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Routine: DVBCQPR2


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 ;;2.7;AMIE;**161**;Apr 10, 1995;Build 8
 ;; Your patient is applying to the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs
 ;; (VA) for disability benefits.  VA will consider the information you
 ;; provide on this questionnaire as part of their evaluation in processing
 ;; the Veteran's claim.
 ;; NOTE: If the Veteran experiences a mental health emergency during the
 ;; interview, please terminate the interview and obtain help, using local
 ;; resources as appropriate. You may also contact the VA Suicide Prevention
 ;; Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK. Stay on the Hotline until help can link the
 ;; Veteran to emergency care.
 ;; In order to conduct an initial or review examination for PTSD, the examiner
 ;; must meet one of the following criteria: a board-certified or board-eligible
 ;; psychiatrist; a licensed doctorate-level psychologist; a doctorate-level
 ;; mental health provider under the close supervision of a board-certified or
 ;; board-eligible psychiatrist or licensed doctorate-level psychologist; a
 ;; psychiatry resident under close supervision of a board-certified or board-
 ;; eligible psychiatrist or licensed doctorate-level psychologist; or a
 ;; clinical or counseling psychologist completing a one-year internship or
 ;; residency (for purposes of a doctorate-level degree) under close supervision
 ;; of a board-certified or board-eligible psychiatrist or licensed doctorate-
 ;; level psychologist.
 ;; In order to conduct a REVIEW examination for PTSD, the examiner must meet
 ;; one of the criteria from above, OR be a licensed clinical social worker
 ;; (LCSW), a nurse practitioner, a clinical nurse specialist, or a physician
 ;; assistant, under close supervision of a board-certified or board-eligible
 ;; psychiatrist or licensed doctorate-level psychologist.
 ;; 1. Diagnosis
 ;; a. Does the Veteran have a diagnosis of PTSD that conforms with DSM-IV
 ;; criteria?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; Date of diagnosis of PTSD: ___________  ICD code: _____________________
 ;; Name of diagnosing facility or clinician: __________________________________
 ;; b. If no diagnosis of PTSD, check all that apply:
 ;; ___ Veteran's symptoms do not meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD under
 ;;     DSM-IV criteria
 ;; ___ Veteran has another Axis I-IV diagnosis 
 ;;     If checked, list the Axis I-IV diagnoses and then also complete the
 ;;     Mental Health and/or Eating Disorder Questionnaire(s):
 ;;    _________________________________________________________________________
 ;; ___ Other trauma spectrum disorder
 ;; ___ Veteran does not have a mental disorder that conforms with DSM-IV
 ;;     criteria
 ;; ___ Other (describe): ______________________________________________________
 ;; c. If there is a diagnosis of PTSD, does the Veteran also have any other 
 ;; Axis I-IV diagnoses?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; (If yes, indicate additional diagnoses below. There is no need to also
 ;; complete a Mental Health or Eating Disorder Questionnaire)
 ;;    Additional mental health disorder diagnosis #1: _________________________
 ;;    Date of diagnosis: ______________
 ;;    ICD code: _________
 ;;    Name of diagnosing facility or clinician: ________________________________
 ;;    Indicate the Axis category:
 ;;    ___ Axis I    ___ Axis II    ___ Axis III    ___ Axis IV
 ;;    Describe the condition and its relationship to PTSD: _____________________
 ;;    __________________________________________________________________________
 ;;    Additional mental health disorder diagnosis #2: __________________________
 ;;    Date of diagnosis: ________________
 ;;    ICD code: __________
 ;;    Name of diagnosing facility or clinician: ________________________________
 ;;    Indicate the Axis category:
 ;;    ___ Axis I    ___ Axis II    ___ Axis III    ___ Axis IV
 ;;    Describe the condition and its relationship to PTSD: _____________________
 ;;    __________________________________________________________________________
 ;;    Additional mental health disorder diagnosis #3: __________________________
 ;;    Date of diagnosis:_________________
 ;;    ICD code: __________
 ;;    Name of diagnosing facility or clinician: ________________________________
 ;;    Indicate the Axis category:
 ;;    ___ Axis I    ___ Axis II    ___ Axis III    ___ Axis IV
 ;;    Describe the condition and its relationship to PTSD: _____________________
 ;;    __________________________________________________________________________
 ;; If additional diagnoses, describe, using above format: ______________________
 ;; 2. Medical history
 ;; Describe the history (including onset and course) of the Veteran's PTSD (and
 ;; other mental disorders)  (brief summary): 
 ;; 3. Diagnostic criteria
 ;; Please check boxes next to symptoms below. The diagnostic criteria for PTSD,
 ;; referred to as Criteria A-F, are from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
 ;; of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV).
 ;; Criterion A: The Veteran has been exposed to a traumatic event where both of
 ;; the following were present:
 ;;   ___ The Veteran experienced, witnessed or was confronted with an event
 ;;       that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a
 ;;       threat to the physical integrity of self or others.
 ;;   ___ The Veteran's response involved intense fear, helplessness or horror.
