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Routine: DVBCWAC3


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 ;;2.7;AMIE;**183**;Apr 10, 1995;Build 8
 ;;A.  Review of Medical Records:
 ;;B.  Medical History (Subjective Complaints):
 ;;    Comment on:
 ;;    1.  Date diagnosis established.
 ;;    2.  History of surgery or hospitalizations for acromegaly.  If acromegaly
 ;;        is due to a neoplasm, report exact type, location, and types and dates
 ;;        of treatment.
 ;;    3.  Joint pains.
 ;;    4.  Changes in vision.
 ;;    5.  Headaches (severity and frequency).
 ;;    6.  Cardiac symptoms.
 ;;    7.  Change in shoe, glove, or hat size.
 ;;    8.  Symptoms of glucose intolerance.
 ;;    9.  Other complaints:  voice changes; paresthesias; fatigue; depression;
 ;;        muscle weakness; enlarged jaw, lips, nose, tongue; skin changes;
 ;;        in men, erectile dysfunction; in women, breast discharge or menstrual
 ;;        cycle abnormalities.
 ;;   10.  History of colon polyps.
 ;;   11.  Treatment other than for neoplasm.
 ;;C.  Physical Examination (Objective Findings):
 ;;    Address each of the following and fully describe current findings:
 ;;    1.  Vital signs, blood pressure X3, percent of weight gained or lost
 ;;        compared to baseline (average weight in the 2 years preceding onset
 ;;        of disease).
 ;;    2.  Acromegalic facial or skin abnormalities.
 ;;    3.  Arthropathy.
 ;;    4.  Cardiac or pulmonary abnormalities.
 ;;    5.  Evidence of increased intracranial pressure.
 ;;    6.  Enlargement of acral parts or long bones.
 ;;    7.  Visual impairment, including visual fields.
 ;;    8.  Other:  hirsutism in women, macroglossia, peripheral neuropathy,
 ;;        evidence of sleep apnea.
 ;;D.  Diagnostic and Clinical Tests:
 ;;    Provide:
 ;;    As indicated:
 ;;    1.  Imaging study of sella turcica.
 ;;    2.  Glucose tolerance test.
 ;;    3.  Include results of all diagnostic and clinical tests conducted
 ;;        in the examination report.
 ;;E.  Diagnosis:
 ;;    Comment on:
 ;;    1.  Is the disease active or in remission?
 ;;Signature:                             Date: