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Routine: DVBCQMI2


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 ;;2.7;AMIE;**173**;Apr 10, 1995;Build 2
 ;; Your patient is applying to the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for
 ;; disability benefits.  VA will consider the information you provide on this
 ;; questionnaire as part of their evaluation in processing the Veteran's claim. 
 ;; Does the Veteran now have or has he/she ever been diagnosed with a muscle
 ;; injury?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, provide only diagnoses that pertain to muscle injury(ies):
 ;;    Diagnosis #1: __________________
 ;;    ICD code: ___________________
 ;;    Date of diagnosis: _____________
 ;;    Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;    Diagnosis #2: __________________
 ;;    ICD code: ___________________
 ;;    Date of diagnosis: _____________
 ;;    Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;    Diagnosis #3: __________________
 ;;    ICD code: ___________________
 ;;    Date of diagnosis: _____________
 ;;    Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;; If there are additional diagnoses pertaining to muscle injuries, list using
 ;; above format: _______________________________________________________________
 ;; NOTE: If there are multiple muscle injuries, complete the assessment for all
 ;; muscle injuries on this Questionnaire, if possible. If unable to complete
 ;; assessment for all muscle injuries on this Questionnaire, also complete an
 ;; additional Questionnaire for each additional injury.
 ;; If the Veteran has or has had a muscle injury that results in any conditions
 ;; that are not covered in this Questionnaire, also complete any other
 ;; appropriate Questionnaires (e.g., if peripheral nerve injury also exists due
 ;; to the muscle injury, complete the Peripheral Nerves Questionnaire).
 ;; a. Does the Veteran have a penetrating muscle injury, such as a gunshot or
 ;; shell fragment wound?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; b. Does the Veteran have a non-penetrating muscle injury (such as a muscle
 ;; strain, torn Achilles tendon or torn quadriceps muscle)?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; c. Describe the history (including onset and course) of the Veteran's muscle
 ;; injury:  (brief summary): ___________________________________________________
 ;; d. Dominant hand
 ;; ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Ambidextrous
 ;; NOTE: For VA purposes, muscles are classified into groups I-XXIII. In this
 ;; section, indicate the location of the Veteran's muscle injuries by checking
 ;; the muscle groups involved.
 ;; 1. Shoulder girdle and arm
 ;; Does the Veteran now have or has he/she ever had an injury to a muscle group
 ;; of the shoulder girdle or arm?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, check muscle group(s) and side affected (check all that apply):
 ;;     ___ Group I: Extrinsic muscles of shoulder girdle: trapezius, levator
 ;;     scapulae, serratus magnus
 ;;     Function: Upward rotation of scapula, elevation of arm above shoulder level
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;     ___ Group II: Muscles of shoulder girdle: pectoralis major, latissimus
 ;;     dorsi and teres major, pectoralis minor, rhomboid
 ;;     Function: Depression of arm from vertical overhead to hanging at side,
 ;;     downward rotation of scapula, forward and backward swing of arm  
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;     ___ Group III: Intrinsic muscles of shoulder girdle: pectoralis major,
 ;;     deltoid
 ;;     Function: Elevation and abduction of arm to level of shoulder, forward
 ;;     and backward swing of arm.
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;     ___ Group IV: Shoulder girdle muscles: supraspinatus, infraspinatus and
 ;;     teres minor, subscapularis, coracobrachialis
 ;;     Function: Stabilization of shoulder, abduction, rotation of arm 
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;     ___ Group V: Flexor muscles of elbow:  biceps, brachialis, brachioradialis
 ;;     Function: Flexion of elbow
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;     ___ Group VI: Extensor muscles of elbow: triceps
 ;;     Function: Extension of elbow
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;; 2. Forearm and hand
 ;; Does the Veteran now have or has he/she ever had an injury to a muscle group
 ;; of the forearm or hand?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, check muscle group(s) and side affected (check all that apply):
 ;;     ___ Group VII:  Muscles of forearm: Flexors of the wrist, fingers and thumb
 ;;     Function: Flexion of wrist and fingers
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;     ___ Group VIII:  Muscles: Extensors of the wrist, fingers and thumb
 ;;     Function: Extension of wrist, fingers and thumb 
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;     ___ Group IX:  Intrinsic muscles of hand, including muscles in the thenar
 ;;     and hypothenar eminence, lumbricales, dorsal and palmar interossei
 ;;     Function: Intrinsic  muscles of the hand assist in delicate manipulative
 ;;     movements
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;; 3. Foot and leg
 ;; Does the Veteran now have or has he/she ever had an injury to a muscle group
 ;; of the foot or leg?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, check muscle group(s) and side affected (check all that apply):
 ;;     ___ Group X:  Muscles of the foot:  flexor digitorum brevis, abductor
 ;;     hallucis, abductor digiti minimi, quadratus plantae, lumbricales, flexor
 ;;     hallucis brevis, adductor hallucis, flexor digiti minimi brevis, dorsal
 ;;     and plantar interossei
 ;;     Function: Movements of forefoot and toes, propulsion thrust in walking
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;     ___ Group XI:  Muscles of the foot, ankle and calf: gastrocnemius, soleus,
 ;;     tibalis posterior, peroneus longus, peroneus brevis, flexor hallucis
 ;;     longus, flexor digitorum longus
 ;;     Function: Propulsion, plantar flexion of foot, stabilization of arch,
 ;;     flexion of toes
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;     ___ Group XII:  Anterior muscles of the leg: tibalis anterior, extensor
 ;;     digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus, peroneus tertius
 ;;     Function: Dorsiflexion, extension of toes, stabilization of arch 
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;; 4. Pelvic girdle and thigh
 ;; Does the Veteran now have or has he/she ever had an injury to a muscle group
 ;; of the pelvic girdle or thigh?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, check muscle group(s) and side affected (check all that apply):
 ;;     ___ Group XIII:  Posterior thigh/hamstring muscles:  biceps femoris,
 ;;     semimembranosus, semitendinosus
 ;;     Function: Flexion of knee 
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;     ___ Group XIV:  Anterior thigh muscles: sartorius, rectus femoris,
 ;;     quadriceps
 ;;     Function: Extension of knee
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;     ___ Group XV:  Medial thigh muscles: adductor longus, adductor brevis,
 ;;     adductor magnus, gracilis
 ;;     Function: Adduction of hip
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;     ___ Group XVI:  Pelvic girdle muscles: psoas, iliacus, pectineus
 ;;     Function: Flexion of hip
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;     ___ Group XVII: Pelvic girdle muscles: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius,
 ;;     gluteus minimus
 ;;     Function: Extension of hip, abduction of thigh, postural support of body
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;         If checked, is there severe damage to muscle group XVII, such that
 ;;         Veteran is unable to rise from a seated and stooped position and to
 ;;         maintain postural stability without assistance of any type?
