- Q
- EP ;
- ;Update EAS MT LETTERS file (#713.3)
- D MES^XPDUTL("*** Updating EAS MT LETTERS file(#713.3)***")
- S FILE=713.3
- D MES^XPDUTL("*** Updating 0-DAY LETTER ***")
- S IEN0=$O(^EAS(713.3,"B","0-DAY LETTER",""))
- I IEN0="" D MES^XPDUTL("*** 0-DAY LETTER not updated ***")
- I IEN0'="" D
- . S DIE="^EAS(713.3,",DA=IEN0,DR="3///@" D ^DIE K DIE,DA
- . K WP0
- . F K=1:1 S TEXT=$P($T(DAY0+K),";;",2) Q:TEXT="EXIT" S WP0(K)=TEXT
- . D FILE(IEN0,.WP0)
- D MES^XPDUTL("*** Updating 30-DAY LETTER ***")
- S IEN30=$O(^EAS(713.3,"B","30-DAY LETTER",""))
- I IEN30="" D MES^XPDUTL("*** 30-DAY LETTER not updated ***")
- I IEN30'="" D
- . S DIE="^EAS(713.3,",DA=IEN30,DR="3///@" D ^DIE K DIE,DA
- . K WP30
- . F K=1:1 S TEXT=$P($T(DAY30+K),";;",2) Q:TEXT="EXIT" S WP30(K)=TEXT
- . D FILE(IEN30,.WP30)
- D MES^XPDUTL("*** Updating 60-DAY LETTER ***")
- S IEN60=$O(^EAS(713.3,"B","60-DAY LETTER",""))
- I IEN60="" D MES^XPDUTL("*** 60-DAY LETTER not updated ***")
- I IEN60'="" D
- . S DIE="^EAS(713.3,",DA=IEN60,DR="3///@" D ^DIE K DIE,DA
- . K WP60
- . F K=1:1 S TEXT=$P($T(DAY60+K),";;",2) Q:TEXT="EXIT" S WP60(K)=TEXT
- . D FILE(IEN60,.WP60)
- Q
- K WP
- Q
- DAY0 ;;
- ;;According to our records you have not responded to our previous requests
- ;;to complete the financial section of VA Form 10-10EZ, Application for
- ;;Health Benefits. This is to inform you that your current financial
- ;;assessment (means test) has expired.
- ;;
- ;;How Does This Affect Your Eligibility for Care?
- ;; o We do not have a current means test for you on file, which is
- ;; needed to determine your continued eligibility for care of your
- ;; non-service connected conditions.
- ;; o We are unable to schedule you for future care of your non-service
- ;; connected conditions.
- ;;
- ;;How Does This Affect Your Enrollment?
- ;; o We are unable to determine your priority for enrollment in the VA
- ;; health care system.
- ;;
- ;;What Do You Need To Do?
- ;; o Complete, sign and return a new VA Form 10-10EZ, including the
- ;; financial section.
- ;; o Read the enclosed VA Form 4107, Notice of Procedural and Appellate
- ;; Rights. If you disagree with our decision, you or your representative
- ;; may complete a Notice of Disagreement and return it to the Enrollment
- ;; Coordinator or Health Benefits Advisor at your local VA health care
- ;; facility.
- ;;
- ;;What If You Have Questions?
- ;;EXIT
- DAY30 ;;
- ;;Each year the VA requires non-service connected veterans and 0% service
- ;;connected veterans to complete a financial assessment (means test). Our
- ;;records show that your annual means test is due |ANNVDT|.
- ;;
- ;;As of this date we have not received the updated financial income
- ;;information we requested in a previous letter.
- ;;
- ;;What Does This Mean To You?
- ;; o Your updated financial assessment information is needed to determine
- ;; your continued eligibility for care of your non-service connected
- ;; conditions.
- ;; o Failure to complete the means test by the anniversary date will
- ;; prevent us from being able to schedule you for future care for
- ;; your non-service connected conditions.
- ;;
- ;;What Do You Need To Do?
