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Routine: DVBCQCN3


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 ;;2.7;AMIE;**174**;Apr 10, 1995;Build 2
 ;; d. Deep tendon reflexes (DTRs)
 ;; Rate reflexes according to the following scale:
 ;;    0  Absent
 ;;    1+ Decreased
 ;;    2+ Normal
 ;;    3+ Increased without clonus
 ;;    4+ Increased with clonus
 ;; ___ All normal
 ;; Biceps:            Right:   ___ 0     ___ 1+   ___ 2+   ___ 3+   ___ 4+
 ;;                    Left:    ___ 0     ___ 1+   ___ 2+   ___ 3+   ___ 4+
 ;; Triceps:           Right:   ___ 0     ___ 1+   ___ 2+   ___ 3+   ___ 4+
 ;;                    Left:    ___ 0     ___ 1+   ___ 2+   ___ 3+   ___ 4+
 ;; Brachioradialis:   Right:   ___ 0     ___ 1+   ___ 2+   ___ 3+   ___ 4+
 ;;                    Left:    ___ 0     ___ 1+   ___ 2+   ___ 3+   ___ 4+
 ;; Knee:              Right:   ___ 0     ___ 1+   ___ 2+   ___ 3+   ___ 4+
 ;;                    Left:    ___ 0     ___ 1+   ___ 2+   ___ 3+   ___ 4+
 ;; Ankle:             Right:   ___ 0     ___ 1+   ___ 2+   ___ 3+   ___ 4+
 ;;                    Left:    ___ 0     ___ 1+   ___ 2+   ___ 3+   ___ 4+
 ;; e. Does the Veteran have muscle atrophy attributable to a CNS condition?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If muscle atrophy is present, indicate location: ___________________________
 ;; When possible, provide difference measured in cm between normal and
 ;; atrophied side, measured at maximum muscle bulk: _____ cm.
 ;; f. Summary of muscle weakness in the upper and/or lower extremities
 ;; attributable to a CNS condition (check all that apply):
 ;; Right upper extremity muscle weakness:
 ;;    ___ None  ___ Mild  ___ Moderate  ___ Severe  ___ With atrophy
 ;;    ___ Complete (no remaining function)
 ;; Left upper extremity muscle weakness:
 ;;    ___ None  ___ Mild  ___ Moderate  ___ Severe  ___ With atrophy
 ;;    ___ Complete (no remaining function)
 ;; Right lower extremity muscle weakness:
 ;;    ___ None  ___ Mild  ___ Moderate  ___ Severe  ___ With atrophy
 ;;    ___ Complete (no remaining function)
 ;; Left lower extremity muscle weakness:
 ;;    ___ None  ___ Mild  ___ Moderate  ___ Severe  ___ With atrophy
 ;;    ___ Complete (no remaining function)
 ;; NOTE: If the Veteran has more than one medical condition contributing to the
 ;; muscle weakness, identify the condition(s) and describe each condition's
 ;; contribution to the muscle weakness: _______________________________________
 ;; 5. Tumors and neoplasms
 ;; a. Does the Veteran have a benign or malignant neoplasm or metastases
 ;; related to any of the diagnoses in the Diagnosis section?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, complete the following:
 ;; b. Is the neoplasm:
 ;; ___ Benign  ___ Malignant
 ;; c. Has the Veteran completed treatment or is the Veteran currently
 ;; undergoing treatment for a benign or malignant neoplasm or metastases?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No; watchful waiting
 ;;    If yes, indicate type of treatment the Veteran is currently undergoing
 ;;    or has completed (check all that apply):
 ;;    ___ Treatment completed; currently in watchful waiting status
 ;;    ___ Surgery
 ;;        If checked, describe: _______________________________________________
 ;;        Date(s) of surgery: _________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Radiation therapy   
 ;;        Date of most recent treatment: ______________________________________
 ;;        Date of completion of treatment or anticipated date of completion:
 ;;        _____________________________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Antineoplastic chemotherapy
 ;;        Date of most recent treatment: ______________________________________
 ;;        Date of completion of treatment or anticipated date of completion:
 ;;        _____________________________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Other therapeutic procedure
 ;;        If checked, describe procedure: _____________________________________
 ;;        Date of most recent procedure: ______________________________________
 ;;    ___ Other therapeutic treatment
 ;;        If checked, describe treatment: _____________________________________
 ;;        Date of completion of treatment or anticipated date of completion:
 ;;        _____________________________________________________________________
 ;; d. Does the Veteran currently have any residual conditions or complications
 ;; due to the neoplasm (including metastases) or its treatment, other than
 ;; those already documented in the report above?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, list residual conditions and complications (brief summary):
 ;; e. If there are additional benign or malignant neoplasms or metastases
 ;; related to any of the diagnoses in the Diagnosis section, describe using the
 ;; above format: ______________________________________________________________
 ;; 6. Other pertinent physical findings, complications, conditions, signs
 ;; and/or symptoms
 ;; a. Does the Veteran have any scars (surgical or otherwise) related to any
 ;; conditions or to the treatment of any conditions listed in the Diagnosis
 ;; section above?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, are any of the scars painful and/or unstable, or is the total area
 ;; of all related scars greater than 39 square cm (6 square inches)?
