- ;;2.7;AMIE;**169**;Apr 10, 1995;Build 5
- ;
- TXT ;
- ;;
- ;; Your patient is applying to the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for
- ;; disability benefits. VA will consider the information you provide on this
- ;; questionnaire as part of their evaluation in processing the Veteran's claim.
- ;;
- ;; 1. Diagnosis
- ;;
- ;; Does the Veteran now have or has he ever been diagnosed with any conditions
- ;; of the male reproductive system?
- ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- ;;
- ;; If yes, indicate diagnoses: (check all that apply)
- ;; ___ Erectile dysfunction ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- ;; ___ Penis, deformity (e.g., Peyronie's)
- ;; ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- ;; ___ Testis, atrophy, one or both
- ;; ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- ;; ___ Testis, removal, one or both
- ;; ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- ;; ___ Epididymitis, chronic ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- ;; ___ Epididymo-orchitis, chronic
- ;; ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- ;; ___ Prostate injury ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- ;; ___ Prostate hypertrophy (BPH)
- ;; ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- ;; ___ Prostatitis, chronic ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- ;; ___ Prostate surgical residuals (as addressed in items 3-6)
- ;; ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- ;; ___ Neoplasms of the male reproductive system
- ;; ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- ;; ___ Other male reproductive system condition (specify diagnosis, providing
- ;; only diagnoses that pertain to male reproductive system.)
- ;; ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- ;;
- ;; Other diagnosis #1: ____________________________
- ;; ICD code: ______________________________________
- ;; Date of diagnosis: _____________________________
- ;;^TOF^
- ;; Other diagnosis #2: ____________________________
- ;; ICD code: ______________________________________
- ;; Date of diagnosis: _____________________________
- ;;
- ;; If there are additional diagnoses that pertain to the male reproductive organ
- ;; conditions, list using above format: ________________________________________
- ;;
- ;; 2. Medical history
- ;;
- ;; a. Describe the history (including onset and course) of the Veteran's male
- ;; reproductive organ condition(s) (brief summary): ____________________________
- ;;
- ;; b. Does the Veteran's treatment plan include taking continuous medication
- ;; for the diagnosed condition?
- ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- ;; List medications taken for the diagnosed condition: _______________________
- ;;
- ;; c. Has the Veteran had an orchiectomy?
- ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- ;;
- ;; Indicate testicle removed: ___ Right ___ Left ___ Both
- ;;
- ;; Indicate reason for removal:
- ;; ___ Undescended
- ;; ___ Congenitally underdeveloped
- ;; ___ Other, provide reason for removal: ___________________________________
- ;;
- ;; 3. Voiding dysfunction
- ;;
- ;; Does the Veteran have a voiding dysfunction?
- ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- ;; If yes, complete the following section:
- ;;
- ;; a. Etiology of voiding dysfunction: ____________________________
- ;;
- ;; b. Does the voiding dysfunction cause urine leakage?
- ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- ;; Indicate severity (check one):
- ;;
- ;; ___ Does not require the wearing of absorbent material
- ;; ___ Requires absorbent material which must be changed less than 2 times
- ;; per day
- ;; ___ Requires absorbent material which must be changed 2 to 4 times per day
- ;; ___ Requires absorbent material which must be changed more than 4 times
- ;; per day
- ;; ___ Other, describe: ______________________________________________________
- ;;^TOF^
- ;; c. Does the voiding dysfunction require the use of an appliance?
- ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- ;;
- ;; If yes, describe the appliance: _____________________________________________
- ;;
- ;; d. Does the voiding dysfunction cause increased urinary frequency?
- ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- ;;
- ;; If yes, check all that apply:
- ;; ___ Daytime voiding interval between 2 and 3 hours
- ;; ___ Daytime voiding interval between 1 and 2 hours
- ;; ___ Daytime voiding interval less than 1 hour
- ;; ___ Nighttime awakening to void 2 times
- ;; ___ Nighttime awakening to void 3 to 4 times
- ;; ___ Nighttime awakening to void 5 or more times
- ;;
- ;; e. Does the voiding dysfunction cause signs or symptoms of obstructed
- ;; voiding?
- ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- ;;
- ;; If yes, check all that apply:
- ;; ___ Hesitancy
- ;; If checked, is hesitancy marked?
- ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- ;; ___ Slow or weak stream
- ;; If checked, is stream markedly slow or weak?
- ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- ;; ___ Decreased force of stream
- ;; If checked, is force of stream markedly decreased?
- ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- ;; ___ Stricture disease requiring dilatation 1 to 2 times per year
- ;; ___ Stricture disease requiring periodic dilatation every 2 to 3 months
- ;; ___ Recurrent urinary tract infections secondary to obstruction
- ;; ___ Uroflowmetry peak flow rate less than 10 cc/sec
- ;; ___ Post void residuals greater than 150 cc
- ;; ___ Urinary retention requiring intermittent catheterization
- ;; ___ Urinary retention requiring continuous catheterization
- ;; ___ Other, describe: _____________________________________________________
- ;;^TOF^
- ;; 4. Urinary tract/kidney infection
- ;;
- ;; Does the Veteran have a history of recurrent symptomatic urinary tract
- ;; or kidney infections?
- ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- ;; If yes, complete the following section:
- ;;
- ;; a. Etiology of recurrent urinary tract or kidney infections: ______________
- ;; ____________________________________________________________________________
- ;;
- ;; b. Indicate all treatment modalities used for recurrent urinary tract or
- ;; kidney infections (check all that apply):
- ;;
- ;; ___ No treatment
- ;; ___ Long-term drug therapy
- ;; If checked, list medications used and indicate dates for courses of
- ;; treatment over the past 12 months: ___________________________________
- ;; ___ Hospitalization
- ;; If checked, indicate frequency of hospitalization:
- ;; ___ 1 or 2 per year
- ;; ___ > 2 per year
- ;; ___ Drainage
- ;; If checked, indicate dates when drainage performed over past 12
- ;; months: ______________________
- ;; ___ Continuous intensive management
- ;; If checked, indicate types of treatment and medications used over past
- ;; 12 months: ___________________
- ;; ___ Intermittent intensive management
- ;; If checked, indicate types of treatment and medications used over past
- ;; 12 months: ___________________
- ;; ___ Other, describe: _____________________________________________________
- ;;
- ;; 5. Erectile dysfunction
- ;;
- ;; Does the Veteran have erectile dysfunction?
- ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- ;;
- ;; If yes, complete the following section:
- ;;
- ;; a. Etiology of erectile dysfunction: _______________________________________
- ;; ____________________________________________________________________________
- ;;
- ;; b. If the Veteran has erectile dysfunction, is it as likely as not (at least
- ;; a 50% probability) attributable to one of the diagnoses in Section 1,
- ;; including residuals of treatment for this diagnosis?
- ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- ;;
- ;; If yes, specify the diagnosis to which the erectile dysfunction is as likely
- ;; as not attributable: ________________________________________________________
- ;;^TOF^
- ;; c. If the Veteran has erectile dysfunction, is he able to achieve an erection
- ;; sufficient for penetration and ejaculation (without medication)?
- ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- ;;
- ;; If no, is the Veteran able to achieve an erection sufficient for penetration
- ;; and ejaculation (with medication)?
- ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- ;;
- ;; 6. Retrograde ejaculation
- ;;
- ;; Does the Veteran have retrograde ejaculation?
- ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- ;; If yes, complete the following section:
- ;;
- ;; a. Etiology of retrograde ejaculation: ______________________
- ;;
- ;; b. If the Veteran has retrograde ejaculation, is it as likely as not (at
- ;; least a 50% probability) attributable to one of the diagnoses in Section 1,
- ;; including residuals of treatment for this diagnosis?
- ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- ;;
- ;; If yes, specify the diagnosis to which the retrograde ejaculation is as
- ;; likely as not attributable: _________________________________________________
- ;;
- ;; 7. Male reproductive organ infections
- ;;
- ;; Does the Veteran have a history of chronic epididymitis, epididymo-orchitis
- ;; or prostatitis?
- ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- ;;
- ;; If yes, indicate all treatment modalities used for chronic epididymitis,
- ;; epididymo-orchitis or prostatitis (check all that apply):
- ;; ___ No treatment
- ;; ___ Long-term drug therapy
- ;; If checked, list medications used and indicate dates for courses of
- ;; treatment over the past 12 months: ___________________________________
- ;; ___ Hospitalization
- ;; If checked, indicate frequency of hospitalization:
- ;; ___ 1 or 2 per year
- ;; ___ > 2 per year
- ;; ___ Continuous intensive management
- ;; If checked, indicate types of treatment and medications used over
- ;; past 12 months: ______________________________________________________
- ;; ___ Intermittent intensive management
- ;; If checked, indicate types of treatment and medications used over
- ;; past 12 months: ______________________________________________________
- ;; ___ Other, describe: _____________________________________________________
- ;;^TOF^
- ;; 8. Physical exam
- ;;
- ;; a. Penis
- ;; ___ Normal
- ;; ___ Not examined per Veteran's request
- ;; ___ Not examined per Veteran's request; Veteran reports normal anatomy
- ;; with no penile deformity or abnormality
- ;; ___ Not examined; penis exam not relevant to condition
- ;; ___ Abnormal
- ;; If abnormal, indicate severity:
- ;; ___ Loss/removal of half or more of penis
- ;; ___ Loss/removal of glans penis
- ;; ___ Penis deformity(such as Peyronie's disease)
- ;; If checked, describe: _________________________
- ;;
- ;; b. Testes
- ;; ___ Normal
- ;; ___ Not examined per Veteran's request
- ;; ___ Not examined per Veteran's request; Veteran reports normal anatomy
- ;; with no testicular deformity or abnormality
- ;; ___ Not examined; testicular exam not relevant to condition
- ;; ___ Abnormal
- ;;
- ;; If abnormal, check all that apply:
- ;; Right testicle
- ;; ___ Size 1/3 or less of normal
- ;; ___ Size 1/2 to 1/3 of normal
- ;; ___ Considerably harder than normal
- ;; ___ Considerably softer than normal
- ;; ___ Absent
- ;; ___ Other abnormality,
- ;; Describe: _____________________________________
- ;;
- ;; Left testicle
- ;; ___ Size 1/3 or less of normal
- ;; ___ Size 1/2 to 1/3 of normal
- ;; ___ Considerably harder than normal
- ;; ___ Considerably softer than normal
- ;; ___ Absent
- ;; ___ Other abnormality,
- ;; Describe: _____________________________________
- ;;^TOF^
- ;; c. Epididymis
- ;; ___ Normal
- ;; ___ Not examined per Veteran's request
- ;; ___ Not examined per Veteran's request; Veteran reports normal anatomy
- ;; of epididymis with no deformity or abnormality
- ;; ___ Not examined; epididymis exam not relevant to condition
- ;; ___ Abnormal
- ;;
- ;; If abnormal, check all that apply:
- ;; Right epididymis
- ;; ___ Tender to palpation
- ;; ___ Other, describe: ______________________________
- ;;
- ;; Left epididymis
- ;; ___ Tender to palpation
- ;; ___ Other, describe: ______________________________
- ;;
- ;; d. Prostate
- ;; ___ Normal
- ;; ___ Not examined per Veteran's request
- ;; ___ Not examined; prostate exam not relevant to condition
- ;; ___ Abnormal
- ;; If abnormal, describe: ___________________________
- ;;
- Q
- --- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HDVBCQMR5 12947 printed Feb 18, 2025@23:13:46 Page 2
- +1 ;;2.7;AMIE;**169**;Apr 10, 1995;Build 5
- +2 ;
- TXT ;
- +1 ;;
- +2 ;; Your patient is applying to the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for
- +3 ;; disability benefits. VA will consider the information you provide on this
- +4 ;; questionnaire as part of their evaluation in processing the Veteran's claim.
- +5 ;;
- +6 ;; 1. Diagnosis
- +7 ;;
- +8 ;; Does the Veteran now have or has he ever been diagnosed with any conditions
- +9 ;; of the male reproductive system?
