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Routine: DVB458P2


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DVB458P2 ;ALB/RBS - POST-INSTALL FOR PATCH DVB*4*58 (CONT.) ; 1/3/07 2:18pm
 ;;4.0;HINQ;**58**;03/25/92;Build 29
 Q  ;no direct entry
 ;The following TEXT lines are a combination of a single 4 digit VBA
 ;rated disabilities code (DX CODE) on one line followed by on the
 ;next sequential line(s), all of the related ICD9 DIAGNOSIS codes
 ;that are to be mapped together.  Each IDC9 code also has a (1/0)
 ;match value that will be filed with it.
 ;   ;;5000  = a single (VBA) Rated Disabilities (VA) DX CODE
 ;   ;;003.24~1^376.03~1^730.00~1^... = string of ICD9 DIAGNOSIS CODES
 ;                                      (delimited by (^) up-arrow)
 ;   Each (^) piece contains 2 pieces of data delimited by (~):
 ;     $P(1) = a single ICD9 diagnosis code
 ;     $P(2) = (1/0) match code value
 ;   Note: If the TEXT line ends with a (;) semi-colon, this means the
 ;         next sequential line is associated with the same DX CODE.
 ;         (No sequential line(s) are carried over to the next
 ;          post-install Routine.)
TEXT ;;5005