 ;;     ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;;     If yes, also complete a Scars Questionnaire.
 ;; b. Does the Veteran have any other pertinent physical findings,
 ;; complications, conditions, signs or symptoms related to any conditions
 ;; listed in the Diagnosis section above?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, describe (brief summary): __________________________________________
 ;; 7. Mental health manifestations due to CNS condition or its treatment
 ;; a. Does the Veteran have depression, cognitive impairment or dementia, or
 ;; any other mental health conditions attributable to a CNS disease and/or its
 ;; treatment?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; b. Does the Veteran's mental health condition(s), as identified in the
 ;; question above, result in gross impairment in thought processes or
 ;; communication?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;;     If No, also complete a Mental Health Questionnaire (schedule with
 ;;     appropriate provider).
 ;;     If yes, briefly describe the Veteran's mental health condition:
 ;;     ________________________________________________________________________
 ;; 8.  Differentiation of Symptoms or Neurologic Effects
 ;; Are you able to differentiate what portion of the symptomotology or
 ;; neurologic effects above are caused by each diagnosis?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, list which symptoms or neurologic effects are attributable to each
 ;; diagnosis, where possible: _________________________________________________
 ;; 9. Assistive devices
 ;; a. Does the Veteran use any assistive device(s) as a normal mode of
 ;; locomotion, although occasional locomotion by other methods may be possible?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, identify assistive device(s) used (check all that apply and indicate
 ;; frequency):
 ;;   __ Wheelchair  Frequency of use:  __ Occasional   __ Regular   __ Constant
 ;;   __ Brace(s)    Frequency of use:  __ Occasional   __ Regular   __ Constant
 ;;   __ Crutch(es)  Frequency of use:  __ Occasional   __ Regular   __ Constant
 ;;   __ Cane(s)     Frequency of use:  __ Occasional   __ Regular   __ Constant
 ;;   __ Walker      Frequency of use:  __ Occasional   __ Regular   __ Constant
 ;;   __ Other: ________________________________________________________________
 ;;                  Frequency of use:  __ Occasional   __ Regular   __ Constant
 ;; b. If the Veteran uses any assistive devices, specify the condition and
 ;; identify the assistive device used for each condition: _____________________
 ;; 10. Remaining effective function of the extremities
 ;; Due to a CNS condition, is there functional impairment of an extremity such
 ;; that no effective function remains other than that which would be equally
 ;; well served by an amputation with prosthesis? (Functions of the upper
 ;; extremity include grasping, manipulation, etc., while functions for the
 ;; lower extremity include balance and propulsion, etc.)
 ;; ___ Yes, functioning is so diminished that amputation with prosthesis would
 ;;     equally serve the Veteran.
 ;; ___ No
 ;;    If yes, indicate extremity(ies) (check all extremities for which this
 ;;    applies):
 ;;    ___ Right upper    ___ Left upper     ___ Right lower    ___ Left lower
 ;;    For each checked extremity, describe loss of effective function, identify
 ;;    the condition causing loss of function, and provide specific examples
 ;;    (brief summary): ________________________________________________________
 ;; 11. Diagnostic testing
 ;; NOTE: If the results of MRI, other imaging studies or other diagnostic tests
 ;; are in the medical record and reflect the Veteran's current condition,
 ;; repeat testing is not required. If pulmonary function testing (PFT) is
 ;; indicated due to respiratory disability, and results are in the medical
 ;; record and reflect the Veteran's current respiratory function, repeat
 ;; testing is not required. DLCO and bronchodilator testing is not indicated
 ;; for a restrictive respiratory disability such as that caused by muscle
 ;; weakness due to CNS conditions.
 ;; a. Have imaging studies been performed?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, provide most recent results, if available: _________________________
 ;; b. Have PFTs been performed?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, provide most recent results, if available:
 ;; FEV-1: ____________ % predicted    Date of test: _____________
 ;; FEV-1/FVC: _______  % predicted    Date of test: _____________
 ;; FVC: _____________  % predicted    Date of test: _____________
 ;; c. If PFTs have been performed, is the flow-volume loop compatible with
 ;; upper airway obstruction?
 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
 ;; d. Are there any other significant diagnostic test findings and/or results?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, provide type of test or procedure, date and results (brief summary):
 ;; ____________________________________________________________________________
 ;; 12. Functional impact
 ;; Do the Veteran's central nervous system disorders impact his or her ability
 ;; to work?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, describe impact of each of the Veteran's central nervous system
 ;; disorder condition(s), providing one or more examples: _____________________
 ;; 13. Remarks, if any:  ______________________________________________________
 ;; Physician signature: ____________________________________ Date: ____________
 ;; Physician printed name: _________________________________ Phone: ___________
 ;; Medical license #: ______________________________________ FAX: _____________
 ;; Physician address: _________________________________________________________
 ;; NOTE: VA may request additional medical information, including additional
 ;; examinations if necessary to complete VA's review of the Veteran's
 ;; application.