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Routine: DVBCWJW7


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 ;;2.7;AMIE;**144**;FEB 17, 2004;Build 5
 ;;A.  Review of Medical Records:
 ;;B.  Medical History (Subjective Complaints):
 ;;    Comment on:
 ;;    1.  Date, circumstances of onset, and course since onset.
 ;;    2.  Pain, weakness, stiffness, deformity, instability or giving way,
 ;;        "locking," weakness, lack of endurance, effusion, episodes of
 ;;        dislocation or subluxation, etc.
 ;;    3.  Signs of inflammation:  swelling, heat, redness, tenderness or
 ;;        drainage.
 ;;    4.  Treatment - type, include dose for medication, frequency, response,
 ;;        side effects.
 ;;    5.  If there are periods of flare-up of joint disease:
 ;;        a.  State their severity, frequency, and duration.
 ;;        b.  Name the precipitating and alleviating factors.
 ;;        c.  State to what extent, if any, per veteran, they
 ;;            result in additional limitation of motion or
 ;;            functional impairment (e.g., pain, weakness, fatigue, speed,
 ;;            or incoordination) during the flare-up.
 ;;    6.  Describe whether crutches, brace, cane, corrective shoes,
 ;;        etc., are needed.
 ;;    7.  Describe details of any hospitalizations, surgery or injury.
 ;;    8.  For inflammatory arthritis, describe any constitutional
 ;;        symptoms and number and duration of incapacitating exacerbations
 ;;        per year.
 ;;    9.  Describe the effects of the condition on the veteran's usual 
 ;;        occupation and daily activities.
 ;;   10.  Describe functional limitations on standing and walking.
 ;;   11.  Dominance of extremity and means used to identify dominant
 ;;        extremity.
 ;;   12.  If there is a prosthesis, provide date of prosthetic implant
 ;;        and describe any complaint of pain, weakness, or limitation
 ;;        of motion.
 ;;   13.  History of neoplasm:
 ;;        a. Date of diagnosis, diagnosis.
 ;;        b. Benign or malignant.
 ;;        c. Type and date(s) of treatment.
 ;;        d. Last date of treatment.
 ;;C.  Physical Examination (Objective Findings):
 ;;    Address each of the following as appropriate to the condition 
 ;;    being examined and fully describe current findings:  A DETAILED 
 ;;    1.  Using a goniometer, measure the ACTIVE range of motion, of the
 ;;        unaffected joint (if normal) than the affected.  Provide range of
 ;;        motion in degrees.
 ;;    2.  Describe presence of objective evidence of pain in the affected
 ;;        joint at rest and during active range of motion.
 ;;    3.  Describe objective evidence of edema, effusion, instability,
 ;;        tenderness, redness, heat, abnormal movement, guarding of movement,
 ;;        deformity, malalignment, drainage, weakness, etc.
 ;;    4.  For weight bearing joints (hip, knee, ankle), describe gait. 
 ;;        Describe any callosities, breakdown, or unusual shoe wear pattern
 ;;        that would indicate abnormal weight bearing.
 ;;    5.  If ankylosis is present, describe the position of the bones of
 ;;        the joint in relationship to one another (in degrees of flexion,
 ;;        external rotation, etc.), and state whether the ankylosis is 
 ;;        stable and pain free.
 ;;    6.  If indicated, measure the leg length from the anterior
 ;;        superior iliac spine to the medial malleolus.
 ;;    7.  For INFLAMMATORY ARTHRITIS, describe any constitutional signs and
 ;;        extra-articular manifestations (Follow appropriate worksheet for
 ;;        required examination findings).  State whether disease is active
 ;;        and extent of overall impairment of health.
 ;;    8.  Describe range of motion with prosthesis in same detail as described
 ;;        above for nonprosthetic joints.
 ;;D.  Loss of Joint Function with Use:
 ;;    Impairment of joint function is determine by range of joint motion as
 ;;    reported in the physical examination and additional loss of range of 
 ;;    motion after repetitive use caused by the following factors:
 ;;    -  Pain
 ;;    -  Fatigue
 ;;    -  Weakness
 ;;    -  Lack of endurance
 ;;    -  Incoordination
 ;;    Have the veteran move the affected joint/joints through repetitive active
 ;;    range of motion, as tolerated (maximum of 3 repetitions).  After
 ;;    repetitive motion, re-measure the range of motion of the affected joint/
 ;;    joints.  Do any of the above factors cause any additional loss of range
 ;;    of motion?  If so, record the re-measured range of motion and the 
 ;;    predominant factor causing the change in motion.
 ;;    If repetitive active range of motion of a joint cannot be done, state
 ;;    so and give the reason.
 ;;E.  Normal Range of Motion:  All joint Range of Motion measurements 
 ;;must be made using a goniometer.  Show each measured range of motion 
 ;;separately rather than as a continuum.  For example, if the veteran 
 ;;lacks 10 degrees of full knee extension and has normal flexion, show 
 ;;the range of motion as extension to minus 10 degrees (or lacks 10 
 ;;degrees of extension) and flexion 10 to 140 degrees.  
