;;2.7;AMIE;**183**;Apr 10, 1995;Build 8
;;Narrative: This is the protocol for conducting initial examinations on former
;;POWs. Approach these veterans with the greatest sensitivity because the
;;POW experience likely resulted in a great deal of psychological and physical
;;trauma. Details about beatings, torture, forced marches, forced labor, diet,
;;disease, brainwashing, extremes of hot and cold, and anxiety may be
;;significant parts of the veteran's history; eliciting these details requires
;;that one establish a trusting relationship with the veteran. Examine
;;veteran for each disability / disease / condition veteran is claiming
;;as a consequence of the POW experience. A former POW may be entitled
;;to service connection for presumptive POW diseases; the worksheet contains
;;a list of these presumptive diseases. Based on veteran's claim(s) and your
;;findings, please refer to and follow additional worksheets to assure
;;the examination provides information adequate for rating purposes.
;;If a veteran is a former prisoner of war, the following diseases shall be
;;service connected if manifest to a degree of disability of 10 percent or more
;;at any time after service:
;; - Psychosis.
;; - Any of the anxiety states.
;; - Dysthymic disorder (or depressive neurosis).
;; - Organic residuals of frostbite, if it is determined that the veteran was
;; interned in climatic conditions consistent with the occurrence of
;; frostbite.
;; - Post-traumatic osteoarthritis.
;; - Atherosclerotic heart disease or hypertensive vascular disease (including
;; hypertensive heart disease) and their complications (including myocardial
;; infarction, congestive heart failure, arrhythmia).
;; - Stroke and its complications.
;; - On or after October 10, 2008, Osteoporosis, if the Secretary determines
;; that the veteran has posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
;;If a veteran is a former prisoner of war and was interned or detained for not
;;less than 30 days, the following diseases shall be service connected if
;;manifest to a degree of 10 percent or more at any time after service:
;; - Avitaminosis.
;; - Beriberi (including beriberi heart disease).
;; - Chronic dysentery.
;; - Helminthiasis.
;; - Malnutrition (including optic atrophy associated with malnutrition).
;; - Pellagra.
;; - Any other nutritional deficiency.
;; - Irritable bowel syndrome.
;; - Peptic ulcer disease.
;; - Peripheral neuropathy except where directly related to infectious causes.
;; - Cirrhosis of the liver.
;; - On or after September 28, 2009, Osteoporosis.
;;A. Review of Medical Records:
;; 1. Include a review of VA form 10-0048, Former POW Medical
;; History, which the veteran should have completed, prior to
;; conducting the examination.
;; 2. Review the Social Survey.
;;B. Medical History (Subjective Complaints): NOTE: If the veteran
;; has had a previous protocol examination, only an interval history
;; is required.
;; Comment on:
;; 1. Past medical history, including childhood and adult illnesses.
;; History of hospitalizations or surgery, reason or type of surgery,
;; location and dates, if known. History of trauma, with type and date
;; of injury and cause.
;; 2. Family history.
;; 3. Social history - state civilian and military occupations,
;; including dates and locations. Describe use of alcohol,
;; tobacco, and drugs.
;; 4. Indicate the dominant hand and how determined (i.e., writes, eats,
;; combs hair, etc.).
;; 5. Symptoms of fever/chills, night sweats, malaise.
;; 6. If there are flare-ups of any joint (including spine, hands, and feet)
;; or muscle disease, state the frequency, duration, precipitating
;; factors, alleviating factors, and the extent, if any, per veteran,
;; they result in additional limitation of motion or other functional
;; impairments during the flare-up.
;; 7. Comment on amount of weight lost as a prisoner. Record initial and
;; release weights.
;; 8. Describe initial symptoms, time of onset, course, and current symptoms
;; of all presumptive POW disabilities found.
;; 9. Describe current and relevant past treatments (specify type, frequency,
;; duration, response, side effects).
;; 10. If a neoplasm is or was present, state whether benign or malignant and
;; provide:
;; a. Exact diagnosis and date of confirmed diagnosis.
;; b. Location of neoplasm.
;; c. Types and dates of treatment.
;; d. For malignant neoplasm, also state exact date of the last surgical,
;; X-ray, antineoplastic chemotherapy, radiation, or other therapeutic
;; procedure. If treatment is already completed, provide date of last
;; treatment and fully describe residuals. If not completed, state
;; expected date of completion.
;; 11. Conduct a complete system review, with a focus on symptoms related to
;; the presumptive conditions, and comment on all positive symptoms.
;;C. Physical Examination (Objective Findings):
;; Address each of the following and fully describe current findings.
