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Routine: DVBCQBC4


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 ;;2.7;AMIE;**159**;Apr 10, 1995;Build 5
 ;; Your patient is applying to the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs
 ;; (VA) for disability benefits.  VA will consider the information you
 ;; provide on this questionnaire as part of their evaluation in processing
 ;; the Veteran's claim.
 ;; 1. Diagnosis
 ;;    Does the Veteran now have or has he/she ever been diagnosed
 ;;    with hairy cell leukemia or any other B-cell leukemia? 
 ;;    ___Yes  ___No
 ;;    NOTE: Provide only diagnoses that pertain to hairy cell or any other
 ;;    B-cell leukemias
 ;;    Diagnosis #1: _______________________ 
 ;;    ICD code: ___________________________
 ;;    Date of diagnosis #1: _______________
 ;;    Diagnosis #2: _______________________ 
 ;;    ICD code: ___________________________
 ;;    Date of diagnosis #2: _______________
 ;;    Diagnosis #3: _______________________ 
 ;;    ICD code: ___________________________
 ;;    Date of diagnosis #3: _______________
 ;;    If additional diagnoses that pertain to hairy cell leukemia or any
 ;;    other B-cell leukemia, list using above format: ___________________
 ;; 2. Status of disease    
 ;;    ___ Active     ___ Remission
 ;; 3. Treatment
 ;;    ____ The Veteran is currently undergoing treatment for this leukemia
 ;;    with surgical, radiation, immunotherapy, antineoplastic chemotherapy
 ;;    and/or other therapeutic procedures.
 ;;    ____ The Veteran has completed treatment for this leukemia.
 ;;         Date of discontinuance of treatment: ______________
 ;; 4. Complications or residuals of treatment
 ;;    a. Does the Veteran currently have any complications or residuals of 
 ;;       treatment?
 ;;        ___Yes    ___No
 ;;    b. Are there any complications or residuals requiring transfusion of
 ;;       platelets or red cells? 
 ;;        ___Yes    ___No
 ;;        If yes, indicate frequency:
 ;;           ___ At least once per year but less than once every 3 months
 ;;           ___ At least once every 3 months
 ;;           ___ At least once every 6 weeks
 ;;    c. Are there any complications or residuals causing recurring infections?
 ;;        ___Yes    ___No
 ;;        If yes, indicate frequency:
 ;;           ___ At least once per year but less than once every 3 months
 ;;           ___ At least once every 3 months
 ;;           ___ At least once every 6 weeks
 ;;    d. Are there any complications or residuals related to anemia?
 ;;        ___Yes    ___No
 ;;        If yes, check all that apply:
 ;;           ___ Asymptomatic anemia
 ;;           ___ Requires continuous medication
 ;;           ___ Requiring bone marrow transplant    Date:_________________
 ;;           ___ Symptomatic anemia (check signs and symptoms that apply)
 ;;               __ Weakness         __ Easy fatigability      __ Headaches
 ;;               __ Lightheadedness  __ Shortness of breath     
 ;;               __ Dyspnea on mild exertion
 ;;               __ Cardiomegaly     __ Tachycardia  __ Syncope 
 ;;               __ High output congestive heart failure      __ Dyspnea at rest
 ;;               ___  Other signs and/or symptoms: _____________________________
 ;;               _______________________________________________________________
 ;;        If available, provide most recent hemoglobin level 
 ;;              (gm/100ml): _________ Date: ________
 ;;        If available, provide most recent platelet count: _____ Date: ________
 ;;        If any other residual complications are present, please specify: _____
 ;;        ______________________________________________________________________
 ;; 5. Functional impact
 ;;    Does the Veteran's B-cell leukemia impact the Veteran's ability to work?
 ;;    ___Yes   ___No 
 ;;    If yes, describe impact, providing one or more examples: _________________
 ;;    __________________________________________________________________________
 ;; 6. Remarks, if any __________________________________________________________
 ;;    __________________________________________________________________________
 ;; Physician signature: __________________________________  Date: ______________
 ;; Physician printed name: ________________________________ Phone: _____________
 ;; Medical license #: _______________________
 ;; Physician address: __________________________________________________________
 ;; NOTE: VA may request additional medical information, including additional
 ;; examinations if necessary to complete VA's review of the Veteran's
 ;; application.                         
 ;; ^END^