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Routine: DVBCQMI3


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  1. ;;2.7;AMIE;**173**;Apr 10, 1995;Build 2
  1. ;
  1. TXT ;
  1. ;;^TOF^
  1. ;; 2. Cardinal signs and symptoms of muscle disability
  1. ;; Does the Veteran have any of the following signs and/or symptoms attributable
  1. ;; to any muscle injuries?
  1. ;; ___ Yes ___ No
  1. ;; If yes, check all that apply, and indicate side affected, muscle group and
  1. ;; frequency/severity.
  1. ;; ___ Loss of power
  1. ;; If checked, indicate side affected: ___ Right ___ Left ___ Both
  1. ;; Indicate muscle group(s) affected (I-XXIII) if possible: _________
  1. ;; Indicate frequency/severity: ___ Occasional ___ Consistent
  1. ;; ___ Consistent at a more severe level
  1. ;; ___ Weakness
  1. ;; If checked, indicate side affected: ___ Right ___ Left ___ Both
  1. ;; Indicate muscle group(s) affected (I-XXIII) if possible: _________
  1. ;; Indicate frequency/severity: ___ Occasional ___ Consistent
  1. ;; ___ Consistent at a more severe level
  1. ;; ___ Lowered threshold of fatigue
  1. ;; If checked, indicate side affected: ___ Right ___ Left ___ Both
  1. ;; Indicate muscle group(s) affected (I-XXIII) if possible: _________
  1. ;; Indicate frequency/severity: ___ Occasional ___ Consistent
  1. ;; ___ Consistent at a more severe level
  1. ;; ___ Fatigue-pain
  1. ;; If checked, indicate side affected: ___ Right ___ Left ___ Both
  1. ;; Indicate muscle group(s) affected (I-XXIII) if possible: _________
  1. ;; Indicate frequency/severity: ___ Occasional ___ Consistent
  1. ;; ___ Consistent at a more severe level
  1. ;; ___ Impairment of coordination
  1. ;; If checked, indicate side affected: ___ Right ___ Left ___ Both
  1. ;; Indicate muscle group(s) affected (I-XXIII) if possible: _________
  1. ;; Indicate frequency/severity: ___ Occasional ___ Consistent
  1. ;; ___ Consistent at a more severe level
  1. ;; ___ Uncertainty of movement
  1. ;; If checked, indicate side affected: ___ Right ___ Left ___ Both
  1. ;; Indicate muscle group(s) affected (I-XXIII) if possible: _________
  1. ;; Indicate frequency/severity: ___ Occasional ___ Consistent
  1. ;; ___ Consistent at a more severe level
  1. ;;
  1. ;; If further clarification is needed due to injuries of multiple muscle groups,
  1. ;; describe which findings, signs and/or symptoms are attributable to each
  1. ;; muscle injury: ______________________________________________________________
  1. ;;^TOF^
  1. ;; 3. Muscle strength testing
  1. ;; Test muscle strength ONLY for affected muscle groups and for the
  1. ;; corresponding sound (non-injured) side.
  1. ;; Rate strength according to the following scale:
  1. ;; 0/5 No muscle movement
  1. ;; 1/5 Visible muscle movement, but no joint movement
  1. ;; 2/5 No movement against gravity
  1. ;; 3/5 No movement against resistance
  1. ;; 4/5 Less than normal strength
  1. ;; 5/5 Normal strength
  1. ;;
  1. ;; Shoulder abduction (Group III)
  1. ;; Right: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Left: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Elbow flexion (Group V)
  1. ;; Right: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Left: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Elbow extension (Group VI)
  1. ;; Right: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Left: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Wrist flexion (Group VII)
  1. ;; Right: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Left: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Wrist extension (Group VIII)
  1. ;; Right: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Left: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Hip flexion (Group XVI)
  1. ;; Right: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Left: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Knee flexion (Group XIII)
  1. ;; Right: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Left: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Knee extension (Group XIV)
  1. ;; Right: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Left: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Ankle plantar flexion (Group XI)
  1. ;; Right: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Left: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Ankle dorsiflexion (Group XII)
  1. ;; Right: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Left: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; If other movements/muscle groups were tested, specify: ______________________
  1. ;; Right: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;; Left: ___ 5/5 ___ 4/5 ___ 3/5 ___ 2/5 ___ 1/5 ___ 0/5
  1. ;;
  1. ;; Does the Veteran have muscle atrophy?
  1. ;; ___ Yes ___ No
  1. ;; If muscle atrophy is present, indicate location (such as calf, thigh,
  1. ;; forearm, upper arm): _________
  1. ;; Indicate side affected: ___ Right ___ Left ___ Both
  1. ;; Indicate muscle group(s) affected (I-XXIII) if possible: _________________
  1. ;; Provide measurements in centimeters of normal side and atrophied side,
  1. ;; measured at maximum muscle bulk:
  1. ;; Normal side: _____ cm. Atrophied side: _____ cm.
  1. ;; If muscle atrophy is present in more than one muscle group, provide location
  1. ;; and measurements, using the same format: ____________________________________
  1. ;;
  1. ;; 1. Assistive devices
  1. ;; a. Does the Veteran use any assistive devices as a normal mode of locomotion,
  1. ;; although occasional locomotion by other methods may be possible?
