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Routine: DVBCQSC3


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 ;;2.7;AMIE;**172**;Apr 10, 1995;Build 3
 ;; SECTION II: Scars or other disfigurement of the head, face or neck
 ;; 1. Medical history
 ;; a. Describe the history (including cause/origin and course) of the
 ;; Veteran's scar(s) or other disfigurement of the head, face, or neck (brief
 ;; summary): __________________________________________________________________
 ;; b. Are any of the scars or of the head, face, or neck painful?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; If yes, specify number of painful scars:
 ;;    __ 1   __ 2   __ 3   __ 4   __ 5 or more
 ;;    Describe the pain (if there are multiple painful scars, be sure to
 ;;    adequately identify which scars are painful): ___________________________
 ;; c. Are any of the scars or of the head, face, or neck
 ;; unstable, with frequent loss of covering of skin over the scar?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; If yes, specify number of unstable scars:
 ;;    __ 1   __ 2   __ 3   __ 4   __ 5 or more
 ;;    Describe the loss of covering of skin over the scar (if there are
 ;;    multiple unstable scars, be sure to adequately identify which scars are
 ;;    unstable):
 ;;    _________________________________________________________________________
 ;; d. Are any of the scars or of the head, face or neck
 ;; BOTH painful and unstable?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; If yes, specify number of scars that are both painful and unstable:
 ;;    __ 1   __ 2   __ 3   __ 4   __ 5 or more
 ;;    Describe location of these scars: _______________________________________
 ;; e. Are any of the scars of the head, face, or neck due to burns?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; If yes, identify each burn scar and state depth of original burn:
 ;; Burn Scar #1: _____________________
 ;;    ___ Full thickness or sub-dermal
 ;;    ___ Deep partial thickness
 ;;    ___ Less than deep partial thickness
 ;; Burn Scar #1: _____________________
 ;;    ___ Full thickness or sub-dermal
 ;;    ___ Deep partial thickness
 ;;    ___ Less than deep partial thickness
 ;; If there are additional burn scars of the head, face, or neck, list using
 ;; the above format: __________________________________________________________
 ;; 2. Physical exam for scars or disfigurement of the head, face and neck
 ;; 2-1. Details of scar or disfigurement for the head, face, and neck
 ;; a. Identify each scar or other disfigurement and provide measurements:
 ;;      Scar/Disfigurement #1
 ;;      Indicate type of impairment: ___Scar  ___ Disfigurement
 ;;      Location of scar/disfigurement #1: ____________________________________
 ;;      Length and width (at widest part) of scar/disfigurement #1: ___x___ cm
 ;;      Scar/Disfigurement #2
 ;;      Indicate type of impairment: ___Scar  ___ Disfigurement
 ;;      Location of scar/disfigurement #2: ____________________________________
 ;;      Length and width (at widest part) of scar/disfigurement #2: ___x___ cm
 ;;      Scar/Disfigurement #3
 ;;      Indicate type of impairment: ___Scar  ___ Disfigurement)
 ;;      Location of scar/disfigurement #3: ____________________________________
 ;;      Length and width (at widest part) of scar/disfigurement #3: ___x___ cm
 ;;      Scar/Disfigurement #4
 ;;      Indicate type of impairment: ___Scar  ___ Disfigurement
 ;;      Location of scar/disfigurement #4: ____________________________________
 ;;      Length and width (at widest part) of scar/disfigurement #4: ___x___ cm
 ;;      Scar/Disfigurement #5
 ;;      Indicate type of impairment: ___Scar  ___ Disfigurement
 ;;      Location of scar/disfigurement #5: ____________________________________
 ;;      Length and width (at widest part) of scar/disfigurement #5: ___x___ cm
 ;; If additional scars or disfigurement, list using same format:
 ;; ____________________________________________________________________________
 ;; b. Is there elevation, depression, adherence to underlying tissue, or
 ;; missing underlying soft tissue?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; If yes, check all that apply:
 ;;    ___ Surface contour elevated on palpation
 ;;         If checked, identify each affected scar/disfigurement:
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #1     ___ Scar/Disfigurement #2
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #3     ___ Scar/Disfigurement #4
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #5     ___ Other: ______________
 ;;    ___ Surface contour depressed on palpation
 ;;         If checked, identify each affected scar/disfigurement:
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #1     ___ Scar/Disfigurement #2
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #3     ___ Scar/Disfigurement #4
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #5     ___ Other: ______________
 ;;    ___ Scar adherent to underlying tissue
 ;;         If checked, identify each affected scar/disfigurement:
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #1     ___ Scar/Disfigurement #2
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #3     ___ Scar/Disfigurement #4
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #5     ___ Other: ______________
 ;;    ___ Underlying soft tissue missing
 ;;         If checked, identify each affected scar/disfigurement:
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #1     ___ Scar/Disfigurement #2
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #3     ___ Scar/Disfigurement #4
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #5     ___ Other: ______________