 ;;   ___ No exposure to a traumatic event
 ;; Criterion B: The traumatic event is persistently reexperienced in 1 or more
 ;; of the following ways:
 ;;   ___ Recurrent and distressing recollections of the event, including images,
 ;;       thoughts or perceptions
 ;;   ___ Recurrent distressing dreams of the event
 ;;   ___ Acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were recurring; this
 ;;       includes a sense of reliving the experience, illusions, hallucinations
 ;;       and dissociative flashback episodes, including those that occur on
 ;;       awakening or when intoxicated
 ;;   ___ Intense psychological distress at exposure to internal or external
 ;;       cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event
 ;;   ___ Physiological reactivity on exposure to internal or external cues that
 ;;       symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event
 ;;   ___ The traumatic event is not persistently reexperienced
 ;; Criterion C: Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and
 ;; numbing of general responsiveness (not present before the trauma), as
 ;; indicated by 3 or more of the following:
 ;;   ___ Efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings or conversations associated with
 ;;       the trauma
 ;;   ___ Efforts to avoid activities, places or people that arouse
 ;;       recollections of the trauma
 ;;   ___ Inability to recall an important aspect of the trauma
 ;;   ___ Markedly diminished interest or participation in significant
 ;;       activities
 ;;   ___ Feeling of detachment or estrangement from others
 ;;   ___ Restricted range of affect (e.g., unable to have loving feelings)
 ;;   ___ Sense of a foreshortened future (e.g., does not expect to have a
 ;;       career, marriage, children or a normal life span)
 ;;   ___ No persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma or
 ;;       numbing of general responsiveness
 ;; Criterion D: Persistent symptoms of increased arousal, not present before
 ;; the trauma, as indicated by 2 or more of the following:
 ;;   ___ Difficulty falling or staying asleep
 ;;   ___ Irritability or outbursts of anger
 ;;   ___ Difficulty concentrating
 ;;   ___ Hypervigilance
 ;;   ___ Exaggerated startle response
 ;;   ___ No persistent symptoms of increased arousal
 ;; Criterion E:
 ;;   ___ The duration of the symptoms described above in Criteria B, C and D
 ;;       is more than 1 month.
 ;;   ___ The duration of the symptoms described above in Criteria B, C and D
 ;;       is less than 1 month.
 ;;   ___ No symptoms
 ;; Criterion F:
 ;;   ___ The symptoms described above in Criteria B, C and D cause clinically
 ;;       significant distress or impairment in social, occupational,
 ;;       or other important areas of functioning.
 ;;   ___ The symptoms described above in Criteria B, C and D do NOT cause
 ;;       clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational,
 ;;       or other important areas of functioning.
 ;;   ___ No symptoms
 ;; 4. Symptoms
 ;; For each level below, check all symptoms that apply.
 ;; Level I
 ;; Does the Veteran have any symptoms from the list below? ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, check all that apply:
 ;;    ___ Depressed mood
 ;;    ___ Anxiety
 ;;    ___ Suspiciousness
 ;;    ___ Panic attacks that occur weekly or less often
 ;;    ___ Chronic sleep impairment
 ;;    ___ Mild memory loss, such as forgetting names, directions or recent
 ;;        events
 ;; Level II
 ;; Does the Veteran have any symptoms from the list below? ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, check all that apply:
 ;;    ___ Flattened affect
 ;;    ___ Circumstantial, circumlocutory or stereotyped speech
 ;;    ___ Panic attacks more than once a week
 ;;    ___ Difficulty in understanding complex commands
 ;;    ___ Impairment of short- and long-term memory, for example, retention of
 ;;        only highly learned material, while forgetting to complete tasks
 ;;    ___ Impaired judgment
 ;;    ___ Impaired abstract thinking
 ;;    ___ Disturbances of motivation and mood
 ;;    ___ Difficulty in establishing and maintaining effective work and social
 ;;        relationships
 ;; Level III
 ;; Does the Veteran have any symptoms from the list below? ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, check all that apply:
 ;;    ___ Suicidal ideation
 ;;    ___ Obsessional rituals which interfere with routine activities
 ;;    ___ Speech intermittently illogical, obscure, or irrelevant
 ;;    ___ Near-continuous panic or depression affecting the ability to function
 ;;        independently, appropriately and effectively
 ;;    ___ Impaired impulse control, such as unprovoked irritability with
 ;;        periods of violence
 ;;    ___ Spatial disorientation
 ;;    ___ Neglect of personal appearance and hygiene
 ;;    ___ Difficulty in adapting to stressful circumstances, including work or
 ;;        a worklike setting
 ;;    ___ Inability to establish and maintain effective relationships
 ;; Level IV
 ;; Does the Veteran have any symptoms from the list below? ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, check all that apply:
 ;;    ___ Gross impairment in thought processes or communication
 ;;    ___ Persistent delusions or hallucinations
 ;;    ___ Grossly inappropriate behavior
 ;;    ___ Persistent danger of hurting self or others
 ;;    ___ Intermittent inability to perform activities of daily living,
 ;;        including maintenance of minimal personal hygiene
 ;;    ___ Disorientation to time or place
 ;;    ___ Memory loss for names of close relatives, own occupation, or own name
 ;; 5. Other symptoms
 ;; Does the Veteran have any other symptoms attributable to PTSD (and other
 ;; mental disorders) that are not listed above?
 ;; ___ Yes   ___ No
 ;; If yes, describe: __________________________________________________________