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Routine: DVBCQHA6


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 ;;2.7;AMIE;**166**;Apr 10, 1995;Build 6
 ;; Your patient is applying to the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for
 ;; disability benefits.  VA will consider the information you provide on this
 ;; questionnaire as part of their evaluation in processing the Veteran's claim.
 ;; 1. Diagnosis
 ;; Does the Veteran now have or has he/she ever been diagnosed with a hematologic
 ;; or lymphatic condition?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, select the Veteran's condition(s) (check all that apply):
 ;;    ___ Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)
 ;;                           ICD code: ________  Date of diagnosis: ____________
 ;;    ___ Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)
 ;;                           ICD code: ________  Date of diagnosis: ____________
 ;;    ___ Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
 ;;                           ICD code: ________  Date of diagnosis: ____________
 ;;    ___ Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
 ;;                           ICD code: ________  Date of diagnosis: ____________
 ;;    ___ Hodgkin's disease  ICD code: ________  Date of diagnosis: ____________
 ;;    ___ Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
 ;;                           ICD code: ________  Date of diagnosis: ____________
 ;;    ___ Multiple myeloma   ICD code: ________  Date of diagnosis: ____________
 ;;    ___ Myelodysplastic syndrome
 ;;                           ICD code: ________  Date of diagnosis: ____________
 ;;    ___ Plasmacytoma       ICD code: ________  Date of diagnosis: ____________
 ;;    ___ Anemia (such as anemia of chronic disease, aplastic anemia, hemolytic
 ;;        anemia, iron or vitamin-deficient anemias, thalassemias, myelophthisic
 ;;        anemia, etc.)      ICD code: ________  Date of diagnosis: ____________
 ;;    ___ Thrombocytopenia   ICD code: ________  Date of diagnosis: ____________
 ;;    ___ Polycythemia vera  ICD code: ________  Date of diagnosis: ____________
 ;;    ___ Sickle cell anemia ICD code: ________  Date of diagnosis: ____________
 ;;    ___ Splenectomy        ICD code: ________  Date of diagnosis: ____________
 ;;    ___ Hairy cell or other B-cell leukemia: If checked, complete Hairy cell
 ;;        and other B-cell leukemias Questionnaire in lieu of this Questionnaire.
 ;;    ___ Other, specify:
 ;;           Other diagnosis #1: ___________________
 ;;           ICD code: _____________________________
 ;;           Date of diagnosis: ____________________
 ;;           Other diagnosis #2: ___________________
 ;;           ICD code: _____________________________
 ;;           Date of diagnosis: ____________________
 ;;           Other diagnosis #3: ___________________
 ;;           ICD code: _____________________________
 ;;           Date of diagnosis: ____________________
 ;; If there are additional diagnoses that pertain to hematologic or lymphatic
 ;; conditions, list using above format: ________________________________________
 ;; 2. Medical history
 ;; a. Describe the history (including onset and course) of the Veteran's
 ;; hematologic or lymphatic condition (brief summary):__________________________
 ;; b. Is continuous medication required for control of a hematologic or lymphatic
 ;; condition, including anemia or thrombocytopenia caused by treatment for a 
 ;; hematologic or lymphatic condition?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, list only those medications required for control of the Veteran's
 ;; hematologic or lymphatic condition, including anemia or thrombocytopenia
 ;; caused by treatment for a hematologic or lymphatic condition. Provide the 
 ;; name of the medication and the condition the medication is used to treat:
 ;; _____________________________________________________________________________
 ;; c. Indicate the status of the primary hematologic or lymphatic condition:
 ;;     ___ Active
 ;;     ___ Remission
 ;;     ___ Not applicable
 ;; 3. Treatment
 ;; a. Has the Veteran completed any treatment or is the Veteran currently
 ;; undergoing any treatment for any hematologic or lymphatic condition,
 ;; including leukemia?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No; watchful waiting
 ;; If yes, indicate type of treatment the Veteran is currently undergoing or has
 ;; completed (check all that apply):
 ;;    ___ Treatment completed; currently in watchful waiting status
 ;;    ___ Bone marrow transplant
 ;;        If checked, provide:
 ;;        Date of hospital admission and location:  ____________________________
 ;;        Date of hospital discharge after transplant: _________________________
 ;;    ___ Surgery
 ;;        If checked, describe: ________________________________________________
 ;;        Date(s)of surgery: ___________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Radiation therapy
 ;;        Date of most recent treatment: _______________________________________
 ;;        Date of completion of treatment or anticipated date of 
 ;;        completion:___________________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Antineoplastic chemotherapy
 ;;        Date of most recent treatment:________________________________________
 ;;        Date of completion of treatment or anticipated date of
 ;;        completion:___________________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Other therapeutic procedure
 ;;              If checked, describe procedure: ________________________________ 
 ;;              Date of most recent procedure: _________________________________
 ;;    ___ Other therapeutic treatment
 ;;              If checked, describe treatment: ________________________________
 ;;              Date of completion of treatment or anticipated date of
 ;;              completion: ____________________________________________________
 ;; 4. Anemia and thrombocytopenia (primary, secondary, idiopathic and immune)
 ;; Does the Veteran have anemia or thrombocytopenia, including that caused by
 ;; treatment for a hematologic or lymphatic condition?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, complete the following:
 ;; a. Does the Veteran have anemia?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, is the anemia caused by treatment for another hematologic or lymphatic
 ;; condition?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, provide the name of the other hematologic or lymphatic condition
 ;; causing the secondary anemia: _______________________________________________
 ;; b. Does the Veteran have thrombocytopenia?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, is the thrombocytopenia caused by treatment for another hematologic
 ;; or lymphatic condition?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, provide the name of the other hematologic or lymphatic condition
 ;; causing the secondary thrombocytopenia: _____________________________________
