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Routine: DVBCQHF2


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 ;;2.7;AMIE;**173**;Apr 10, 1995;Build 2
 ;; Your patient is applying to the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for
 ;; disability benefits.  VA will consider the information you provide on this
 ;; questionnaire as part of their evaluation in processing the Veteran's claim.
 ;; 1. Diagnosis
 ;; Does the Veteran now have or has he/she ever had a hand or finger condition?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, provide only diagnoses that pertain to hand conditions:
 ;; Diagnosis #1: ___________________
 ;; ICD code:  ______________________
 ;; Date of diagnosis: ______________
 ;; Side affected:  ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;; Diagnosis #2: ___________________
 ;; ICD code:  ______________________
 ;; Date of diagnosis: ______________
 ;; Side affected:  ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;; Diagnosis #3: ___________________
 ;; ICD code:  ______________________
 ;; Date of diagnosis: ______________
 ;; Side affected:  ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;; If there are additional diagnoses that pertain to hand conditions, list
 ;; using above format: ________________________________________________________
 ;; 2. Medical history
 ;; a. Describe the history (including onset and course) of the Veteran's hand
 ;; condition (brief summary): _________________________________________________
 ;; b. Dominant hand:
 ;; ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Ambidextrous
 ;; 3. Flare-ups
 ;; Does the Veteran report that flare-ups impact the function of the hand?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, document the Veteran's description of the impact of flare-ups in
 ;; his or her own words: ______________________________________________________
 ;; 4. Initial range of motion (ROM) measurements
 ;; Measure ROM with a goniometer, rounding each measurement to the nearest 5
 ;; degrees. During the measurements, document the point at which painful
 ;; motion begins, evidenced by visible behavior such as facial expression,
 ;; wincing, etc. Report initial measurements below.
 ;; Following the initial assessment of ROM, perform repetitive use testing.
 ;; For VA purposes, repetitive use testing must be included in all joint exams.
 ;; The VA has determined that 3 repetitions of ROM (at a minimum) can serve as
 ;; a representative test of the effect of repetitive use. After the initial
 ;; measurement, reassess ROM after 3 repetitions. Report post-test measurements
 ;; in section 5.
 ;; a. Is there limitation of motion or evidence of painful motion for any
 ;; fingers or thumbs?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If no, skip to section 5
 ;; If yes, indicate digits affected (check all that apply):
 ;; Right:  
 ;;    ___Thumb  ___Index finger  ___Long finger  ___Ring finger  ___Little finger
 ;; Left:
 ;;    ___Thumb  ___Index finger  ___Long finger  ___Ring finger  ___Little finger
 ;; b. Ability to oppose thumb: Is there a gap between the thumb pad and the
 ;; fingers?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, indicate distance of gap and side affected:
 ;;    ___ Less than 1 inch (2.5 cm.)      ___ Right   ___ Left    ___ Both
 ;;    ___ 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5.1 cm.)  ___ Right   ___ Left    ___ Both
 ;;    ___ More than 2 inches (5.1 cm.)    ___ Right   ___ Left    ___ Both
 ;; Select where objective evidence of painful motion begins:
 ;;    ___ No objective evidence of painful motion
 ;;    ___ Pain begins at gap of less      ___ Right   ___ Left    ___ Both
 ;;        than 1 inch (2.5 cm.)
 ;;    ___ Pain begins at gap of 1 to      ___ Right   ___ Left    ___ Both
 ;;        2 inches (2.5 to 5.1 cm.)
 ;;    ___ Pain begins at gap of more      ___ Right   ___ Left    ___ Both
 ;;        than 2 inches (5.1 cm.)
