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Routine: DVBCQKC4


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 ;;2.7;AMIE;**169**;Apr 10, 1995;Build 5
 ;; Your patient is applying to the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for
 ;; disability benefits.  VA will consider the information you provide on this
 ;; questionnaire as part of their evaluation in processing the Veteran's claim.
 ;; 1. Diagnosis
 ;; Does the Veteran now have or has he/she ever been diagnosed with a kidney
 ;; condition?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, indicate diagnoses: (check all that apply)
 ;; ___ Diabetic nephropathy      ICD code: ______   Date of diagnosis: _________
 ;; ___ Glomerulonephritis        ICD code: ______   Date of diagnosis: _________
 ;; ___ Hydronephrosis            ICD code: ______   Date of diagnosis: _________
 ;; ___ Interstitial nephritis    ICD code: ______   Date of diagnosis: _________
 ;; ___ Kidney transplant         ICD code: ______   Date of diagnosis: _________
 ;; ___ Nephrosclerosis           ICD code: ______   Date of diagnosis: _________
 ;; ___ Nephrolithiasis           ICD code: ______   Date of diagnosis: _________
 ;; ___ Renal artery stenosis     ICD code: ______   Date of diagnosis: _________
 ;; ___ Ureterolithiasis          ICD code: ______   Date of diagnosis: _________
 ;; ___ Neoplasm of the kidney    ICD code: ______   Date of diagnosis: _________
 ;; ___ Cholesterol emboli        ICD code: ______   Date of diagnosis: _________
 ;; ___ Cystic kidney disease     ICD code: ______   Date of diagnosis: _________
 ;; ___ Congenital kidney disorder
 ;;                               ICD code: ______   Date of diagnosis: _________
 ;; ___ Other inherited kidney disorder, specify:
 ;;                               ICD code: ______   Date of diagnosis: _________
 ;; ___ Other kidney condition (specify diagnosis, providing only diagnoses
 ;;     that pertain to kidney conditions.)
 ;;     Other diagnosis #1: ______________
 ;;     ICD code: ________________________
 ;;     Date of diagnosis: _______________
 ;;     Other diagnosis #2: ______________
 ;;     ICD code: ________________________
 ;;     Date of diagnosis: _______________
 ;; If there are additional diagnoses that pertain to kidney conditions, list
 ;; using above format: ________________________________________________________
 ;; 2. Medical history
 ;; a. Describe the history (including cause, onset and course) of the Veteran's
 ;; kidney condition (brief summary): __________________________________________
 ;; b. Does the Veteran's treatment plan include taking continuous medication
 ;; for the diagnosed condition?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; List medications taken for the diagnosed condition:  
 ;; ____________________________________________________________________________
 ;; 3. Renal dysfunction
 ;; Does the Veteran have renal dysfunction? (Evidence of renal dysfunction
 ;; includes either persistent proteinuria, hematuria or GFR < 60 cc/min/1.73m2) 
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, complete the following section:
 ;; a. Does the Veteran require regular dialysis?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; b. Does the Veteran have any signs or symptoms due to renal dysfunction?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes,check all that apply:
 ;;    ___ Proteinuria (albuminuria)
 ;;        If checked, indicate frequency: (check all that apply)
 ;;              ___ Recurring   ___ Constant   ___ Persistent
 ;;    ___ Edema (due to renal dysfunction)
 ;;        If checked, indicate frequency: (check all that apply)
 ;;              ___ Some   ___ Transient   ___ Slight   ___ Persistent
 ;;    ___ Anorexia (due to renal dysfunction)
 ;;    ___ Weight loss (due to renal dysfunction)
 ;;        If checked, provide baseline weight (average weight for 2-year period
 ;;        preceding onset of disease): ____________
 ;;        Provide current weight: _________________
 ;;    ___ Generalized poor health due to renal dysfunction
 ;;    ___ Lethargy due to renal dysfunction
 ;;    ___ Weakness due to renal dysfunction
 ;;    ___ Limitation of exertion due to renal dysfunction
 ;;    ___ Able to perform only sedentary activity, due to persistent edema
 ;;        caused by renal dysfunction
 ;;    ___ Markedly decreased function of other organ systems, especially the
 ;;        cardiovascular system, caused by renal dysfunction
 ;;           If checked, describe: _____________________________________________
 ;;    ___ Other, describe: _____________________________________________________ 
 ;; c. Does the Veteran have hypertension and/or heart disease due to renal
 ;; dysfunction or caused by any kidney condition?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, also complete the Hypertension and/or Heart Disease Questionnaire
 ;; as appropriate.