 ;;         ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;;     ___ Group XVIII:  Pelvic girdle muscles:  pyriformis, gemelli, obturator,
 ;;     quadratus femoris
 ;;     Function: Outward rotation of thigh and stabilization of hip joint
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;; 5. Torso and neck
 ;; Does the Veteran now have or has he/she ever had an injury to a muscle group
 ;; in the torso and/or neck?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, check muscle group(s) and side or region affected (check all that
 ;;  apply):
 ;;     ___ Group XIX:  Muscles of the abdominal wall: rectus abdominis, external
 ;;     oblique, internal oblique, transversalis, quadratus lumborum
 ;;     Function: Support of abdominal wall and lower thorax, flexion and lateral
 ;;     movement of spine
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;     ___ Group XX:  Spinal muscles: sacrospinalis, erector spinae
 ;;     Function: Postural support of body, extension and lateral movement of
 ;;     the spine
 ;;     Region affected: ___ Cervical   ___ Thoracic   ___ Lumbar
 ;;     ___ Group XXI:  Muscles of respiration: thoracic muscle group.
 ;;     Function: Respiration
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;     ___ Group XXII:  Muscles of the front of the neck: trapezius,
 ;;     sternocleidomastoid, hyoid muscles, sternothyroid, digastric
 ;;     Function: Rotation and flexion of the head, respiration, swallowing
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;;     ___ Group XXIII:  Muscles of the side and back of the neck: suboccipital,
 ;;     lateral vertebral and anterior vertebral muscles
 ;;     Function: Movements of the head, fixation of shoulder movements
 ;;     Side affected: ___ Right   ___ Left   ___ Both
 ;; 6. Additional conditions
 ;; a. Does the Veteran have a history of rupture of the diaphragm with herniation?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, also complete Hiatal Hernia Questionnaire.
 ;; b. Does the Veteran have a history of an extensive muscle hernia of any
 ;; muscle, without other injury to the muscle?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, name muscle and describe current residuals __________________________
 ;; c. Does the Veteran have a history of injury to the facial muscles?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;;     If yes, complete the Questionnaire for Cranial Nerves, Scars, etc., as
 ;;     indicated by type of residuals.
 ;;     If yes, is there interference to any extent with mastication?
 ;;      ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; 1. Scar, fascia and muscle findings
 ;; a. Does the Veteran have any scar(s) associated with a muscle injury?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, indicate severity of scar(s) caused by the muscle injury(ies) (check
 ;; all that apply if there is more than one area or type of scarring):
 ;;     ___ Minimal scar(s)
 ;;     ___ Entrance and (if present) exit scars are small or linear, indicating
 ;;         short track of missile through muscle tissue
 ;;     ___ Entrance and (if present) exit scars indicating track of missile
 ;;         through one or more muscle groups
 ;;     ___ Ragged, depressed and adherent scars indicating wide damage to muscle
 ;;         groups in missile track
 ;;     ___ Adhesion of scar to one of the long bones, scapula, pelvic bones,
 ;;         sacrum or vertebrae, with epithelial sealing over the bone rather
 ;;         than true skin covering in an area where bone is normally protected
 ;;         by muscle
 ;;     ___ Other (including surgical scars related to muscle injuries shown
 ;;         above), also complete Scars Questionnaire
 ;; b. Does the Veteran have any known fascial defects or evidence of fascial
 ;; defects associated with any muscle injuries?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, indicate severity of fascial defect(s) caused by the muscle injury(ies)
 ;; (check all that apply if there is more than one area/type of fascial defect):
 ;;    ___ Some loss of deep fascia
 ;;    ___ Palpation shows loss of deep fascia
 ;;    ___ Other, describe: _____________________________________________________
 ;; c. Does the Veteran's muscle injury(ies) affect muscle substance or function?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, indicate effect of the muscle injury(ies) on muscle substance or
 ;; function (check all that apply):
 ;;     ___ Some impairment of muscle tonus
 ;;     ___ Some loss of muscle substance
 ;;     ___ Soft flabby muscles in wound area
 ;;     ___ Muscles swell and harden abnormally in contraction
 ;;     ___ Induration or atrophy of an entire muscle following history of simple
 ;;         piercing by a projectile
 ;;     ___ Adaptive contraction of an opposing group of muscles
 ;;     ___ Visible or measurable atrophy
 ;;     ___ Atrophy of muscle groups not in the track of the missile, particularly
 ;;         of the trapezius and serratus in wounds of the shoulder girdle
 ;;     ___ Tests of endurance or coordinated movements compared with the
 ;;         corresponding muscles of the uninjured side indicate severe 
 ;;         impairment of function
 ;;     ___ Other, describe: ____________________________________________________