 ;; c. Finger flexion: Is there a gap between any fingertips and the proximal
 ;; transverse crease of the palm or evidence of painful motion in attempting
 ;; to touch the palm with the fingertips?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, indicate the gap:
 ;;    ___ Gap less than 1 inch (2.5 cm)
 ;;       Indicate fingers affected (check all that apply):
 ;;       Right: ___Index finger  ___Long finger  ___ Ring finger  ___Little finger
 ;;       Left:  ___Index finger  ___Long finger  ___ Ring finger  ___Little finger
 ;;    ___ Gap 1 inch (2.5 cm) or more
 ;;       Indicate fingers affected (check all that apply):
 ;;       Right: ___Index finger  ___Long finger  ___ Ring finger  ___Little finger
 ;;       Left:  ___Index finger  ___Long finger  ___ Ring finger  ___Little finger
 ;; Select where objective evidence of painful motion begins:
 ;;   ___ No objective evidence of painful motion
 ;;   ___ Painful motion begins at a gap of less than 1 inch (2.5 cm)
 ;;       Indicate fingers affected (check all that apply):
 ;;       Right: ___Index finger  ___Long finger  ___ Ring finger  ___Little finger
 ;;       Left:  ___Index finger  ___Long finger  ___ Ring finger  ___Little finger
 ;;   ___ Painful motion begins at a gap of 1 inch (2.5 cm) or more
 ;;       Indicate fingers affected (check all that apply):
 ;;       Right: ___Index finger  ___Long finger  ___ Ring finger  ___Little finger
 ;;       Left:  ___Index finger  ___Long finger  ___ Ring finger  ___Little finger
 ;; d. Finger extension: Is there limitation of extension or evidence of
 ;; painful motion for the index finger or long finger?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, indicate limitation of extension:
 ;;    ___ Extension limited by no more than 30 degrees (unable to extend
 ;;    finger fully, extension limited to between 0 and 30 degrees of flexion)
 ;;       Indicate fingers affected: (check all that apply)
 ;;       Right:    ___ Index finger      ___ Long finger    
 ;;       Left:     ___ Index finger      ___ Long finger
 ;;    ___ Extension limited by more than 30 degrees (unable to extend finger
 ;;    fully, extension limited to 31 degrees or more of flexion)
 ;;       Indicate fingers affected: (check all that apply)
 ;;       Right:    ___ Index finger      ___ Long finger
 ;;       Left:     ___ Index finger      ___ Long finger
 ;; Select where objective evidence of painful motion begins:
 ;;    ___ No objective evidence of painful motion
 ;;    ___ Painful motion begins at extension of no more than 30 degrees (unable
 ;;    to extend finger fully, painful extension begins between 0 and 30 degrees
 ;;    of flexion)
 ;;       Indicate fingers affected: (check all that apply)
 ;;       Right:    ___ Index finger      ___ Long finger
 ;;       Left:     ___ Index finger      ___ Long finger
 ;;    ___ Painful motion begins at extension of more than 30 degrees (unable to
 ;;    extend finger fully, painful extension begins at 31 degrees or more of
 ;;    flexion)
 ;;       Indicate fingers affected: (check all that apply)
 ;;       Right:    ___ Index finger      ___ Long finger
 ;;       Left:     ___ Index finger      ___ Long finger
 ;; e. If ROM does not conform to the normal range of motion identified above
 ;; but is normal for this Veteran (for reasons other than a hand condition,
 ;; such as age, body habitus, neurologic disease), explain: ___________________
 ;; ____________________________________________________________________________
 ;; 5. ROM measurements after repetitive use testing
 ;; a. Is the Veteran able to perform repetitive-use testing with 3 repetitions?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No    If unable, provide reason: _____________________________
 ;; If Veteran is unable to perform repetitive-use testing, skip to section 6.
 ;; If Veteran is able to perform repetitive-use testing, measure and report
 ;; ROM after a minimum of 3 repetitions:
 ;; b. Is there additional limitation of motion for any fingers post-test?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, indicate digit(s) affected: (check all that apply)
 ;;    Right:
 ;;    ___Thumb  ___Index finger  ___Long finger  ___Ring finger  ___Little finger
 ;;    Left:
 ;;    ___Thumb  ___Index finger  ___Long finger  ___Ring finger  ___Little finger
 ;; c. Ability to oppose thumb: Is there a gap between the thumb pad and the
 ;; fingers post-test?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, indicate distance of gap and side affected:
 ;;    ___ Less than 1 inch (2.5 cm.)      ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;    ___ 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5.1 cm.)  ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;    ___ More than 2 inches (5.1 cm.)    ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;; d. Finger flexion: Is there a gap between any fingertips and the proximal
 ;; transverse crease of the palm in attempting to touch the palm with the
 ;; fingertips post-test?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, indicate the gap:
 ;;    ___ Gap less than 1 inch (2.5 cm)
 ;;    Indicate fingers affected (check all that apply):
 ;;    Right:  ___Index finger  ___Long finger  ___Ring finger  ___Little finger
 ;;    Left:   ___Index finger  ___Long finger  ___Ring finger  ___Little finger
 ;;    ___ Gap 1 inch (2.5 cm) or more
 ;;    Indicate fingers affected (check all that apply):
 ;;    Right:  ___Index finger  ___Long finger  ___Ring finger  ___Little finger
 ;;    Left:   ___Index finger  ___Long finger  ___Ring finger  ___Little finger
 ;; e. Finger extension: Is there limitation of extension for the index finger
 ;; or long finger post-test?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, indicate limitation of extension:
 ;;    ___ Extension limited by no more than 30 degrees (unable to extend finger
 ;;    fully, extension limited to between 0 and 30 degrees of flexion)
 ;;       Indicate fingers affected: (check all that apply)
 ;;       Right:    ___ Index finger      ___ Long finger    
 ;;       Left:     ___ Index finger      ___ Long finger
 ;;    ___ Extension limited by more than 30 degrees (unable to extend finger
 ;;    fully, extension limited to 31 degrees or more of flexion)
 ;;       Indicate fingers affected: (check all that apply)
 ;;       Right:    ___ Index finger      ___ Long finger
 ;;       Left:     ___ Index finger      ___ Long finger
 ;; 6. Functional loss and additional limitation of ROM
 ;; The following section addresses reasons for functional loss, if present, and
 ;; additional loss of ROM after repetitive-use testing, if present. The VA defines
 ;; functional loss as the inability to perform normal working movements of the
 ;; body with normal excursion, strength, speed, coordination and/or endurance.