  1. ;; ___ Yes ___ No
  1. ;; If yes, identify assistive devices used (check all that apply and indicate
  1. ;; frequency):
  1. ;; ___Wheelchair Frequency of use: ___Occasional ___Regular ___Constant
  1. ;; ___Brace(s) Frequency of use: ___Occasional ___Regular ___Constant
  1. ;; ___Crutch(es) Frequency of use: ___Occasional ___Regular ___Constant
  1. ;; ___Cane(s) Frequency of use: ___Occasional ___Regular ___Constant
  1. ;; ___Walker Frequency of use: ___Occasional ___Regular ___Constant
  1. ;; ___Other: __________________________________________
  1. ;; Frequency of use: ___Occasional ___Regular ___Constant
  1. ;;
  1. ;; b. If the Veteran uses any assistive devices, specify the condition and
  1. ;; identify the assistive device used for each condition: ______________________
  1. ;; _____________________________________________________________________________
  1. ;;
  1. ;; 2. Remaining effective function of the extremities
  1. ;; Due to the Veteran's muscle conditions, is there functional impairment of an
  1. ;; extremity such that no effective function remains other than that which would
  1. ;; be equally well served by an amputation with prosthesis? (Functions of the
  1. ;; upper extremity include grasping, manipulation, etc., while functions for the
  1. ;; lower extremity include balance and propulsion, etc.)
  1. ;; ___ Yes, functioning is so diminished that amputation with prosthesis would
  1. ;; equally serve the Veteran.
  1. ;; ___ No
  1. ;; If yes, indicate extremities for which this applies:
  1. ;; ___ Right lower ___ Right upper ___ Left lower ___ Left upper
  1. ;; For each checked extremity, identify the condition causing loss of
  1. ;; function, describe loss of effective function and provide specific
  1. ;; examples (brief summary): _____________________________________________
  1. ;;
  1. ;; 3. Other pertinent physical findings, complications, conditions, signs and/or
  1. ;; symptoms
  1. ;; Does the Veteran have any other pertinent physical findings, complications,
  1. ;; conditions, signs and/or symptoms?
  1. ;; ___ Yes ___ No
  1. ;; If yes, describe (brief summary): ___________________________________________
  1. ;;^TOF^
  1. ;; 4. Diagnostic Testing
  1. ;; NOTE: If there is reason to believe there are retained metallic fragments in
  1. ;; the muscle tissue, appropriate x-rays are required to determine location of
  1. ;; retained metallic fragments. Once retained metallic fragments have been
  1. ;; documented, further imaging studies are usually not indicated.
  1. ;;
  1. ;; a. Have imaging studies been performed and are the results available?
  1. ;; ___ Yes ___ No
  1. ;;
  1. ;; b. Is there x-ray evidence of retained metallic fragments (such as shell
  1. ;; fragments or shrapnel) in any muscle group?
  1. ;; ___ Yes ___ No
  1. ;; If yes, indicate results:
  1. ;; ___ X-ray evidence of retained shell fragment(s) and/or shrapnel
  1. ;; Location (specify muscle group I-XXIII, if possible): ________________
  1. ;; Side affected: ___ Right ___ Left ___ Both
  1. ;;
  1. ;; ___ X-ray evidence of minute multiple scattered foreign bodies indicating
  1. ;; intermuscular trauma and explosive effect of the missile
  1. ;; Location (specify muscle group I-XXIII, if possible): ________________
  1. ;; Side affected: ___ Right ___ Left ___ Both
  1. ;;
  1. ;; c. Were electrodiagnostic tests done?
  1. ;; ___ Yes ___ No
  1. ;; If yes, was there diminished muscle excitability to pulsed electrical current?
  1. ;; ___ Yes ___ No
  1. ;; If yes, name affected muscle(s) _________________
  1. ;;
  1. ;; d. Are there any other significant diagnostic test findings and/or results?
  1. ;; ___ Yes ___ No
  1. ;; If yes, provide type of test or procedure, date and results (brief summary):
  1. ;; ____________________________________________________________________________
  1. ;;
  1. ;; 5. Functional impact
  1. ;; Does the Veteran's muscle injury(ies) impact his or her ability to work, such
  1. ;; as resulting in inability to keep up with work requirements due to muscle
  1. ;; injury(ies)?
  1. ;; ___ Yes ___ No
  1. ;; If yes, describe the impact of each of the Veteran's muscle injuries
  1. ;; providing one or more examples: _____________________________________________
  1. ;;
  1. ;; 6. Remarks, if any: ________________________________________________________
  1. ;;
  1. ;; Physician signature: ___________________________________________
  1. ;; Physician printed name: ________________________________________
  1. ;; Medical license #: ____________________ Date: ________________
  1. ;; Physician address: _____________________________________________
  1. ;; Phone: ____________________________ Fax: _____________________________
  1. ;;
  1. ;; NOTE: VA may request additional medical information, including additional
  1. ;; examinations if necessary to complete VA's review of the Veteran's application.
  1. ;;^END^
  1. Q