- +10 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- +11 ;;
- +12 ;; If yes, indicate diagnoses: (check all that apply)
- +13 ;; ___ Erectile dysfunction ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- +14 ;; ___ Penis, deformity (e.g., Peyronie's)
- +15 ;; ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- +16 ;; ___ Testis, atrophy, one or both
- +17 ;; ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- +18 ;; ___ Testis, removal, one or both
- +19 ;; ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- +20 ;; ___ Epididymitis, chronic ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- +21 ;; ___ Epididymo-orchitis, chronic
- +22 ;; ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- +23 ;; ___ Prostate injury ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- +24 ;; ___ Prostate hypertrophy (BPH)
- +25 ;; ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- +26 ;; ___ Prostatitis, chronic ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- +27 ;; ___ Prostate surgical residuals (as addressed in items 3-6)
- +28 ;; ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- +29 ;; ___ Neoplasms of the male reproductive system
- +30 ;; ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- +31 ;; ___ Other male reproductive system condition (specify diagnosis, providing
- +32 ;; only diagnoses that pertain to male reproductive system.)
- +33 ;; ICD code: ______ Date of diagnosis: ____________
- +34 ;;
- +35 ;; Other diagnosis #1: ____________________________
- +36 ;; ICD code: ______________________________________
- +37 ;; Date of diagnosis: _____________________________
- +38 ;;^TOF^
- +39 ;; Other diagnosis #2: ____________________________
- +40 ;; ICD code: ______________________________________
- +41 ;; Date of diagnosis: _____________________________
- +42 ;;
- +43 ;; If there are additional diagnoses that pertain to the male reproductive organ
- +44 ;; conditions, list using above format: ________________________________________
- +45 ;;
- +46 ;; 2. Medical history
- +47 ;;
- +48 ;; a. Describe the history (including onset and course) of the Veteran's male
- +49 ;; reproductive organ condition(s) (brief summary): ____________________________
- +50 ;;
- +51 ;; b. Does the Veteran's treatment plan include taking continuous medication
- +52 ;; for the diagnosed condition?
- +53 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- +54 ;; List medications taken for the diagnosed condition: _______________________
- +55 ;;
- +56 ;; c. Has the Veteran had an orchiectomy?
- +57 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- +58 ;;
- +59 ;; Indicate testicle removed: ___ Right ___ Left ___ Both
- +60 ;;
- +61 ;; Indicate reason for removal:
- +62 ;; ___ Undescended
- +63 ;; ___ Congenitally underdeveloped
- +64 ;; ___ Other, provide reason for removal: ___________________________________
- +65 ;;
- +66 ;; 3. Voiding dysfunction
- +67 ;;
- +68 ;; Does the Veteran have a voiding dysfunction?
- +69 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- +70 ;; If yes, complete the following section:
- +71 ;;
- +72 ;; a. Etiology of voiding dysfunction: ____________________________
- +73 ;;
- +74 ;; b. Does the voiding dysfunction cause urine leakage?
- +75 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- +76 ;; Indicate severity (check one):
- +77 ;;
- +78 ;; ___ Does not require the wearing of absorbent material
- +79 ;; ___ Requires absorbent material which must be changed less than 2 times
- +80 ;; per day
- +81 ;; ___ Requires absorbent material which must be changed 2 to 4 times per day
- +82 ;; ___ Requires absorbent material which must be changed more than 4 times
- +83 ;; per day
- +84 ;; ___ Other, describe: ______________________________________________________
- +85 ;;^TOF^
- +86 ;; c. Does the voiding dysfunction require the use of an appliance?
- +87 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- +88 ;;
- +89 ;; If yes, describe the appliance: _____________________________________________
- +90 ;;
- +91 ;; d. Does the voiding dysfunction cause increased urinary frequency?
- +92 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- +93 ;;
- +94 ;; If yes, check all that apply:
- +95 ;; ___ Daytime voiding interval between 2 and 3 hours
- +96 ;; ___ Daytime voiding interval between 1 and 2 hours
- +97 ;; ___ Daytime voiding interval less than 1 hour
- +98 ;; ___ Nighttime awakening to void 2 times
- +99 ;; ___ Nighttime awakening to void 3 to 4 times
- +100 ;; ___ Nighttime awakening to void 5 or more times
- +101 ;;
- +102 ;; e. Does the voiding dysfunction cause signs or symptoms of obstructed
- +103 ;; voiding?
- +104 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- +105 ;;
- +106 ;; If yes, check all that apply:
- +107 ;; ___ Hesitancy
- +108 ;; If checked, is hesitancy marked?
- +109 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- +110 ;; ___ Slow or weak stream
- +111 ;; If checked, is stream markedly slow or weak?
- +112 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- +113 ;; ___ Decreased force of stream
- +114 ;; If checked, is force of stream markedly decreased?
