Prompt: !?25,HD91,!?22,"Compensation and Pension Examination",!
Line Location: EN+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: ?33,"# 1415 Worksheet"
Line Location: EN+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: ?33,"# 1415 Worksheet"
Line Location: EN+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"Name: ",NAME,?45,"SSN: ",SSN,!?45,"C-number: ",CNUM,!,"Date of exam: ____________________",!!,"Place of exam: ___________________",!!,"Type of Exam: ",HD7
Line Location: EN+2
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!!!,"Narrative:"
Line Location: EN+3
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: ?13,"The findings in each foot will be separately and carefully",!?13,"described, as this will affect the evaluation. The nomenclature",!?13,"of toes for examination purposes will be the great toe, the second,",!
Line Location: EN+4
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: ?13,"third, fourth and fifth toes, named from the medial or inner side",!?13,"and which foot is being examined. The functional loss should",!?13,"be related to the anatomical condition.",!!
Line Location: EN+5
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: "A. Medical history:",!!!!!!!!!!,"B. Subjective complaints:",!!!!!!!!!!,"C. Objective findings:",!!!!!!!!!!
Line Location: EN+6
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: $S($D(CMBN):"A. ",1:"D. "),"Specific evaluation information required by the rating board",!?4,"(if the information requested is included elsewhere, do not",!?4,"repeat here):",!!!
Line Location: EN+7
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: ?8,"1. Posture (standing, squatting, supination, pronation and",!?22,"rising on toes and heels) -",!!!!!
Line Location: EN+8
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: ?8,"2. Appearance -",!!!!!?8,"3. Function -",!!!!!?8,"4. Deformity -",!!!!!?8,"5. Gait -",!!!!!?8,"6. Secondary skin and vascular changes -"
Line Location: EN+9
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: $S($D(CMBN):"B. ",1:"E. "),"Diagnostic/clinical test results:",!!!!!!!!!!!!