Source file <DMSQP1.m>
action | A | extended action | Ea | event driver | Ed | subscriber | Su | protocol | O | limited protocol | LP | run routine | RR | broker | B | edit | E | server | Se | P | screenman | SM | inquire | I |
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
OK | ; check if okay to run
EN1 | ; print total regular tables
EN2 | ; print total columns
EN3 | ; print totals for indexes
EN4 | ; print totals for types of table elements
EN5 | ; print totals for columns in tables
EN6 | ; show totals of EN5 largest to smallest
EN7 | ; print total columns just for regular tables
EN8 | ; print total columns, regular tables, excluding Table_IDs
EN9 | ; print subtotals by domain for regular table columns
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Name | Line Occurrences (* Changed, ! Killed) |
^DMSQ("E" - [#1.5216] | EN6+3, EN6+4, EN6+6 |
^DMSQ("S" - [#1.521] | OK+1 |
^TMP("DMSQ" | EN6+2!, EN6+7*, EN6+12! |
>> | Not killed explicitly |
* | Changed |
! | Killed |
~ | Newed |
Name | Field # of Occurrence |
>> BY | EN1+4*, EN2+4*, EN7+4* |
>> BY(0 | EN3+4*, EN4+4*, EN5+4*, EN6+9*, EN8+4*, EN9+4* |
>> DHD | EN1+2*, EN2+2*, EN3+2*, EN4+2*, EN5+2*, EN6+2*, EN7+2*, EN8+2*, EN9+2* |
>> DIC | EN1+3*, EN2+3*, EN3+3*, EN4+3*, EN5+3*, EN6+8*, EN7+3*, EN8+3*, EN9+3* |
>> DIS(0 | EN7+5*, EN9+7* |
>> DISPAR(0 | EN4+5*, EN4+6*, EN5+5*, EN5+6*, EN5+7*, EN6+10*, EN9+5*, EN9+6* |
DM | EN6+3*, EN6+4, EN6+6, EN6+7, EN6+12! |
DM1 | EN6+4*, EN6+5, EN6+6, EN6+12! |
DM2 | EN6+5*, EN6+6*, EN6+12! |
DMC | EN6+5*, EN6+6*, EN6+7, EN6+12! |
DMC1 | EN6+7*, EN6+12! |
DMQ | OK+1*, OK+2*, EN1+1*!, EN1+5!, EN2+1*!, EN2+5!, EN3+1*!, EN3+5!, EN4+1*!, EN4+7! , EN5+1*!, EN5+8!, EN6+1*!, EN7+1*!, EN7+6!, EN8+1*!, EN8+5!, EN9+1*!, EN9+8! |
>> FLDS | EN1+3*, EN2+3*, EN3+3*, EN4+3*, EN5+3*, EN6+8*, EN7+3*, EN8+3*, EN9+3* |
>> FR | EN1+4*, EN2+4*, EN7+4* |
>> FR(0 | EN5+7* |
>> L | EN1+3*, EN2+3*, EN3+3*, EN4+3*, EN5+3*, EN6+8*, EN7+3*, EN8+3*, EN9+3* |
>> L(0 | EN3+4*, EN4+4*, EN5+4*, EN6+9*, EN8+4*, EN9+4* |
>> TO | EN1+4*, EN2+4*, EN7+4* |
>> TO(0 | EN5+7* |