 ;; 4. Urolithiasis
 ;; Does the Veteran now have or has he/she ever had kidney, ureteral or
 ;; bladder calculi (urolithiasis)?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___  No
 ;; If yes, complete the following section:
 ;; a. Indicate current/past location of calculi (check all that apply) 
 ;;    ___ Kidney   ___ Ureter   ___Bladder
 ;; b. Has the Veteran had treatment for recurrent stone formation in the kidney,
 ;; ureter or bladder?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___  No
 ;; If yes, indicate treatment: (check all that apply)
 ;;   ___ Diet therapy
 ;;       If checked, specify diet and dates of use: ____________________________
 ;;   ___ Drug therapy
 ;;       If checked, list medication and dates of use: _________________________
 ;;   ___ Invasive or non-invasive procedures
 ;;       If checked, indicate average number of times per year invasive or
 ;;       non-invasive procedures were required:
 ;;       ___ 0 to 1 per year    ___ 2 per year    ___ > 2 per year
 ;;       Date and facility of most recent invasive or non-invasive procedure:
 ;;       _______________________________________________________________________
 ;; c. Does the Veteran have any signs or symptoms due to urolithiasis?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___  No
 ;; If yes, indicate severity (check all that apply):
 ;;   ___ No symptoms or attacks of colic
 ;;   ___ Occasional attacks of colic
 ;;   ___ Frequent attacks of colic
 ;;   ___ Causing voiding dysfunction
 ;;   ___ Requires catheter drainage
 ;;   ___ Causing infection (pyonephrosis)
 ;;   ___ Causing hydronephrosis
 ;;   ___ Causing impaired kidney function
 ;;   ___ Other, describe: ______________________________________________________
 ;; 5. Urinary tract/kidney infection
 ;; Does the Veteran have a history of recurrent symptomatic urinary tract or
 ;; kidney infections?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___  No
 ;; If yes, complete the following section:
 ;; a. Etiology of recurrent urinary tract or kidney infections:
 ;; ____________________________________________________________________________
 ;; b. Indicate all treatment modalities used for recurrent urinary tract or kidney
 ;; infections (check all that apply):
 ;;   ___ No treatment
 ;;   ___ Long-term drug therapy
 ;;       If checked, list medications used and indicate dates for courses of
 ;;       treatment over the past 12 months: ___________________________________
 ;;   ___ Hospitalization
 ;;       If checked, indicate frequency of hospitalization:
 ;;          ___ 1 or 2 per year
 ;;          ___ > 2 per year
 ;;   ___ Drainage
 ;;         If checked, indicate dates when drainage performed over past 12
 ;;         months: _______________________________
 ;;   ___ Continuous intensive management
 ;;         If checked, indicate types of treatment and medications used over
 ;;         past 12 months: _______________________
 ;;   ___ Intermittent intensive management
 ;;         If checked, indicate types of treatment and medications used over
 ;;         past 12 months: _______________________
 ;;   ___ Other, describe: ________________________
 ;; 6. Kidney transplant or removal
 ;; Has the Veteran had a kidney transplant or removal?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, complete the following section:
 ;; a. Has the Veteran had a kidney removed? 
