EASECDPH ;ALB/LBD - LTC Co-pay Test Dependent - Help ;22 AUG 2001
;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**5,7**;Mar 15, 2001
;NOTE: This routine was modified from DGDEPH for LTC Co-pay
HLP ; -- help for list
I $D(X),X'["??" D HLPS G HLPQ
F I=1:1 S DGX=$P($T(@VAR+I),";",3,99) Q:DGX="$END" D PAUSE^VALM1:DGX="$PAUSE" Q:'Y W !,$S(DGX["$PAUSE":"",1:DGX)
HLPS ; -- short help
S X="?" W !,"Enter action by typing the name or the abbreviation.",! Q
HELPTXT ; -- help text
;;Enter action by typing the name or abbreviation.
;;DA - Spouse/Dependent Add (Not available when viewing)
;; This allows the user to add a new dependent. The dependent can
;; either be a spouse or other dependents. It will ask the LTC
;; copay test information questions if the dependent is added when
;; adding or editing a LTC copay test.
;;ES - Edit Spouse Demographics (Not available when viewing)
;; This allows the user to edit the demographics related to the spouse.
;; e.g. Name, DOB, SSN, etc.
;;DD - Edit Dependent Demographics (Not available when viewing)
;; This allows the user to edit the demographics related to dependents.
;; e.g. Name, DOB, SSN, etc.
;;MT - Marital/Dependent Info (Not available when viewing)
;; This allows the user to edit the veteran's marital status and
;; spouse or dependent information specific to the LTC copay test,
;; such as 'Residing in the Community' or 'Living with Spouse'.
;;AD - Add Dependent to LTC Copay Test (Not available when viewing)
;; This allows the user to add selected dependents to the LTC copay
;; test from the above list. The dependent does not have to currently
;; be an active dependent. This will only be allowed if the user is
;; adding or editing a LTC copay test.
;;RE - Remove from LTC Copay Test (Not available when viewing)
;; This allows the user to select dependent(s) to be removed from
;; the LTC copay test. This will only be allowed if the user is
;; adding or editing a LTC copay test.
;;XD - Expand Dependent
;; Allows user to select a specific dependent and view more information
;; about that dependent. The user can also select an action to edit
;; the effective dates for that dependent.
HLPTXT1 ;help text for DI - Display Info Menu
;;EE - Edit Effective Dates (Not available when viewing)
;; This allows the user to edit the effective dates for a dependent.
;; They also may add an effective date.
--- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HEASECDPH 2659 printed Dec 13, 2024@01:53:58 Page 2
EASECDPH ;ALB/LBD - LTC Co-pay Test Dependent - Help ;22 AUG 2001
+1 ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**5,7**;Mar 15, 2001
+2 ;NOTE: This routine was modified from DGDEPH for LTC Co-pay
+3 ;
HLP ; -- help for list
+2 IF $DATA(X)
IF X'["??"
+4 FOR I=1:1
SET DGX=$PIECE($TEXT(@VAR+I),";",3,99)
if DGX="$END"
if 'Y
SET X=""
+1 ;
HLPS ; -- short help
+1 SET X="?"
WRITE !,"Enter action by typing the name or the abbreviation.",!
+2 ;
HELPTXT ; -- help text
+1 ;;Enter action by typing the name or abbreviation.
+2 ;;
+3 ;;DA - Spouse/Dependent Add (Not available when viewing)
+4 ;; This allows the user to add a new dependent. The dependent can
+5 ;; either be a spouse or other dependents. It will ask the LTC
+6 ;; copay test information questions if the dependent is added when
+7 ;; adding or editing a LTC copay test.
+8 ;;
+9 ;;ES - Edit Spouse Demographics (Not available when viewing)
+10 ;; This allows the user to edit the demographics related to the spouse.
+11 ;; e.g. Name, DOB, SSN, etc.
+12 ;;
+13 ;;DD - Edit Dependent Demographics (Not available when viewing)
+14 ;; This allows the user to edit the demographics related to dependents.
+15 ;; e.g. Name, DOB, SSN, etc.
+16 ;;
+17 ;;$PAUSE
+18 ;;
+19 ;;
+20 ;;MT - Marital/Dependent Info (Not available when viewing)
+21 ;; This allows the user to edit the veteran's marital status and
+22 ;; spouse or dependent information specific to the LTC copay test,
+23 ;; such as 'Residing in the Community' or 'Living with Spouse'.
+24 ;;
+25 ;;AD - Add Dependent to LTC Copay Test (Not available when viewing)
+26 ;; This allows the user to add selected dependents to the LTC copay
+27 ;; test from the above list. The dependent does not have to currently
+28 ;; be an active dependent. This will only be allowed if the user is
+29 ;; adding or editing a LTC copay test.
+30 ;;
+31 ;;RE - Remove from LTC Copay Test (Not available when viewing)
+32 ;; This allows the user to select dependent(s) to be removed from
+33 ;; the LTC copay test. This will only be allowed if the user is
+34 ;; adding or editing a LTC copay test.
+35 ;;$PAUSE
+36 ;;
+37 ;;XD - Expand Dependent
+38 ;; Allows user to select a specific dependent and view more information
+39 ;; about that dependent. The user can also select an action to edit
+40 ;; the effective dates for that dependent.
+41 ;;
+42 ;;$PAUSE
+43 ;;$END
+44 QUIT
HLPTXT1 ;help text for DI - Display Info Menu
+1 ;;EE - Edit Effective Dates (Not available when viewing)
+2 ;; This allows the user to edit the effective dates for a dependent.
+3 ;; They also may add an effective date.
+4 ;;
+5 ;;$PAUSE
+6 ;;$END