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Routine: DVBCQCN2


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 ;;2.7;AMIE;**174**;Apr 10, 1995;Build 2
 ;; Your patient is applying to the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
 ;; for disability benefits. VA will consider the information you provide on
 ;; this questionnaire as part of their evaluation in processing the Veteran's
 ;; claim.
 ;; 1. Diagnosis
 ;; Does the Veteran now have or has he/she ever been diagnosed with a central
 ;; nervous system (CNS) condition?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, select the Veteran's condition: (check all that apply)
 ;;    ___ CNS infections:       ICD Code: ______  Date of Diagnosis: __________
 ;;        ___ Meningitis
 ;;            Specify organism: _______________________________________________
 ;;        ___ Brain abscess
 ;;            Specify organism: _______________________________________________
 ;;        ___ HIV
 ;;        ___ Neurosyphilis
 ;;        ___ Lyme disease
 ;;        ___ Encephalitis, epidemic, chronic, including poliomyelitis,
 ;;            anterior (anterior horn cells)
 ;;        ___ Other:  specify: ________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Vascular diseases     ICD code: ______  Date of diagnosis: __________
 ;;        ___ Thrombosis, TIA or cerebral infarction
 ;;        ___ Hemorrhage, specify type: _______________________________________
 ;;        ___ Cerebral arteriosclerosis
 ;;        ___ Other:  specify: ________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Hydrocephalus         ICD code: ______  Date of diagnosis: __________
 ;;        ___ Obstructive
 ;;        ___ Communicating
 ;;        ___ Normal pressure (NPH)
 ;;    ___ Brain tumor           ICD code: ______  Date of diagnosis: __________
 ;;    ___ Spinal Cord conditions  ICD code: _____ Date of diagnosis: __________
 ;;        ___ Syringomyelia
 ;;        ___ Myelitis
 ;;        ___ Hematomyelia
 ;;        ___ Spinal Cord injuries
 ;;            ___ Radiation injury
 ;;            ___ Electric or lightning injury
 ;;            ___ Decompression sickness (DCS)
 ;;            ___ Other:  specify: ____________________________________________
 ;;        ___ Spinal cord tumor
 ;;        ___ Other:  specify: ________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Brain Stem Conditions ICD code: ______  Date of diagnosis: __________
 ;;        ___ Bulbar palsy
 ;;        ___ Pseudobulbar palsy
 ;;        ___ Other:  specify: ________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Movement disorders
 ;;        ___ Athetosis, acquired
 ;;        ___ Myoclonus l
 ;;        ___ Paramyoclonus multiplex (convulsive state, myoclonic type)
 ;;        ___ Tic, convulsive (Gilles de la Tourette syndrome)
 ;;        ___ Dystonia, specify type: _________________________________________
 ;;        ___ Essential tremor
 ;;        ___ Tardive dyskenesia or other neuroleptic induced syndromes
 ;;        ___ Other:  specify: ________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Neuromuscular disorders
 ;;        ___ Myasthenia gravis
 ;;        ___ Myasthenic syndrome
 ;;        ___ Botulism
 ;;        ___ Hereditary muscular disorders specify: __________________________
 ;;        ___ Familial periodic paralysis
 ;;        ___ Myoglobulinuria
 ;;        ___ Dermatomyositis or polyomiositis, specify: ______________________
 ;;        ___ Other:  specify: ________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Intoxications
 ;;        ___ Heavy metal intoxication
 ;;               Specify: _____________________________________________________
 ;;        ___ Solvents
 ;;               Specify: _____________________________________________________
 ;;        ___ Insecticides, pesticides, others
 ;;               Specify: _____________________________________________________
 ;;        ___ Nerve gas agents
 ;;        ___ Herbicides/defoliants
 ;;               Specify: _____________________________________________________
 ;;        ___ Other:  specify: ________________________________________________
 ;; ___ Other central nervous condition
 ;;     Other diagnosis #1: ______________
 ;;     ICD code: ________________________
 ;;     Date of diagnosis: _______________
 ;;     Other diagnosis #2: ______________
 ;;     ICD code: ________________________
 ;;     Date of diagnosis: _______________
 ;; If there are additional diagnoses that pertain to central nervous
 ;; conditions, list using above format: _______________________________________
 ;; 2. Medical history
 ;; a. Describe the history (including onset and course) of the Veteran's
 ;; central nervous conditions (brief summary): ________________________________
 ;; b. Does the Veteran's central nervous system condition require continuous
 ;; medication for control?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, list medications used for central nervous system conditions: _______
 ;; ____________________________________________________________________________
 ;; c. Does the Veteran have an infectious condition?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, is it active?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If no, describe residuals if any: __________________________________________
 ;; d. Dominant hand
 ;; ___ Right    ___ Left    ___ Ambidextrous
 ;; 3. Conditions, signs and symptoms
 ;; a. Does the Veteran have any muscle weakness in the upper and/or lower
 ;; extremities?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, report under strength testing in neurologic exam section.