 ;; If the Veteran has thrombocytopenia, select the answer that best represents
 ;; the Veteran's condition:
 ;;    ___ Stable platelet count of 100,000 or more
 ;;    ___ Stable platelet count between 70,000 and 100,000
 ;;    ___ Platelet count between 20,000 and 70,000
 ;;    ___ Platelet count of less than 20,000
 ;;    ___ With active bleeding
 ;;    ___ Other, describe: _____________________________________________________
 ;; c. Does the Veteran have any complications or residuals of treatment requiring
 ;; transfusion of platelets or red blood cells?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, indicate frequency of transfusions in the past 12 months:
 ;;    ___ None
 ;;    ___ At least once per year but less than once every 3 months
 ;;    ___ At least once every 3 months
 ;;    ___ At least once every 6 weeks
 ;; 5. Findings, signs and symptoms
 ;; Does the Veteran currently have any findings, signs and symptoms due to a 
 ;; hematologic or lymphatic disorder or to treatment for a hematologic or
 ;; lymphatic disorder?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, check all that apply: 
 ;;    ___ Weakness
 ;;      If checked, describe: __________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Easy fatigability
 ;;      If checked, describe: __________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Light-headedness
 ;;      If checked, describe: __________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Shortness of breath
 ;;      If checked, describe: __________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Headaches
 ;;      If checked, describe: __________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Dyspnea on mild exertion
 ;;      If checked, describe: __________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Dyspnea at rest
 ;;      If checked, describe: __________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Tachycardia
 ;;      If checked, describe: __________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Syncope
 ;;      If checked, describe: __________________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Cardiomegaly
 ;;    ___ High output congestive heart failure
 ;;    ___ Other, describe: _____________________________________________________
 ;; 6. Recurring infections
 ;; Does the Veteran currently have recurring infections attributable to any
 ;; conditions, complications or residuals of treatment for a hematologic or 
 ;; lymphatic disorder?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, indicate frequency of infections over past 12 months:
 ;;    ___ None
 ;;    ___ At least once per year but less than once every 3 months
 ;;    ___ At least once every 3 months
 ;;    ___ At least once every 6 weeks
 ;; 7. Polycythemia vera
 ;; Does the Veteran have polycythemia vera?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, check all that apply:
 ;;    ___ Stable, with or without continuous medication
 ;;    ___ Requiring phlebotomy
 ;;    ___ Requiring myelosuppressant treatment
 ;;    ___ Other, describe: _____________________________________________________
 ;; NOTE: If there are complications due to polycythemia vera such as hypertension,
 ;; gout, stroke or thrombotic disease, ALSO complete appropriate Questionnaire
 ;; for each condition.
 ;; 8. Sickle cell anemia
 ;; Does the Veteran have sickle cell anemia?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, check all that apply:
 ;;    ___ Asymptomatic
 ;;    ___ In remission
 ;;    ___ With identifiable organ impairment
 ;;    ___ Following repeated hemolytic sickling crises with continuing
 ;;        impairment of health
 ;;    ___ Painful crises several times a year
 ;;    ___ Repeated painful crises, occurring in skin, joints, bones or any
 ;;        major organs
 ;;    ___ With anemia, thrombosis and infarction
 ;;    ___ Symptoms preclude other than light manual labor
 ;;    ___ Symptoms preclude even light manual labor
 ;;    ___ Other, describe: _____________________________________________________
 ;; 9. Other pertinent physical findings, complications, conditions, signs
 ;; and/or symptoms
 ;; a. Does the Veteran have any scars (surgical or otherwise) related to any
 ;; conditions or to the treatment of any conditions listed in the Diagnosis 
 ;; section above?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, are any of the scars painful and/or unstable, or is the total area of
 ;; all related scars greater than 39 square cm (6 square inches)?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, also complete a Scars Questionnaire.
 ;; b. Does the Veteran have any other pertinent physical findings, complications,
 ;; conditions, signs and/or symptoms?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, describe (brief summary): ___________________________________________
 ;; 10. Diagnostic testing
 ;; If testing has been performed and reflects Veteran's current condition, no 
 ;; further testing is required.
 ;; When appropriate, provide most recent complete blood count.
 ;; a. Has laboratory testing been performed?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, provide results:
 ;;    Hemoglobin (gm/100ml): __________________________  Date: _________________
 ;;    Hematocrit: _____________________________________  Date: _________________
 ;;    Red blood cell (RBC) count: _____________________  Date: _________________
 ;;    White blood cell (WBC) count: ___________________  Date: _________________
 ;;    White blood cell differential count: ____________  Date: _________________
 ;;    Platelet count: _________________________________  Date: _________________
 ;; b. Are there any other significant diagnostic test findings and/or results?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, provide type of test or procedure, date and results (brief summary):
 ;; _____________________________________________________________________________
 ;; 11. Functional impact
 ;; Do the Veteran's hematologic or lymphatic condition(s) impact his or
 ;; her ability to work?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, describe impact of each of the Veteran's hematologic and lymphatic
 ;; conditions, providing one or more examples: _________________________________
 ;; _____________________________________________________________________________
 ;; 12. Remarks, if any:_________________________________________________________
 ;; _____________________________________________________________________________
 ;; Physician signature: _____________________________________ Date: ____________
 ;; Physician printed name: __________________________________ Phone: ___________
 ;; Medical license #: _______________________________________ Fax: _____________
 ;; Physician address: __________________________________________________________
 ;; NOTE: VA may request additional medical information, including additional
 ;; examinations if necessary to complete VA's review of the Veteran's
 ;; application.