- ;; o Complete and sign the enclosed Financial Assessment portion of the
- ;; enclosed VA Form 10-10EZ, Application for Health Benefits, reporting
- ;; income and assets for the previous calendar year.
- ;; o Return the completed and signed form in the enclosed envelope before
- ;; your means test anniversary date.
- ;; o When you report to your next health care appointment, bring your
- ;; health insurance card so we may update your health insurance
- ;; information.
- ;; o Notify us if you feel you received this letter in error
- ;;
- ;;What If You Have Questions?
- ;;EXIT
- DAY60 ;;
- ;;Each year the VA requires non-service connected veterans and 0% service
- ;;connected veterans to complete a financial assessment (means test). Our
- ;;records show that your annual means test is due |ANNVDT|.
- ;;
- ;;What Does This Mean To You?
- ;; o Your financial assessment information is used to determine your
- ;; continued eligibility for care of your non-service connected
- ;; conditions.
- ;; o Failure to complete the means test by the anniversary date will
- ;; prevent us from being able to schedule you for future care for
- ;; your non-service connected conditions.
- ;;
- ;;What Do You Need To Do?
- ;; o Complete and sign the Financial Assessment portion of the enclosed VA
- ;; Form 10-10EZ, Application for Health Benefits, reporting income and
- ;; assets for the previous calendar year.
- ;; o Return the completed and signed form in the enclosed envelope before
- ;; your means test anniversary date.
- ;; o When you report to your next health care appointment, bring your
- ;; health insurance card so we may update your health insurance
- ;; information.
- ;; o Notify us if you feel you received this letter in error.
- ;;
- ;;What If You Have Questions?
- ;;EXIT
- --- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HEAS113P 5319 printed Feb 18, 2025@23:19:34 Page 2
- +2 QUIT
- EP ;
- +2 ;Update EAS MT LETTERS file (#713.3)
- +3 DO MES^XPDUTL("*** Updating EAS MT LETTERS file(#713.3)***")
- +4 SET FILE=713.3
- +5 DO MES^XPDUTL("*** Updating 0-DAY LETTER ***")
- +6 SET IEN0=$ORDER(^EAS(713.3,"B","0-DAY LETTER",""))
- +7 IF IEN0=""
- DO MES^XPDUTL("*** 0-DAY LETTER not updated ***")
- +8 IF IEN0'=""
- Begin DoDot:1
- +9 SET DIE="^EAS(713.3,"
- SET DR="3///@"
- +10 KILL WP0
- +11 FOR K=1:1
- if TEXT="EXIT"
- +12 DO FILE(IEN0,.WP0)
- End DoDot:1
- +13 DO MES^XPDUTL("*** Updating 30-DAY LETTER ***")
- +14 SET IEN30=$ORDER(^EAS(713.3,"B","30-DAY LETTER",""))
- +15 IF IEN30=""
- DO MES^XPDUTL("*** 30-DAY LETTER not updated ***")
- +16 IF IEN30'=""
- Begin DoDot:1
- +17 SET DIE="^EAS(713.3,"
- SET DR="3///@"
- +18 KILL WP30
- +19 FOR K=1:1
- SET TEXT=$PIECE($TEXT(DAY30+K),";;",2)
- if TEXT="EXIT"
- +20 DO FILE(IEN30,.WP30)
- End DoDot:1
- +21 DO MES^XPDUTL("*** Updating 60-DAY LETTER ***")
- +22 SET IEN60=$ORDER(^EAS(713.3,"B","60-DAY LETTER",""))
- +23 IF IEN60=""
- DO MES^XPDUTL("*** 60-DAY LETTER not updated ***")
- +24 IF IEN60'=""
- Begin DoDot:1
- +25 SET DIE="^EAS(713.3,"
- SET DR="3///@"
- +26 KILL WP60
- +27 FOR K=1:1
- SET TEXT=$PIECE($TEXT(DAY60+K),";;",2)
- if TEXT="EXIT"
- +28 DO FILE(IEN60,.WP60)
- End DoDot:1
- +29 QUIT
- +2 KILL WP
- +3 QUIT
- DAY0 ;;
- +1 ;;According to our records you have not responded to our previous requests
- +2 ;;to complete the financial section of VA Form 10-10EZ, Application for
- +3 ;;Health Benefits. This is to inform you that your current financial
- +4 ;;assessment (means test) has expired.