 ;; a. Does the Veteran have any functional loss or functional impairment of
 ;; any of the fingers or thumbs?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; b. Does the Veteran have additional limitation in ROM of any of the
 ;; fingers or thumbs following repetitive-use testing?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; c. If the Veteran has functional loss, functional impairment or additional
 ;; limitation of ROM of any of the fingers or thumbs after repetitive use,
 ;; indicate the contributing factors of disability below (check all that apply;
 ;; indicate digit and side affected):
 ;;    ___ No functional loss for right hand, thumb or fingers
 ;;    ___ No functional loss for left hand, thumb or fingers
 ;;    ___ Less movement than normal
 ;;        Right: ___ All  ___ Thumb  ___ Index  ___ Long  ___ Ring   ___ Little
 ;;                                       finger     finger    finger     finger
 ;;        Left:  ___ All  ___ Thumb  ___ Index  ___ Long  ___ Ring   ___ Little
 ;;                                       finger     finger    finger     finger
 ;;    ___ More movement than normal
 ;;        Right: ___ All  ___ Thumb  ___ Index  ___ Long  ___ Ring   ___ Little
 ;;                                       finger     finger    finger     finger
 ;;        Left:  ___ All  ___ Thumb  ___ Index  ___ Long  ___ Ring   ___ Little
 ;;                                       finger     finger    finger     finger
 ;;    ___ Weakened movement
 ;;        Right: ___ All  ___ Thumb  ___ Index  ___ Long  ___ Ring   ___ Little
 ;;                                       finger     finger    finger     finger
 ;;        Left:  ___ All  ___ Thumb  ___ Index  ___ Long  ___ Ring   ___ Little
 ;;                                       finger     finger    finger     finger
 ;;    ___ Excess fatigability
 ;;        Right: ___ All  ___ Thumb  ___ Index  ___ Long  ___ Ring   ___ Little
 ;;                                       finger     finger    finger     finger
 ;;        Left:  ___ All  ___ Thumb  ___ Index  ___ Long  ___ Ring   ___ Little
 ;;                                       finger     finger    finger     finger
 ;;    ___ Incoordination, impaired ability to execute skilled movements smoothly
 ;;        Right: ___ All  ___ Thumb  ___ Index  ___ Long  ___ Ring   ___ Little
 ;;                                       finger     finger    finger     finger
 ;;        Left:  ___ All  ___ Thumb  ___ Index  ___ Long  ___ Ring   ___ Little
 ;;                                       finger     finger    finger     finger
 ;;    ___ Pain on movement
 ;;        Right: ___ All  ___ Thumb  ___ Index  ___ Long  ___ Ring   ___ Little
 ;;                                       finger     finger    finger     finger
 ;;        Left:  ___ All  ___ Thumb  ___ Index  ___ Long  ___ Ring   ___ Little
 ;;                                       finger     finger    finger     finger
 ;;    ___ Swelling
 ;;        Right: ___ All  ___ Thumb  ___ Index  ___ Long  ___ Ring   ___ Little
 ;;                                       finger     finger    finger     finger
 ;;        Left:  ___ All  ___ Thumb  ___ Index  ___ Long  ___ Ring   ___ Little
 ;;                                       finger     finger    finger     finger
 ;;    ___ Deformity
 ;;        Right: ___ All  ___ Thumb  ___ Index  ___ Long  ___ Ring   ___ Little
 ;;                                       finger     finger    finger     finger
 ;;        Left:  ___ All  ___ Thumb  ___ Index  ___ Long  ___ Ring   ___ Little
 ;;                                       finger     finger    finger     finger
 ;;    ___ Atrophy of disuse
 ;;        Right: ___ All  ___ Thumb  ___ Index  ___ Long  ___ Ring   ___ Little
 ;;                                       finger     finger    finger     finger
 ;;        Left:  ___ All  ___ Thumb  ___ Index  ___ Long  ___ Ring   ___ Little
 ;;                                       finger     finger    finger     finger
 ;;    ___ Other, describe: ____________________________________________________