 ;; b. Does the Veteran have any pharynx and/or larynx and/or swallowing
 ;; conditions?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, check all that apply:
 ;;    ___ Constant inability to communicate by speech
 ;;    ___ Speech not intelligible or individual is aphonic
 ;;    ___ Paralysis of soft palate with swallowing difficulty (nasal
 ;;        regurgitation) and speech impairment
 ;;    ___ Hoarseness
 ;;    ___ Mild swallowing difficulties
 ;;    ___ Moderate swallowing difficulties
 ;;    ___ Severe swallowing difficulties, permitting passage of liquids only
 ;;    ___ Requires feeding tube due to swallowing difficulties
 ;;    ___ Other, describe: ____________________________________________________
 ;; c. Does the Veteran have any respiratory conditions (such as rigidity of the
 ;; diaphragm, chest wall or laryngeal muscles)?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, provide PFT results under "Diagnostic testing" section.
 ;; d. Does the Veteran have sleep disturbances?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, check all that apply:
 ;;    ___ Insomnia
 ;;        ___ Hypersomnolence and/or daytime "sleep attacks"
 ;;        ___ Persistent daytime hypersomnolence
 ;;        ___ Sleep apnea requiring the use of breathing assistance device such
 ;;            as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine
 ;;    ___ Sleep apnea causing chronic respiratory failure with carbon dioxide
 ;;        retention or cor pulmonale
 ;;    ___ Sleep apnea requiring tracheostomy
 ;; e. Does the Veteran have any bowel functional impairment?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, check all that apply:
 ;;    ___ Slight impairment of sphincter control, without leakage
 ;;    ___ Constant slight impairment of sphincter control, or occasional
 ;;        moderate leakage
 ;;    ___ Occasional involuntary bowel movements, necessitating wearing of
 ;;        a pad
 ;;    ___ Extensive leakage and fairly frequent involuntary bowel movements
 ;;    ___ Total loss of bowel sphincter control
 ;;    ___ Chronic constipation
 ;;    ___ Other bowel impairment (describe): __________________________________
 ;; f. Does the Veteran have voiding dysfunction causing urine leakage?
 ;; ___ Yes  ___ No
 ;; If yes, please check one:
 ;;    ___ Does not require/does not use absorbent material
 ;;    ___ Requires absorbent material that is changed less than 2 times per day
 ;;    ___ Requires absorbent material that is changed 2 to 4 times per day
 ;;    ___ Requires absorbent material that is changed more than 4 times per day
 ;; g. Does the Veteran have voiding dysfunction causing signs and/or symptoms
 ;; of urinary frequency?
 ;; ___ Yes  ___ No
 ;; If yes, check all that apply:
 ;;    ___ Daytime voiding interval between 2 and 3 hours
 ;;    ___ Daytime voiding interval between 1 and 2 hours
 ;;    ___ Daytime voiding interval less than 1 hour
 ;;    ___ Nighttime awakening to void 2 times
 ;;    ___ Nighttime awakening to void 3 to 4 times
 ;;    ___ Nighttime awakening to void 5 or more times
 ;; h. Does the Veteran have voiding dysfunction causing findings, signs and/or
 ;; symptoms of obstructed voiding?
 ;; ___ Yes  ___ No
 ;; If yes, check all signs and symptoms that apply:
 ;;    ___ Hesitancy
 ;;        If checked, is hesitancy marked?
 ;;        ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;;    ___ Slow or weak stream
 ;;        If checked, is stream markedly slow or weak?
 ;;        ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;;    ___ Decreased force of stream
 ;;        If checked, is force of stream markedly decreased?
 ;;        ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;;    ___ Stricture disease requiring dilatation 1 to 2 times per year
 ;;    ___ Stricture disease requiring periodic dilatation every 2 to 3 months
 ;;    ___ Recurrent urinary tract infections secondary to obstruction
 ;;    ___ Uroflowmetry peak flow rate less than 10 cc/sec
 ;;    ___ Post void residuals greater than 150 cc
 ;;    ___ Urinary retention requiring intermittent or continuous
 ;;        catheterization
 ;; i. Does the Veteran have voiding dysfunction requiring the use of an
 ;; appliance?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, describe: __________________________________________________________
 ;; j. Does the Veteran have a history of recurrent symptomatic urinary tract
 ;; infections?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, check all treatments that apply:
 ;;    ___ No treatment
 ;;    ___ Long-term drug therapy
 ;;        If checked, list medications used for urinary tract infection and
 ;;        indicate dates for courses of treatment over the past 12 months:
 ;;        _____________________________________________________________________
 ;;        ___ Hospitalization
 ;;            If checked, indicate frequency of hospitalization:
 ;;            ___ 1 or 2 per year
 ;;            ___  More than 2 per year
 ;;    ___ Drainage
 ;;        If checked, indicate dates when drainage performed over past 12
 ;;        months: _____________________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Other management/treatment not listed above
 ;;        Description of management/treatment including dates of treatment:
 ;;        _____________________________________________________________________
 ;; k. Does the Veteran (if male) have erectile dysfunction?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, is the erectile dysfunction as likely as not (at least a 50%
 ;; probability) attributable to a CNS disease (including treatment or residuals
 ;; of treatment)?