 ;;    1. Hip range of motion:  (Movement of femur as it rotates in the
 ;;        acetabulum.)
 ;;            a. Normal range of motion, using the anatomical
 ;;            position as zero degrees.
 ;;            Flexion = 0 to 125 degrees (To gain a true picture of hip
 ;;            flexion, i.e., movement between the pelvis and femur in 
 ;;            the hip joint, the opposite thigh should be extended to 
 ;;            minimize motion between the pelvis and spine.)
 ;;            Extension = 0 to 30 degrees.
 ;;            Adduction = 0 to 25 degrees.
 ;;            Abduction = 0 to 45 degrees.
 ;;            External rotation = 0 to 60 degrees.
 ;;            Internal rotation = 0 to 40 degrees.
 ;;    2. Knee range of motion:
 ;;            a. Normal range of motion, using the anatomical
 ;;            position as zero degrees.
 ;;            Flexion = 0 to 140 degrees.
 ;;            Extension - zero degrees = full extension.  Show loss of 
 ;;            extension by describing the degrees in which extension is
 ;;            not possible.  (e.g., Show range of motion as extension to
 ;;            minus 10 degrees and flexion 10 to 140 degrees when full
 ;;            extension is limited by 10 degrees and full flexion is 
 ;;            possible.)
 ;;            b.  Stability.
 ;;            Medial and Lateral Collateral Ligaments:
 ;;            Varus/valgus in neutral and in 30 degrees of flexion -
 ;;            normal is no motion.
 ;;            Anterior and Posterior Cruciate Ligaments:
 ;;            Anterior/posterior in 30 degrees of flexion with
 ;;            foot stabilized - normal is less than 5 mm. of motion
 ;;            (1/4 inch - Lachman's test) or in 90 degrees of flexion
 ;;            with foot stabilized - normal is less than 5mm. of motion
 ;;            (1/4 inch - anterior and posterior drawer test).
 ;;            Medial and Lateral Meniscus:  Perform McMurray's test.
 ;;    3. Ankle range of motion:
 ;;            a.  Neutral position is with foot at 90 degrees to
 ;;                ankle.  From that position, dorsiflexion is 0 to 20
 ;;                degrees; plantar flexion is 0 to 45 degrees.
 ;;            b.  Describe any varus or valgus angulation of the
 ;;                os calcis in relationship to the long axis of the
 ;;                tibia and fibula.
 ;;    4. Shoulder, elbow, forearm, and wrist range of motion:
 ;;          a. Normal range of motion is measured with zero degrees the 
 ;;          anatomical position except for 2 situations:
 ;;               i. Supination and pronation of the
 ;;                  forearm is measured with the arm
 ;;                  against the body, the elbow
 ;;                  flexed to 90 degrees, and the
 ;;                  forearm in mid position (zero
 ;;                  degrees) between supination and
 ;;                  pronation.
 ;;              ii. Shoulder rotation is measured
 ;;                  with the arm abducted to 90
 ;;                  degrees, the elbow flexed to 90
 ;;                  degrees, and the forearm
 ;;                  reflecting the midpoint (zero
 ;;                  degrees) between internal and
 ;;                  external rotation of the shoulder.
 ;;          b.  Shoulder forward flexion = zero to 180
 ;;              degrees.
 ;;          c.  Shoulder abduction = zero to 180 degrees.
 ;;          d.  Shoulder external rotation = zero to 90
 ;;              degrees.
 ;;          e.  Shoulder internal rotation = zero to 90
 ;;              degrees.
 ;;          f.  Elbow flexion = zero to 145 degrees.
 ;;          g.  Forearm supination = zero to 85 degrees.
 ;;          h.  Forearm pronation = zero to 80 degrees.
 ;;          i.  Wrist dorsiflexion (extension) = zero to 70
 ;;              degrees.
 ;;          j.  Wrist palmar flexion = zero to 80 degrees.
 ;;          k.  Wrist radial deviation = zero to 20 degrees.
 ;;          l.  Wrist ulnar deviation = zero to 45 degrees.
 ;;F.  Diagnostic and Clinical Tests:
 ;;    1.  As indicated:  X-rays, including special views or weight 
 ;;        bearing films, MRI, arthrogram, diagnostic arthroscopy. 
 ;;        NOTE:  The diagnosis of degenerative arthritis or post-
 ;;        traumatic arthritis of a joint requires X-ray confirmation.  Once
 ;;        the diagnosis has been confirmed in a joint, further X-rays of
 ;;        that joint are not required.
 ;;    2.  Include results of all diagnostic and clinical tests in the
 ;;        examination report.
 ;;G.  Diagnosis:
 ;;    For subluxation or instability of the knee, indicate whether it is
 ;;    slight, moderate or severe.
 ;;Signature:                             Date: