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Routine: EASAILK

Package: Enrollment Application System

Routine: EASAILK



Source Information

Source file <EASAILK.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
GETFIPS(DFN,INCYR,AIGMT) ;get the appropriate FIPS code and address for GMT
PATIENT(DFN,AIGMT,INCYR) ;find patient's address in the Patient (#2) file
PRIMMT(DFN,AIGMT,INCYR) ;find Primary MT location address
STATADDR(STATION,AIGMT,INCYR) ;get the VAMC station address
MSACHK(ZIP) ; check and return MSA code if it exists for a Zip Code
GMTCHK(YEAR,FIPS,MSA) ;check for valid GMT Threshold
MSAZERO(YEAR,FIPS,MSA) ;MSA for this zip code appears to be zero. Can we
; determine a GMT Threshold?
FIPS(ZIP,INCYR) ; look-up the 5-digit FIPS County code for the entered zip

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^DIC(4 - [#4] GETS^DIQ
^DGMT(408.31 - [#408.31] GETS^DIQ
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