- +115 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- +116 ;; ___ Stricture disease requiring dilatation 1 to 2 times per year
- +117 ;; ___ Stricture disease requiring periodic dilatation every 2 to 3 months
- +118 ;; ___ Recurrent urinary tract infections secondary to obstruction
- +119 ;; ___ Uroflowmetry peak flow rate less than 10 cc/sec
- +120 ;; ___ Post void residuals greater than 150 cc
- +121 ;; ___ Urinary retention requiring intermittent catheterization
- +122 ;; ___ Urinary retention requiring continuous catheterization
- +123 ;; ___ Other, describe: _____________________________________________________
- +124 ;;^TOF^
- +125 ;; 4. Urinary tract/kidney infection
- +126 ;;
- +127 ;; Does the Veteran have a history of recurrent symptomatic urinary tract
- +128 ;; or kidney infections?
- +129 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- +130 ;; If yes, complete the following section:
- +131 ;;
- +132 ;; a. Etiology of recurrent urinary tract or kidney infections: ______________
- +133 ;; ____________________________________________________________________________
- +134 ;;
- +135 ;; b. Indicate all treatment modalities used for recurrent urinary tract or
- +136 ;; kidney infections (check all that apply):
- +137 ;;
- +138 ;; ___ No treatment
- +139 ;; ___ Long-term drug therapy
- +140 ;; If checked, list medications used and indicate dates for courses of
- +141 ;; treatment over the past 12 months: ___________________________________
- +142 ;; ___ Hospitalization
- +143 ;; If checked, indicate frequency of hospitalization:
- +144 ;; ___ 1 or 2 per year
- +145 ;; ___ > 2 per year
- +146 ;; ___ Drainage
- +147 ;; If checked, indicate dates when drainage performed over past 12
- +148 ;; months: ______________________
- +149 ;; ___ Continuous intensive management
- +150 ;; If checked, indicate types of treatment and medications used over past
- +151 ;; 12 months: ___________________
- +152 ;; ___ Intermittent intensive management
- +153 ;; If checked, indicate types of treatment and medications used over past
- +154 ;; 12 months: ___________________
- +155 ;; ___ Other, describe: _____________________________________________________
- +156 ;;
- +157 ;; 5. Erectile dysfunction
- +158 ;;
- +159 ;; Does the Veteran have erectile dysfunction?
- +160 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- +161 ;;
- +162 ;; If yes, complete the following section:
- +163 ;;
- +164 ;; a. Etiology of erectile dysfunction: _______________________________________
- +165 ;; ____________________________________________________________________________
- +166 ;;
- +167 ;; b. If the Veteran has erectile dysfunction, is it as likely as not (at least
- +168 ;; a 50% probability) attributable to one of the diagnoses in Section 1,
- +169 ;; including residuals of treatment for this diagnosis?
- +170 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- +171 ;;
- +172 ;; If yes, specify the diagnosis to which the erectile dysfunction is as likely
- +173 ;; as not attributable: ________________________________________________________
- +174 ;;^TOF^
- +175 ;; c. If the Veteran has erectile dysfunction, is he able to achieve an erection
- +176 ;; sufficient for penetration and ejaculation (without medication)?
- +177 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- +178 ;;
- +179 ;; If no, is the Veteran able to achieve an erection sufficient for penetration
- +180 ;; and ejaculation (with medication)?
- +181 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- +182 ;;
- +183 ;; 6. Retrograde ejaculation
- +184 ;;
- +185 ;; Does the Veteran have retrograde ejaculation?
- +186 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- +187 ;; If yes, complete the following section:
- +188 ;;
- +189 ;; a. Etiology of retrograde ejaculation: ______________________
- +190 ;;
- +191 ;; b. If the Veteran has retrograde ejaculation, is it as likely as not (at
- +192 ;; least a 50% probability) attributable to one of the diagnoses in Section 1,
- +193 ;; including residuals of treatment for this diagnosis?
- +194 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- +195 ;;
- +196 ;; If yes, specify the diagnosis to which the retrograde ejaculation is as
- +197 ;; likely as not attributable: _________________________________________________
- +198 ;;
- +199 ;; 7. Male reproductive organ infections
- +200 ;;
- +201 ;; Does the Veteran have a history of chronic epididymitis, epididymo-orchitis
- +202 ;; or prostatitis?