;; Report any other significant physical abnormalities. The examiner should
;; incorporate all ancillary study results into the final diagnoses.
;; 1. GENERAL: Pulse, respirations, height, weight, maximum weight in past
;; year, percentage of weight change in past year compared to baseline
;; (average weight in the 2 years preceding onset of disease), body build,
;; and state of nutrition.
;; 2. BLOOD PRESSURE: (Per the rating schedule, hypertension means that the
;; diastolic blood pressure is predominantly 90mm. or greater, and
;; isolated systolic hypertension means that the systolic blood pressure
;; is predominantly 160mm. or greater with a diastolic blood pressure of
;; less than 90mm.).
;; i. If the diagnosis of hypertension has not been previously
;; established, and it is a claimed issue, B.P. readings must be
;; taken two or more times on each of at least three different days.
;; ii. If hypertension has been previously diagnosed and is claimed, but
;; the claimant is not on treatment, B.P. readings must be taken two
;; or more times on at least three different days.
;; iii. If hypertension has been previously diagnosed, and the claimant is
;; on treatment, take three blood pressure readings on the day of the
;; examination.
;; iv. If hypertension has not been claimed, take three blood pressure
;; readings on the day of the examination. If they are suggestive of
;; hypertension or are borderline, readings must be taken two or more
;; times on at least two additional days to rule hypertension in or
;; out.
;; v. In the diagnostic summary, state whether hypertension is ruled in
;; or out after completing these B.P. measurements. If hypertensive
;; heart disease is suspected or found, follow worksheet for Heart.
;; 3. POSTURE AND GAIT: Describe if abnormal.
;; 4. SKIN: If abnormal, describe appearance, location, extent of rash or
;; lesions. If there are scars, including burn scars, describe the
;; location, measurements (cm. x cm.), shape, depression, type of tissue
;; loss, adherence, color difference, and whether there is tenderness,
;; skin breakdown, or functional limitation of activity or motion due to
;; the scarring. If there are scars, including burn scars, or other
;; disfigurement of the head, face, or neck, follow the Scars worksheet.
;; (NOTE: If there are disfiguring scars of the head, face, or neck,
;; obtain and submit COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS of the affected area(s). Report
;; nail abnormalities).
;; 5. HEMIC AND LYMPHATIC: (Describe local or generalized adenopathy,
;; tenderness, edema, suppuration, etc., as well as splenomegaly,
;; hepatomegaly, signs of anemia or bleeding tendency, etc.).
;; 6. HEAD AND NECK: Describe cervical adenopathy, carotid bruit,
;; deformities, etc.
;; 7. EYES: Report corrected visual acuity, pupil reactions, gross visual
;; fields, and retinopathy or other abnormality of fundus, eyelids,
;; eyebrows, conjunctivae, etc. Refer for an examination by an Eye
;; specialist as indicated.
;; 8. EARS: Describe hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, status of tympanic
;; membrane, pain, discharge, etc. Refer for an examination by a
;; specialist as indicated.
;; 9. NOSE, SINUSES, MOUTH AND THROAT: Describe nasal vestibule, turbinates,
;; polyps, signs of obstruction, position of septum. Describe mouth and
;; tongue, gums, tonsils, uvula and palate, gross dental findings. For
;; sinuses, describe any tenderness, purulent discharge, crusting, etc.
;; 10. ENDOCRINE: Describe neck mass or nodule, lid lag, exophthalmos,
;; abnormality of hair or skin, effects of any endocrine condition on
;; other body systems.
;; 11. PULMONARY: Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation. Report
;; abnormal breath sounds, pleural rub, prolonged expiration, etc.
--- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HDVBCWPA4 10026 printed Nov 22, 2024@17:03:17 Page 2
+1 ;;2.7;AMIE;**183**;Apr 10, 1995;Build 8
+2 ;
+3 ;
+1 ;;
+2 ;;Narrative: This is the protocol for conducting initial examinations on former
+3 ;;POWs. Approach these veterans with the greatest sensitivity because the
+4 ;;POW experience likely resulted in a great deal of psychological and physical
+5 ;;trauma. Details about beatings, torture, forced marches, forced labor, diet,
+6 ;;disease, brainwashing, extremes of hot and cold, and anxiety may be
+7 ;;significant parts of the veteran's history; eliciting these details requires
+8 ;;that one establish a trusting relationship with the veteran. Examine
+9 ;;veteran for each disability / disease / condition veteran is claiming
+10 ;;as a consequence of the POW experience. A former POW may be entitled
+11 ;;to service connection for presumptive POW diseases; the worksheet contains
+12 ;;a list of these presumptive diseases. Based on veteran's claim(s) and your
+13 ;;findings, please refer to and follow additional worksheets to assure
+14 ;;the examination provides information adequate for rating purposes.
+15 ;;
+16 ;;
+17 ;;
+19 ;;
+20 ;;If a veteran is a former prisoner of war, the following diseases shall be
+21 ;;service connected if manifest to a degree of disability of 10 percent or more
+22 ;;at any time after service:
+23 ;;
+24 ;; - Psychosis.
+25 ;; - Any of the anxiety states.
+26 ;; - Dysthymic disorder (or depressive neurosis).
+27 ;; - Organic residuals of frostbite, if it is determined that the veteran was
+28 ;; interned in climatic conditions consistent with the occurrence of
+29 ;; frostbite.
+30 ;; - Post-traumatic osteoarthritis.
+31 ;; - Atherosclerotic heart disease or hypertensive vascular disease (including
+32 ;; hypertensive heart disease) and their complications (including myocardial
+33 ;; infarction, congestive heart failure, arrhythmia).
+34 ;; - Stroke and its complications.
+35 ;; - On or after October 10, 2008, Osteoporosis, if the Secretary determines
+36 ;; that the veteran has posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
+37 ;;
+38 ;;If a veteran is a former prisoner of war and was interned or detained for not
+39 ;;less than 30 days, the following diseases shall be service connected if
+40 ;;manifest to a degree of 10 percent or more at any time after service:
+41 ;;
+42 ;; - Avitaminosis.
+43 ;; - Beriberi (including beriberi heart disease).
+44 ;; - Chronic dysentery.
+45 ;; - Helminthiasis.
+46 ;; - Malnutrition (including optic atrophy associated with malnutrition).
+47 ;; - Pellagra.
+48 ;; - Any other nutritional deficiency.
+49 ;; - Irritable bowel syndrome.
+50 ;; - Peptic ulcer disease.
+51 ;; - Peripheral neuropathy except where directly related to infectious causes.
+52 ;; - Cirrhosis of the liver.
+53 ;; - On or after September 28, 2009, Osteoporosis.
+54 ;;
+55 ;;A. Review of Medical Records:
+56 ;;
+57 ;; 1. Include a review of VA form 10-0048, Former POW Medical
+58 ;; History, which the veteran should have completed, prior to
+59 ;; conducting the examination.
+60 ;; 2. Review the Social Survey.
+61 ;;
+62 ;;B. Medical History (Subjective Complaints): NOTE: If the veteran
+63 ;; has had a previous protocol examination, only an interval history
+64 ;; is required.
+65 ;;
+66 ;; Comment on:
+67 ;;
+68 ;; 1. Past medical history, including childhood and adult illnesses.
+69 ;; History of hospitalizations or surgery, reason or type of surgery,
+70 ;; location and dates, if known. History of trauma, with type and date
+71 ;; of injury and cause.
+72 ;; 2. Family history.
+73 ;; 3. Social history - state civilian and military occupations,
+74 ;; including dates and locations. Describe use of alcohol,
+75 ;; tobacco, and drugs.
+76 ;; 4. Indicate the dominant hand and how determined (i.e., writes, eats,
+77 ;; combs hair, etc.).
+78 ;; 5. Symptoms of fever/chills, night sweats, malaise.
+79 ;; 6. If there are flare-ups of any joint (including spine, hands, and feet)
+80 ;; or muscle disease, state the frequency, duration, precipitating
+81 ;; factors, alleviating factors, and the extent, if any, per veteran,
+82 ;; they result in additional limitation of motion or other functional
+83 ;; impairments during the flare-up.
+84 ;; 7. Comment on amount of weight lost as a prisoner. Record initial and
+85 ;; release weights.
+86 ;; 8. Describe initial symptoms, time of onset, course, and current symptoms
+87 ;; of all presumptive POW disabilities found.
+88 ;; 9. Describe current and relevant past treatments (specify type, frequency,
+89 ;; duration, response, side effects).
+90 ;; 10. If a neoplasm is or was present, state whether benign or malignant and
+91 ;; provide:
+92 ;;
+93 ;; a. Exact diagnosis and date of confirmed diagnosis.
+94 ;; b. Location of neoplasm.
+95 ;; c. Types and dates of treatment.
+96 ;; d. For malignant neoplasm, also state exact date of the last surgical,
+97 ;; X-ray, antineoplastic chemotherapy, radiation, or other therapeutic
+98 ;; procedure. If treatment is already completed, provide date of last
+99 ;; treatment and fully describe residuals. If not completed, state
+100 ;; expected date of completion.
+101 ;;
+102 ;; 11. Conduct a complete system review, with a focus on symptoms related to
+103 ;; the presumptive conditions, and comment on all positive symptoms.