- +5 ;;
- +6 ;;How Does This Affect Your Eligibility for Care?
- +7 ;; o We do not have a current means test for you on file, which is
- +8 ;; needed to determine your continued eligibility for care of your
- +9 ;; non-service connected conditions.
- +10 ;; o We are unable to schedule you for future care of your non-service
- +11 ;; connected conditions.
- +12 ;;
- +13 ;;How Does This Affect Your Enrollment?
- +14 ;; o We are unable to determine your priority for enrollment in the VA
- +15 ;; health care system.
- +16 ;;
- +17 ;;What Do You Need To Do?
- +18 ;; o Complete, sign and return a new VA Form 10-10EZ, including the
- +19 ;; financial section.
- +20 ;; o Read the enclosed VA Form 4107, Notice of Procedural and Appellate
- +21 ;; Rights. If you disagree with our decision, you or your representative
- +22 ;; may complete a Notice of Disagreement and return it to the Enrollment
- +23 ;; Coordinator or Health Benefits Advisor at your local VA health care
- +24 ;; facility.
- +25 ;;
- +26 ;;What If You Have Questions?
- +27 ;;EXIT
- DAY30 ;;
- +1 ;;Each year the VA requires non-service connected veterans and 0% service
- +2 ;;connected veterans to complete a financial assessment (means test). Our
- +3 ;;records show that your annual means test is due |ANNVDT|.
- +4 ;;
- +5 ;;As of this date we have not received the updated financial income
- +6 ;;information we requested in a previous letter.
- +7 ;;
- +8 ;;What Does This Mean To You?
- +9 ;; o Your updated financial assessment information is needed to determine
- +10 ;; your continued eligibility for care of your non-service connected
- +11 ;; conditions.
- +12 ;; o Failure to complete the means test by the anniversary date will
- +13 ;; prevent us from being able to schedule you for future care for
- +14 ;; your non-service connected conditions.
- +15 ;;
- +16 ;;What Do You Need To Do?
- +17 ;; o Complete and sign the enclosed Financial Assessment portion of the
- +18 ;; enclosed VA Form 10-10EZ, Application for Health Benefits, reporting
- +19 ;; income and assets for the previous calendar year.
- +20 ;; o Return the completed and signed form in the enclosed envelope before
- +21 ;; your means test anniversary date.
- +22 ;; o When you report to your next health care appointment, bring your
- +23 ;; health insurance card so we may update your health insurance
- +24 ;; information.
- +25 ;; o Notify us if you feel you received this letter in error
- +26 ;;
- +27 ;;What If You Have Questions?
- +28 ;;EXIT
- DAY60 ;;
- +1 ;;Each year the VA requires non-service connected veterans and 0% service
- +2 ;;connected veterans to complete a financial assessment (means test). Our
- +3 ;;records show that your annual means test is due |ANNVDT|.
- +4 ;;
- +5 ;;What Does This Mean To You?
- +6 ;; o Your financial assessment information is used to determine your
- +7 ;; continued eligibility for care of your non-service connected
- +8 ;; conditions.
- +9 ;; o Failure to complete the means test by the anniversary date will
- +10 ;; prevent us from being able to schedule you for future care for
- +11 ;; your non-service connected conditions.
- +12 ;;
- +13 ;;What Do You Need To Do?
- +14 ;; o Complete and sign the Financial Assessment portion of the enclosed VA
- +15 ;; Form 10-10EZ, Application for Health Benefits, reporting income and
- +16 ;; assets for the previous calendar year.
- +17 ;; o Return the completed and signed form in the enclosed envelope before
- +18 ;; your means test anniversary date.
- +19 ;; o When you report to your next health care appointment, bring your
- +20 ;; health insurance card so we may update your health insurance
- +21 ;; information.
- +22 ;; o Notify us if you feel you received this letter in error.
- +23 ;;
- +24 ;;What If You Have Questions?
- +25 ;;EXIT