- +203 ;; ___ Yes ___ No
- +204 ;;
- +205 ;; If yes, indicate all treatment modalities used for chronic epididymitis,
- +206 ;; epididymo-orchitis or prostatitis (check all that apply):
- +207 ;; ___ No treatment
- +208 ;; ___ Long-term drug therapy
- +209 ;; If checked, list medications used and indicate dates for courses of
- +210 ;; treatment over the past 12 months: ___________________________________
- +211 ;; ___ Hospitalization
- +212 ;; If checked, indicate frequency of hospitalization:
- +213 ;; ___ 1 or 2 per year
- +214 ;; ___ > 2 per year
- +215 ;; ___ Continuous intensive management
- +216 ;; If checked, indicate types of treatment and medications used over
- +217 ;; past 12 months: ______________________________________________________
- +218 ;; ___ Intermittent intensive management
- +219 ;; If checked, indicate types of treatment and medications used over
- +220 ;; past 12 months: ______________________________________________________
- +221 ;; ___ Other, describe: _____________________________________________________
- +222 ;;^TOF^
- +223 ;; 8. Physical exam
- +224 ;;
- +225 ;; a. Penis
- +226 ;; ___ Normal
- +227 ;; ___ Not examined per Veteran's request
- +228 ;; ___ Not examined per Veteran's request; Veteran reports normal anatomy
- +229 ;; with no penile deformity or abnormality
- +230 ;; ___ Not examined; penis exam not relevant to condition
- +231 ;; ___ Abnormal
- +232 ;; If abnormal, indicate severity:
- +233 ;; ___ Loss/removal of half or more of penis
- +234 ;; ___ Loss/removal of glans penis
- +235 ;; ___ Penis deformity(such as Peyronie's disease)
- +236 ;; If checked, describe: _________________________
- +237 ;;
- +238 ;; b. Testes
- +239 ;; ___ Normal
- +240 ;; ___ Not examined per Veteran's request
- +241 ;; ___ Not examined per Veteran's request; Veteran reports normal anatomy
- +242 ;; with no testicular deformity or abnormality
- +243 ;; ___ Not examined; testicular exam not relevant to condition
- +244 ;; ___ Abnormal
- +245 ;;
- +246 ;; If abnormal, check all that apply:
- +247 ;; Right testicle
- +248 ;; ___ Size 1/3 or less of normal
- +249 ;; ___ Size 1/2 to 1/3 of normal
- +250 ;; ___ Considerably harder than normal
- +251 ;; ___ Considerably softer than normal
- +252 ;; ___ Absent
- +253 ;; ___ Other abnormality,
- +254 ;; Describe: _____________________________________
- +255 ;;
- +256 ;; Left testicle
- +257 ;; ___ Size 1/3 or less of normal
- +258 ;; ___ Size 1/2 to 1/3 of normal
- +259 ;; ___ Considerably harder than normal
- +260 ;; ___ Considerably softer than normal
- +261 ;; ___ Absent
- +262 ;; ___ Other abnormality,
- +263 ;; Describe: _____________________________________
- +264 ;;^TOF^
- +265 ;; c. Epididymis
- +266 ;; ___ Normal
- +267 ;; ___ Not examined per Veteran's request
- +268 ;; ___ Not examined per Veteran's request; Veteran reports normal anatomy
- +269 ;; of epididymis with no deformity or abnormality
- +270 ;; ___ Not examined; epididymis exam not relevant to condition
- +271 ;; ___ Abnormal
- +272 ;;
- +273 ;; If abnormal, check all that apply:
- +274 ;; Right epididymis
- +275 ;; ___ Tender to palpation
- +276 ;; ___ Other, describe: ______________________________
- +277 ;;
- +278 ;; Left epididymis
- +279 ;; ___ Tender to palpation
- +280 ;; ___ Other, describe: ______________________________
- +281 ;;
- +282 ;; d. Prostate
- +283 ;; ___ Normal
- +284 ;; ___ Not examined per Veteran's request
- +285 ;; ___ Not examined; prostate exam not relevant to condition
- +286 ;; ___ Abnormal
- +287 ;; If abnormal, describe: ___________________________
- +288 ;;
- +289 QUIT