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Routine: DVBCWTB5


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 ;;2.7;AMIE;**183**;Apr 10, 1995;Build 8
 ;;A traumatically induced structural injury and/or physiological disruption of
 ;;brain function as a result of an external force that is indicated by new onset
 ;;or worsening of at least one of the following clinical signs, immediately
 ;;following the event:
 ;;   -  Any period of loss of or a decreased level of consciousness;
 ;;   -  Any loss of memory for events immediately before or after injury;
 ;;   -  Any alteration in mental state at the time of the injury (confusion,
 ;;      disorientation, slowed thinking, etc.);
 ;;   -  Neurological deficits (weakness, loss of balance, change in vision,
 ;;      praxis, paresis/plegia, sensory loss, aphasia, etc.) that may or may not
 ;;      be transient;
 ;;   -  Intracranial lesion.
 ;;External forces may include any of the following events:  the head being struck
 ;;by an object, the head striking an object, the brain undergoing an
 ;;acceleration/deceleration movement without direct external trauma to the head,
 ;;a foreign body penetrating the brain, forces generated from events such as a
 ;;blast or explosion, or other force yet to be defined.
 ;;The above criteria define the event of a traumatic brain injury (TBI).
 ;;Sequelae of TBI may resolve quickly, within minutes to hours after the
 ;;neurological event, or they may persist longer.  Some sequelae of TBI may be
 ;;permanent.  Most signs and symptoms will manifest immediately following the
 ;;event.  However, other signs and symptoms may be delayed from days to months
 ;;(e.g., subdural hematoma, seizures, hydrocephalus, spasticity, etc.).  Signs
 ;;and symptoms may occur alone or in varying combinations and may result in a
 ;;functional impairment.  These signs and symptoms are not better explained by
 ;;pre-existing conditions or other medical, neurological, or psychological causes
 ;;except in cases of an exacerbation of a pre-existing condition.  These
 ;;generally fall into one or more of the three following categories:
 ;;   -  PHYSICAL:  Headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, blurred vision, sleep
 ;;      disturbance, weakness, paresis/plegia, sensory loss, spasticity, aphasia,
 ;;      dysphagia, dysarthria, apraxia, balance disorders, disorders of
 ;;      coordination, seizure disorder.
 ;;   -  COGNITIVE:  Attention, concentration, memory, speed of processing, new
 ;;      learning, planning, reasoning, judgment, executive control, self-
 ;;      awareness, language, abstract thinking.
 ;;   -  BEHAVIORAL/EMOTIONAL:  Depression, anxiety, agitation, irritability,
 ;;      impulsivity, aggression.
 ;;Note:  The signs and symptoms listed above are typical of each category but
 ;;are not an exhaustive list of all possible signs and symptoms.
 ;;Not all individuals exposed to an external force will sustain a TBI.  TBI
 ;;varies in severity, traditionally described as mild, moderate and severe.
 ;;These categories are based on measures of length of unconsciousness, post-
 ;;traumatic amnesia.
 ;;The trauma may cause structural damage or may produce more subtle damage that
 ;;manifests by altered brain function, without structural damage that can be
 ;;detected by traditional imaging studies such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging or
 ;;Computed Tomography scanning.  In addition to traditional imaging studies,
 ;;other imaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging,
 ;;diffusion tensor imaging, positron emission tomography scanning, as well as
 ;;electrophysiological testing such as electroencephalography may be used to
 ;;detect damage to or physiological alteration of brain function.  In addition,
 ;;altered brain function may be manifest by altered performance on neuro-
 ;;psychological or other standardized testing of function.
 ;;Acute injury severity is determined at the time of the injury, but this
 ;;severity level, while having some prognostic value, does not necessarily
 ;;reflect the patient's ultimate level of functioning.  It is recognized that
 ;;serial assessments of the patient's cognitive, emotional, behavioral and
 ;;social functioning is required.
 ;;   -  The patient is classified as mild/moderate/severe if he or she meets any
 ;;      of the criteria below within a particular severity level.  If a patient
 ;;      meets criteria in more than one category of severity, the higher severity
 ;;      level is assigned.
 ;;   -  If it is not clinically possible to determine the brain injury level of
 ;;      severity because of medical complications (e.g., medically induced coma),
 ;;      other severity markers are required to make a determination of the
 ;;      severity of the brain injury.
 ;;      ___________________________________________________________
 ;;     | Mild             | Moderate           | Severe            |
 ;;     |________________  |________________    |___________________|
 ;;     | Normal structural| Normal or abnormal | Normal or abnormal|
 ;;     | imaging          | structural imaging | structural imaging|
 ;;     |__________________|____________________|___________________|
 ;;     | LOC = 0-30 min*  | LOC > 30 min and   | LOC > 24 hrs      |
 ;;     |                  | < 24 hours         |                   |
 ;;     |__________________|____________________|___________________|
 ;;     | AOC = a moment   | AOC >24 hours. Severity based on other |
 ;;     | up to 24 hrs     | criteria                               |
 ;;     |__________________|________________________________________|
 ;;     | PTA = 0-1 day    | PTA > 1 and < 7    | PTA > 7 days      |
 ;;     |                  | days               |                   |
 ;;     |__________________|____________________|___________________|
 ;;      AOC - Alteration of consciousness/mental state
 ;;      LOC - Loss of consciousness
 ;;      PTA - Post-traumatic amnesia
 ;;It is recognized that the cognitive symptoms associated with post-traumatic
 ;;stress disorder (PTSD) may overlap with symptoms of mild TBI.  Differential
 ;;diagnosis of brain injury and PTSD is required for accurate diagnosis and