 ;;    ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;;        If no, provide the etiology of the erectile dysfunction: ____________
 ;;        _____________________________________________________________________
 ;;        If yes, is the Veteran able to achieve an erection (without
 ;;        medication) sufficient for penetration and ejaculation?
 ;;        ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;;            If no, is the Veteran able to achieve an erection (with
 ;;            medication) sufficient for penetration and ejaculation?
 ;;            ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; 4. Neurologic exam
 ;; a. Speech
 ;; ___ Normal   ___ Abnormal
 ;; If speech is abnormal, describe: ___________________________________________
 ;; b. Gait
 ;; ___  Normal   ___ Abnormal, describe: ______________________________________
 ;; If gait is abnormal, and the Veteran has more than one medical condition
 ;; contributing to the abnormal gait, identify the conditions and describe each
 ;; condition's contribution to the abnormal gait: _____________________________
 ;; c. Strength
 ;; Rate strength according to the following scale:
 ;;    0/5 No muscle movement
 ;;    1/5 Visible muscle movement, but no joint movement
 ;;    2/5 No movement against gravity
 ;;    3/5 No movement against resistance
 ;;    4/5 Less than normal strength
 ;;    5/5 Normal strength
 ;; ___ All normal
 ;; Elbow flexion:
 ;;        Right:   ___ 5/5   ___ 4/5   ___ 3/5   ___ 2/5   ___ 1/5   ___ 0/5
 ;;        Left:    ___ 5/5   ___ 4/5   ___ 3/5   ___ 2/5   ___ 1/5   ___ 0/5
 ;; Elbow extension:
 ;;        Right:   ___ 5/5   ___ 4/5   ___ 3/5   ___ 2/5   ___ 1/5   ___ 0/5
 ;;        Left:    ___ 5/5   ___ 4/5   ___ 3/5   ___ 2/5   ___ 1/5   ___ 0/5
 ;; Wrist flexion:
 ;;        Right:   ___ 5/5   ___ 4/5   ___ 3/5   ___ 2/5   ___ 1/5   ___ 0/5
 ;;        Left:    ___ 5/5   ___ 4/5   ___ 3/5   ___ 2/5   ___ 1/5   ___ 0/5
 ;; Wrist extension:
 ;;        Right:   ___ 5/5   ___ 4/5   ___ 3/5   ___ 2/5   ___ 1/5   ___ 0/5
 ;;        Left:    ___ 5/5   ___ 4/5   ___ 3/5   ___ 2/5   ___ 1/5   ___ 0/5
 ;; Grip:  Right:   ___ 5/5   ___ 4/5   ___ 3/5   ___ 2/5   ___ 1/5   ___ 0/5
 ;;        Left:    ___ 5/5   ___ 4/5   ___ 3/5   ___ 2/5   ___ 1/5   ___ 0/5
 ;; Pinch (thumb to index finger):
 ;;        Right:   ___ 5/5   ___ 4/5   ___ 3/5   ___ 2/5   ___ 1/5   ___ 0/5
 ;;        Left:    ___ 5/5   ___ 4/5   ___ 3/5   ___ 2/5   ___ 1/5   ___ 0/5
 ;; Knee extension:
 ;;        Right:   ___ 5/5   ___ 4/5   ___ 3/5   ___ 2/5   ___ 1/5   ___ 0/5
 ;;        Left:    ___ 5/5   ___ 4/5   ___ 3/5   ___ 2/5   ___ 1/5   ___ 0/5
 ;; Ankle plantar flexion:
 ;;        Right:   ___ 5/5   ___ 4/5   ___ 3/5   ___ 2/5   ___ 1/5   ___ 0/5
 ;;        Left:    ___ 5/5   ___ 4/5   ___ 3/5   ___ 2/5   ___ 1/5   ___ 0/5
 ;; Ankle dorsiflexion:
 ;;        Right:   ___ 5/5   ___ 4/5   ___ 3/5   ___ 2/5   ___ 1/5   ___ 0/5
 ;;        Left:    ___ 5/5   ___ 4/5   ___ 3/5   ___ 2/5   ___ 1/5   ___ 0/5