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, provide reason: 
 ;;    ___ Kidney donation
 ;;    ___ Due to disease
 ;;    ___ Due to trauma or injury
 ;;    ___ Other, describe: ______________________
 ;; b. Has the Veteran had a kidney transplant?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, date of transplant: __________________
 ;; Name of treatment facility, date of admission and date of discharge for
 ;; transplant: ________________________________________________________________
 ;; 7. Tumors and neoplasms
 ;; a. Does the Veteran have a benign or malignant neoplasm or metastases
 ;; related to any of the diagnoses in the Diagnosis section?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, complete the following section:
 ;; b. Is the neoplasm
 ;; ___ Benign    ___ Malignant
 ;; c. Has the Veteran completed treatment or is the Veteran currently undergoing
 ;; treatment for a benign or malignant neoplasm or metastases?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No; watchful waiting
 ;;    If yes, indicate type of treatment the Veteran is currently undergoing or
 ;;    has completed (check all that apply):
 ;;    ___ Treatment completed; currently in watchful waiting status
 ;;    ___ Surgery
 ;;        If checked, describe: ________________________________________________
 ;;        Date(s) of surgery: _________
 ;;    ___ Radiation therapy
 ;;        Date of most recent treatment: ___________
 ;;        Date of completion of treatment or anticipated date of
 ;;        completion: _________________
 ;;    ___ Antineoplastic chemotherapy
 ;;        Date of most recent treatment: ___________
 ;;        Date of completion of treatment or anticipated date of
 ;;        completion: _________________
 ;;    ___ Other therapeutic procedure
 ;;        If checked, describe procedure: ______________________________________
 ;;        Date of most recent procedure: ___________
 ;;    ___ Other therapeutic treatment
 ;;        If checked, describe treatment: ______________________________________
 ;;        Date of completion of treatment or anticipated date of
 ;;        completion: _________________
 ;; d. Does the Veteran currently have any residual conditions or complications
 ;; due to the neoplasm (including metastases) or its treatment, other than those
 ;; already documented in the report above?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, list residual conditions and complications (brief summary): _________
 ;; _____________________________________________________________________________
 ;; e. If there are additional benign or malignant neoplasms or metastases
 ;; related to any of the diagnoses in the Diagnosis section, describe using the
 ;; above format: _______________________________________________________________
 ;; 8. Other pertinent physical findings, complications, conditions, signs and/or
 ;; symptoms
 ;; a. Does the Veteran have any scars (surgical or otherwise) related to any
 ;; conditions or to the treatment of any conditions listed in the Diagnosis
 ;; section above?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;;    If yes, are any of the scars painful and/or unstable, or is the total area
 ;;    of all related scars greater than 39 square cm (6 square inches)?
 ;;    ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;;    If yes, also complete a Scars Questionnaire.
 ;; b. Does the Veteran have any other pertinent physical findings,
 ;; complications, conditions, signs or symptoms?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, describe (brief summary): __________________________________________
 ;; 9. Diagnostic testing
 ;; NOTE: If laboratory test results are in the medical record and reflect the
 ;; Veteran's current renal function, repeat testing is not required. Provide
 ;; testing completed appropriate to Veteran's condition; testing indicated below
 ;; is not indicated for every kidney condition.
 ;; a. Has the Veteran had laboratory or other diagnostic studies performed?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, provide most recent results, if available:
 ;; b. Laboratory studies
 ;;    ___ BUN:                        Date: ___________   Result: _____________
 ;;    ___ Creatinine:                 Date: ___________   Result: _____________
 ;;    ___ EGFR:                       Date: ___________   Result: _____________
 ;; c. Urinalysis:
 ;;    ___ Hyaline casts:              Date: ___________   Result: _____________
 ;;    ___ Granular casts:             Date: ___________   Result: _____________
 ;;    ___ RBC's/HPF:                  Date: ___________   Result: _____________
 ;;    ___ Proteinuria (albumin):      Date: ___________   Result: _____________
 ;;    ___ Spot urine for
 ;;        protein/creatinine ratio:   Date: ___________   Result: _____________
 ;;    ___ 24 hour protein (mg/day):   Date: ___________   Result: _____________
 ;; d. Spot urine microalbumin/creatinine: 
 ;;                                    Date: ___________   Result: _____________
 ;; e. Are there any other significant diagnostic test findings and/or results?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, provide type of test or procedure, date and results (brief summary):
 ;; _____________________________________________________________________________