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Routine: EASUM1

Package: Enrollment Application System

Routine: EASUM1



Source Information

Source file <EASUM1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EN ; this routine will call routines to upload means tests sent by the IVM
; Center in HL7 segments. the required sequence of these segments were
; validated in the calling routine IVMPREC7. this routine will call
; IVMUCHK to ensure that the data is consistent with DHCP means test
; file and software requirements.
ADD ; add new annual means test file (408.31) stub
; input DGMTDT (.01) dt of test
; DFN (.02) Patient IEN
; DGMTYPT (.19) type of test (1-means test, 2-Rx Copay test)
; output DGMTI annual means test IEN
ADDS21 ; add spouse entry to individual annual income file (408.21)
ADDCHILD ; add children if not in 408.13
ADDV21 ; add vet entry to individual annual income file (408.21)
; get vet patient relation ien
COMPLETE ; complete means test
GET ; get HL7 segment from ^HL

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^DGMT(408.31 - [#408.31] Classic Fileman Calls
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