Prompt: !?25,HD91,!?22,"Compensation and Pension Examination",!
Line Location: EN+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: ?33,"# 305 Worksheet"
Line Location: EN+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: ?33,"# 305 Worksheet"
Line Location: EN+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"Name: ",NAME,?45,"SSN: ",SSN,!?45,"C-number: ",CNUM,!,"Date of exam: ____________________",!!,"Place of exam: ___________________",!!,"Type of Exam: ",?14,HD7
Line Location: EN+2
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!!!,"Narrative:"
Line Location: EN+3
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: ?13,"Detailed description of chronic, active symptomatology in the",!?13,"""subjective complaints"" portion of this or the main examination is",!?13,"critical to the degree of disability assigned for the veteran.",!!
Line Location: EN+4
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: $S($D(CMBN):"A. ",1:"D. "),"Specific evaluation information required by the rating board",!?4,"(if the information requested is included elsewhere, do not",!?4,"repeat here):",!!!?8,"1. Abdominal discomfort -",!!!!!!