+104 ;;
+105 ;;C. Physical Examination (Objective Findings):
+106 ;;
+107 ;; Address each of the following and fully describe current findings.
+108 ;; Report any other significant physical abnormalities. The examiner should
+109 ;; incorporate all ancillary study results into the final diagnoses.
+110 ;;
+111 ;; 1. GENERAL: Pulse, respirations, height, weight, maximum weight in past
+112 ;; year, percentage of weight change in past year compared to baseline
+113 ;; (average weight in the 2 years preceding onset of disease), body build,
+114 ;; and state of nutrition.
+115 ;;
+116 ;; 2. BLOOD PRESSURE: (Per the rating schedule, hypertension means that the
+117 ;; diastolic blood pressure is predominantly 90mm. or greater, and
+118 ;; isolated systolic hypertension means that the systolic blood pressure
+119 ;; is predominantly 160mm. or greater with a diastolic blood pressure of
+120 ;; less than 90mm.).
+121 ;;
+122 ;; i. If the diagnosis of hypertension has not been previously
+123 ;; established, and it is a claimed issue, B.P. readings must be
+124 ;; taken two or more times on each of at least three different days.
+125 ;; ii. If hypertension has been previously diagnosed and is claimed, but
+126 ;; the claimant is not on treatment, B.P. readings must be taken two
+127 ;; or more times on at least three different days.
+128 ;; iii. If hypertension has been previously diagnosed, and the claimant is
+129 ;; on treatment, take three blood pressure readings on the day of the
+130 ;; examination.
+131 ;; iv. If hypertension has not been claimed, take three blood pressure
+132 ;; readings on the day of the examination. If they are suggestive of
+133 ;; hypertension or are borderline, readings must be taken two or more
+134 ;; times on at least two additional days to rule hypertension in or
+135 ;; out.
+136 ;; v. In the diagnostic summary, state whether hypertension is ruled in
+137 ;; or out after completing these B.P. measurements. If hypertensive
+138 ;; heart disease is suspected or found, follow worksheet for Heart.
+139 ;;
+140 ;; 3. POSTURE AND GAIT: Describe if abnormal.
+141 ;;
+142 ;; 4. SKIN: If abnormal, describe appearance, location, extent of rash or
+143 ;; lesions. If there are scars, including burn scars, describe the
+144 ;; location, measurements (cm. x cm.), shape, depression, type of tissue
+145 ;; loss, adherence, color difference, and whether there is tenderness,
+146 ;; skin breakdown, or functional limitation of activity or motion due to
+147 ;; the scarring. If there are scars, including burn scars, or other
+148 ;; disfigurement of the head, face, or neck, follow the Scars worksheet.
+149 ;; (NOTE: If there are disfiguring scars of the head, face, or neck,
+150 ;; obtain and submit COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS of the affected area(s). Report
+151 ;; nail abnormalities).
+152 ;;
+153 ;; 5. HEMIC AND LYMPHATIC: (Describe local or generalized adenopathy,
+154 ;; tenderness, edema, suppuration, etc., as well as splenomegaly,
+155 ;; hepatomegaly, signs of anemia or bleeding tendency, etc.).
+156 ;;
+157 ;; 6. HEAD AND NECK: Describe cervical adenopathy, carotid bruit,
+158 ;; deformities, etc.
+159 ;;
+160 ;; 7. EYES: Report corrected visual acuity, pupil reactions, gross visual
+161 ;; fields, and retinopathy or other abnormality of fundus, eyelids,
+162 ;; eyebrows, conjunctivae, etc. Refer for an examination by an Eye
+163 ;; specialist as indicated.
+164 ;;
+165 ;; 8. EARS: Describe hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, status of tympanic
+166 ;; membrane, pain, discharge, etc. Refer for an examination by a
+167 ;; specialist as indicated.
+168 ;;
+169 ;; 9. NOSE, SINUSES, MOUTH AND THROAT: Describe nasal vestibule, turbinates,
+170 ;; polyps, signs of obstruction, position of septum. Describe mouth and
+171 ;; tongue, gums, tonsils, uvula and palate, gross dental findings. For
+172 ;; sinuses, describe any tenderness, purulent discharge, crusting, etc.
+173 ;;
+174 ;; 10. ENDOCRINE: Describe neck mass or nodule, lid lag, exophthalmos,
+175 ;; abnormality of hair or skin, effects of any endocrine condition on
+176 ;; other body systems.
+177 ;;
+178 ;; 11. PULMONARY: Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation. Report
+179 ;; abnormal breath sounds, pleural rub, prolonged expiration, etc.
+180 ;;