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Routine: DVBCQAV2


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 ;;2.7;AMIE;**173**;Apr 10, 1995;Build 2
 ;; Your patient is applying to the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for
 ;; disability benefits.  VA will consider the information you provide on this
 ;; questionnaire as part of their evaluation in processing the Veteran's claim.
 ;; 1. Diagnosis
 ;; Does the Veteran now have or has he/she ever had a vascular disease
 ;; (arterial or venous)?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; If yes, provide only diagnoses that pertain to vascular conditions:
 ;; Diagnosis #1: ___________________
 ;; ICD code(s):  ___________________
 ;; Date of diagnosis: ______________
 ;; Diagnosis #2: ___________________
 ;; ICD code(s):  ___________________
 ;; Date of diagnosis: ______________
 ;; Diagnosis #3: ___________________
 ;; ICD code(s):  ___________________
 ;; Date of diagnosis: ______________
 ;; If there are additional diagnoses that pertain to vascular diseases,
 ;; list using above format: ____________________________________________________
 ;; 2. Medical history
 ;; a. Describe the cause/onset of the Veteran's current vascular condition(s)
 ;; (brief summary): ____________________________________________________________
 ;; b. Type of vascular disease condition: (Check all that apply)
 ;;    ___ Section I: Varicose veins and/or post-phlebitic syndrome
 ;;    ___ Section II: Peripheral vascular disease, aneurysm of any large
 ;;        artery (other than aorta), arteriosclerosis obliterans or
 ;;        thrombo-angiitis obliterans (Buerger's Disease)
 ;;    ___ Section III: Aortic aneurysm
 ;;    ___ Section IV: Aneurysm of a small artery
 ;;    ___ Section V: Raynaud's syndrome
 ;;    ___ Section VI: Arteriovenous (AV) fistula, angioneurotic edema or
 ;;        erythromelalgia
 ;; If checked, complete appropriate Section I-VI.
 ;; Regardless of checked condition, complete Section VII.
 ;; Section I: Varicose veins and/or post-phlebitic syndrome
 ;; Does the Veteran have varicose veins or post-phlebitic syndrome of any
 ;; etiology?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; If yes, check all symptoms that apply and indicate extremity affected:
 ;;    ___ Asymptomatic palpable varicose veins       __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;;    ___ Asymptomatic visible varicose veins        __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;;    ___ Aching and fatigue in leg after
 ;;        prolonged standing or walking              __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;;    ___ Symptoms relieved by elevation of
 ;;        extremity                                  __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;;    ___ Symptoms relieved by compression hosiery   __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;; If yes, check all findings and/or signs that apply and indicate extremity
 ;; affected:
 ;;    ___ Incipient stasis pigmentation or eczema    __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;;    ___ Persistent stasis pigmentation or eczema   __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;;    ___ Intermittent ulceration                    __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;;    ___ Intermittent edema of extremity            __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;;    ___ Persistent edema that is incompletely
 ;;        relieved by elevation of extremity         __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;;    ___ Persistent edema                           __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;;    ___ Persistent subcutaneous induration         __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;;    ___ Massive board-like edema                   __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;;    ___ Constant pain at rest                      __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;; Section II: Peripheral vascular disease, aneurysm of any large artery
 ;; (other than aorta), arteriosclerosis obliterans or thrombo-angiitis
 ;; obliterans (Buerger's Disease)
 ;; a. Has the Veteran ever been diagnosed with: (check all that apply)?
 ;; ___ Peripheral vascular disease
 ;; ___ Aneurysm of any large artery (other than aorta)
 ;; ___ Arteriosclerosis obliterans
 ;; ___ Thrombo-angiitis obliterans (Buerger's Disease)
 ;; ___ None of the above
 ;; If any of the above conditions are checked, answer questions b-f.
 ;; b. Has the Veteran undergone surgery for any of these listed conditions?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;;     If yes, type of surgery: ___________________ Date: ____________
 ;; c. Has the Veteran undergone any procedure (other than surgery) for
 ;; revascularization?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;;     If yes, type of procedure: ___________________ Date: __________
 ;; d. Indicate severity of current signs and symptoms and indicate extremity
 ;; affected: (check all that apply):
 ;;    ___ Claudication on walking more than 100
 ;;        yards                                      __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;;    ___ Claudication on walking between 25 and 100
 ;;        yards on a level grade at 2 miles per hour __ Right  __ Left  __ Both 
 ;;    ___ Claudication on walking less than 25 yards
 ;;        on a level grade at 2 miles per hour       __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;;    ___ Persistent coldness of the extremity       __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;;    ___ Diminished peripheral pulses               __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;;    ___ Ischemic limb pain at rest                 __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;;    ___ Trophic changes (thin skin, absence of
 ;;        hair, dystrophic nails)                    __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;;    ___ 1 or more deep ischemic ulcers             __ Right  __ Left  __ Both
 ;; Section III:  Aortic aneurysm
 ;; a. Has the Veteran ever been diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; If yes, has the Veteran had a surgical procedure for an aortic aneurysm?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;;     If yes, indicate type of surgery: _____________________ Date: __________
 ;; b. Does the Veteran currently have an aortic aneurysm?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;;     If yes, indicate severity:
 ;;        5 centimeters or larger in diameter: ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;;        Symptomatic                          ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;;        Precludes exertion                   ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; c. Does the Veteran have any post-surgical residuals due to treatment for
 ;; aortic aneurysm? 
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;;    If yes, describe: _______________________________________________________
 ;;    (If there are symptoms or post-surgical residuals, also complete
 ;;    appropriate Questionnaire according to body system affected.)
 ;; Section IV: Aneurysm of a small artery
 ;; a. Has the Veteran been diagnosed with an aneurysm of a small artery?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; If yes, has the Veteran had a surgical procedure for an aneurysm of a small
 ;; artery?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;;     If yes, indicate type of surgery: ______________________ Date: __________
 ;; b. Does the Veteran currently have an aneurysm of a small artery?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;;    If yes, is the condition symptomatic?
 ;;    ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;;    If yes, describe: ________________________________________________________
 ;;    Also, complete appropriate Questionnaire according to body system
 ;;    affected.
 ;; c. Does the Veteran have any post-surgical residuals due to treatment for
 ;; an aneurysm of a small artery?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;;    If yes, describe: ________________________________________________________
 ;;    Also, complete appropriate Questionnaire according to body system
 ;;    affected.
 ;; Section V: Raynaud's syndrome
 ;; a. Does the Veteran have Raynaud's syndrome?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;;     If yes, complete this section.
 ;; b. Does the Veteran have characteristic attacks?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;;     If yes, indicate frequency of characteristic attacks:
 ;;        ___ Less than once a week
 ;;        ___ 1 to 3 times a week
 ;;        ___ 4 to 6 times a week
 ;;        ___ At least daily
 ;; NOTE: Characteristic attacks consist of sequential color changes of the digits
 ;; of one or more extremities lasting minutes to hours, sometimes with pain and
 ;; paresthesias, and precipitated by exposure to cold or by emotional upsets.
 ;; c. Does the Veteran have 2 or more digital ulcers?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; d. Does the Veteran have autoamputation of one or more digits?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; Section VI: Arteriovenous (AV) fistula, angioneurotic edema or
 ;; erythromelalgia
 ;; a. Does the Veteran have arteriovenous (AV) fistula, angioneurotic edema or
 ;; erythromelalgia?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;;     If yes, complete this section.
 ;; b. Does the Veteran have a traumatic arteriovenous (AV) fistula?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; If yes, complete the following:
 ;;    1. Indicate site of traumatic AV fistula:
 ;;       ___ Right upper extremity   ___ Right lower extremity
 ;;       ___ Left upper extremity    ___ Left lower extremity
 ;;       ___ Other location, specify ________________
 ;;    2. Indicate findings:
 ;;        ___ Edema
 ;;        ___ Stasis dermatitis
 ;;        ___ Ulceration
 ;;        ___ Cellulitis
 ;;        ___ Enlarged heart
 ;;        ___ Wide pulse pressure
 ;;        ___ Tachycardia
 ;;        ___ High output heart failure
 ;;    3. Is there more than one traumatic AV fistula?
 ;;       ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;;       If yes, provide location and findings for each:________________________
 ;; c. Does the Veteran have angioneurotic edema?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; If yes, indicate severity and frequency of characteristic attacks:
 ;;    ___   Without laryngeal involvement
 ;;    ___   With laryngeal involvement
 ;;    ___   Lasts 1 to 7 days
 ;;    ___   Lasts longer than 7 days
 ;;    ___   Occurs once a year or less
 ;;    ___   Occurs 1 to 2 times a year
 ;;    ___   Occurs 2 to 4 times a year
 ;;    ___   Occurs 5 to 8 times a year
 ;;    ___   Occurs more than 8 times a year
 ;; d. Does the Veteran have erythromelalgia?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; NOTE: Characteristic attack of erythromelalgia consists of burning pain in
 ;; the hands, feet or both, usually bilateral and symmetrical, with increased
 ;; skin temperature and redness, occurring at warm ambient temperatures.
 ;; If yes, indicate severity and frequency of characteristic attacks:
 ;;    ___ Do not restrict most routine daily activities
 ;;    ___ Restrict most routine daily activities
 ;;    ___ Occur less than 3 times a week
 ;;    ___ Occur at least 3 times a week
 ;;    ___ Occur daily
 ;;    ___ Occur more than once a day
 ;;    ___ Last an average of more than 2 hours each
 ;;    ___ Respond to treatment
 ;;    ___ Respond poorly to treatment