79 ;;^DD(.4044,6.1,21,3,0)
- +80 ;;=linked to the first page via the Next and Previous Page links. If any of
- +81 ;;^DD(.4044,6.1,21,4,0)
- +82 ;;=the required fields have null values, no Save occurs. You need not make a
- +83 ;;^DD(.4044,6.1,21,5,0)
- +84 ;;=field required that is already required by its data definition.
- +85 ;;^DD(.4044,6.2,0)
- +86 ;;=DUPLICATE^S^0:NO;1:YES;^4;2^Q
- +87 ;;^DD(.4044,6.2,3)
- +88 ;;=Enter 'YES' if the field value from the previous record can be duplicated with the 'spacebar-return' feature.
- +89 ;;^DD(.4044,6.2,21,0)
- +90 ;;=^^1^1^2940629^
- +91 ;;^DD(.4044,6.2,21,1,0)
- +92 ;;=This field is not currently being used.
- +93 ;;^DD(.4044,6.3,0)
- +94 ;;=RIGHT JUSTIFY^S^0:NO;1:YES;^4;3^Q
- +95 ;;^DD(.4044,6.3,21,0)
- +96 ;;=^^2^2^2940907^
- +97 ;;^DD(.4044,6.3,21,1,0)
- +98 ;;=Enter 'YES' if the data for this field should be displayed right-justified
- +99 ;;^DD(.4044,6.3,21,2,0)
- +100 ;;=in the editing window.
- +101 ;;^DD(.4044,6.3,"DT")
- +102 ;;=2940625
- +103 ;;^DD(.4044,6.4,0)
- +105 ;;^DD(.4044,6.4,3)
- +106 ;;=
- +107 ;;^DD(.4044,6.4,21,0)
- +108 ;;=^^3^3^2940907^^^
- +109 ;;^DD(.4044,6.4,21,1,0)
- +110 ;;=Enter 'YES' to disable editing and to prevent the user from navigating
- +111 ;;^DD(.4044,6.4,21,2,0)
- +112 ;;=to the field. Enter 'REACHABLE' to disable editing, but allow the user to
- +113 ;;^DD(.4044,6.4,21,3,0)
- +114 ;;=navigate to the field.
- +115 ;;^DD(.4044,6.4,"DT")
- +116 ;;=2940625
- +117 ;;^DD(.4044,6.5,0)
- +118 ;;=DISALLOW LAYGO^S^0:NO;1:YES;^4;5^Q
- +119 ;;^DD(.4044,6.5,3)
- +120 ;;=
- +121 ;;^DD(.4044,6.5,21,0)
- +122 ;;=^^2^2^2931020^
- +123 ;;^DD(.4044,6.5,21,1,0)
- +124 ;;=Enter 'YES' to prohibit the user from adding new subentries into this
- +125 ;;^DD(.4044,6.5,21,2,0)
- +126 ;;=multiple. This question only pertains to multiple-valued fields.
- +127 ;;^DD(.4044,6.6,0)
- +128 ;;=ASK 'OK'^S^0:NO;1:YES;^4;6^Q
- +129 ;;^DD(.4044,6.6,21,0)
- +130 ;;=^^5^5^2990420^
- +131 ;;^DD(.4044,6.6,21,1,0)
- +132 ;;=Answer 'YES' to ask the user whether the looked-up entry is 'OK'. If only
- +133 ;;^DD(.4044,6.6,21,2,0)
- +134 ;;=one match is made to the user's lookup value, then ScreenMan will ask
- +135 ;;^DD(.4044,6.6,21,3,0)
- +136 ;;="OK?" instead of automatically selecting the found entry. This property
- +137 ;;^DD(.4044,6.6,21,4,0)
- +138 ;;=corresponds to the "V" flag in the DIC(0) input variable to ^DIC and only
- +139 ;;^DD(.4044,6.6,21,5,0)
- +140 ;;=pertains to multiple-valued fields.
- +141 ;;^DD(.4044,8,0)
- +142 ;;=SUB PAGE LINK^NJ5,1^^7;2^K:+X'=X!(X>999.9)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."2N.N) X
- +143 ;;^DD(.4044,8,3)
- +144 ;;=Enter the Page Number of the page to open up when the user presses <Return> at this field. Type a Number between 1 and 999.9, 1 Decimal Digit.
- +145 ;;^DD(.4044,8,21,0)
- +146 ;;=^^7^7^2940907^
- +147 ;;^DD(.4044,8,21,1,0)
- +148 ;;=If you wish to take users to a pop-up page when they press <RET> at
- +149 ;;^DD(.4044,8,21,2,0)
- +150 ;;=this field, enter the Page Number of that page. When users exit that
- +151 ;;^DD(.4044,8,21,3,0)
- +152 ;;=pop-up page, ScreenMan will automatically take them to the field following
- +153 ;;^DD(.4044,8,21,4,0)
- +154 ;;=this field.
- +155 ;;^DD(.4044,8,21,5,0)
- +156 ;;=
- +157 ;;^DD(.4044,8,21,6,0)
- +158 ;;=You can also use the Parent Field property of the pop-up page to link a
- +159 ;;^DD(.4044,8,21,7,0)
- +160 ;;=field to the pop-up page.
- +161 ;;^DD(.4044,10,0)
- +162 ;;=BRANCHING LOGIC^K^^10;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
- +163 ;;^DD(.4044,10,3)
- +164 ;;=Enter Standard MUMPS code, 1-245 characters in length.
- +165 ;;^DD(.4044,10,9)
- +166 ;;=@
- +167 ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,0)
- +168 ;;=^^18^18^2940907^
- +169 ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,1,0)
- +170 ;;=This MUMPS code is executed whenever the user presses <RET> at the
- +171 ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,2,0)
- +172 ;;=field. Here you can set DDSBR equal to the field, block, and page,
- +173 ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,3,0)
- +174 ;;=separated by up-arrow delimiters, of the field to which you wish to take
- +175 ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,4,0)
- +176 ;;=users when they press <RET>. For example,
- +177 ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,5,0)
- +178 ;;=
- +179 ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,6,0)
- +181 ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,7,0)
- +182 ;;=
- +183 ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,8,0)
- +184 ;;=would take the user to the field with unique name or caption "TEST FIELD
- +185 ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,9,0)
- +186 ;;=1" on the block named "TEST BLOCK 1" on a page named "TEST PAGE 2".
- +187 ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,10,0)
- +188 ;;=
- +189 ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,11,0)
- +190 ;;=Alternatively, if you wish to take users to another page when they press
- +191 ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,12,0)
- +192 ;;=<RET> at this field, and then when they close that page, automatically
- +193 ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,13,0)
- +194 ;;=take them to the field immediately following this field, you can set
- +195 ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,14,0)
- +196 ;;=DDSSTACK equal to the page name or number of that page.
- +197 ;;^DD(.4044,10,21,15,0)
- +198 ;;=