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Routine: DINVGUX

Package: VA FileMan

Routine: DINVGUX


DINVGUX ;VEN/SMH - GT.M (Unix) Specific Functions;30NOV2012

Source Information

Source file <DINVGUX.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
DEL(RN) ; Delete Routine; Fileman Entry Point.
; Input: Routine Name by Value
; Output: None
; Routine is NOT SAC Compliant due to use of GT.M specific IO parameters
LOOP ; Loop entry point

Label References

Name Line Occurrences

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
%O LOOP+2~, LOOP+6*, LOOP+8, LOOP+19, LOOP+20, LOOP+22
%S LOOP+2~, LOOP+5*, LOOP+8, LOOP+14, LOOP+15, LOOP+17
RN DEL~, LOOP+5, LOOP+6, LOOP+10*, LOOP+17, LOOP+22
>> delete LOOP+17, LOOP+22
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