 ;; c. Is there abnormal pigmentation or texture of the head, face, or neck?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; If yes, check all that apply:
 ;;    ___ Hypopigmentation
 ;;         If checked, identify each affected scar/disfigurement:
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #1     ___ Scar/Disfigurement #2
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #3     ___ Scar/Disfigurement #4
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #5     ___ Other: ______________
 ;;    ___ Hyperpigmentation
 ;;         If checked, identify each affected scar/disfigurement:
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #1     ___ Scar/Disfigurement #2
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #3     ___ Scar/Disfigurement #4
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #5     ___ Other: ______________
 ;;    ___ Induration and inflexibility
 ;;         If checked, identify each affected scar/disfigurement:
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #1     ___ Scar/Disfigurement #2
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #3     ___ Scar/Disfigurement #4
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #5     ___ Other: ______________
 ;;    ___ Abnormal texture
 ;;         If checked, identify each affected scar/disfigurement:
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #1     ___ Scar/Disfigurement #2
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #3     ___ Scar/Disfigurement #4
 ;;            ___ Scar/Disfigurement #5     ___ Other: ______________
 ;;         Describe type of abnormal texture (for example, irregular,
 ;;         atrophic, shiny or scaly):
 ;;         ____________________________________________________________________
 ;; 2-2. Summary of scars or other disfigurement of the head, face and neck
 ;; Provide approximate combined total area in centimeters squared for each
 ;; characteristic of disfigurement:
 ;; a. Approximate total area of head, face and neck with hypo- or
 ;; hyperpigmented areas:  _____ cm2
 ;; b. Approximate total area of head, face and neck with abnormal texture:
 ;; _____ cm2
 ;; c. Approximate total area of head, face and neck with missing underlying
 ;; soft tissue: _____ cm2
 ;; d. Approximate total area of head, face and neck that is indurated and
 ;; inflexible: _____ cm2
 ;; 2-3. Distortion of facial features and tissue loss for the head, face and
 ;; neck
 ;; Is there gross distortion or asymmetry of facial features or visible or
 ;; palpable tissue loss?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; If yes, indicate features affected (check all that apply):
 ;;    ___ Nose    ___ Chin    ___ Forehead    ___ Cheeks    ___ Lips
 ;;    ___ Eyes (including eyelids)
 ;;        If checked, specify:
 ;;        ___ Tissue loss/distortion of eyelid     Side: ___ Right   ___ Left
 ;;        ___ Tissue loss/distortion of eye        Side: ___ Right   ___ Left
 ;;        ___ Anatomical loss of eye               Side: ___ Right   ___ Left
 ;;    ___ Ears (auricles)
 ;;        If checked, specify:
 ;;        ___ Complete loss of auricle             Side: ___ Right   ___ Left
 ;;        ___ Deformity of auricle, with loss of
 ;;            less than one-third the substance    Side: ___ Right   ___ Left
 ;;        ___ Deformity of auricle, with loss of
 ;;            one-third or more of the substance   Side: ___ Right   ___ Left
 ;; For all checked features, provide brief description of the tissue loss,
 ;; gross distortion and/or asymmetry of facial features: ______________________
 ;; SECTION III: Miscellaneous
 ;; Complete this section for all scars or disfigurements, regardless of
 ;; location.
 ;; 1. Limitation of function/other conditions
 ;; a. Do any of the scars (regardless of location) or disfigurement of the
 ;; head, face, or neck result in limitation of function?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; If yes, indicate which scars (regardless of location) or disfigurement of
 ;; the head, face, or neck are causing the limitation and
 ;; describe the specific limitations: _________________________________________
 ;; b. Does the Veteran have any other pertinent physical findings,
 ;; complications, conditions, signs and/or symptoms (such as muscle or nerve
 ;; damage) associated with any scar (regardless of location) or disfigurement
 ;; of the head, face, or neck?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; If yes, describe (brief summary): __________________________________________
 ;; ____________________________________________________________________________
 ;; 2. Color photographs
 ;; Provide color photographs, if possible, for any disfiguring conditions of
 ;; the head, face and/or neck.
 ;; ___ Photographs not indicated   ___ Photographs provided
 ;; ___ Photographs not available
 ;; 3. Functional impact
 ;; Does the Veteran's scar(s) (regardless of location) or disfigurement of the
 ;; head, face, or neck impact his or her ability to work?
 ;; ___ Yes    ___ No
 ;; If yes, describe impact of the Veteran's scar(s) (regardless of location)
 ;; or disfigurement of the head, face, or neck, providing one or more examples:
 ;; ____________________________________________________________________________
 ;; 4. Remarks, if any: ________________________________________________________
 ;; Physician signature: ____________________________________ Date: ____________
 ;; Physician printed name: _________________________________ Phone: ___________
 ;; Medical license #: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________
 ;; Physician address: _________________________________________________________
 ;; NOTE: VA may request additional medical information, including additional
 ;; examinations if necessary to complete VA's review of the Veteran's
 ;; application.