- EC2P166 ;ALB/DTA - Inactive Stop Code DSS Unit Review; JUN 13, 2023@01:19
- ;;2.0;EVENT CAPTURE;**166**;May 8, 1996;Build 6
- ;
- ;This routine is part of a combined build with scheduling to
- ;inactivate any DSS units that are set to send no records
- ;and have an inactive/invalid stop code.
- ;
- ; References to %ZTLOAD supported by ICR# 10063
- ; References to BMES^XPDUTL supported by ICR# 10141
- ; References to MES^XPDUTL supported by ICR# 10141
- ;
- Q
- ;
- POST ;post install entry point
- D BMES^XPDUTL("Queuing the inactivation of any DSS Units, that are set")
- D MES^XPDUTL("to send no records and have an inactive/invalid stop code,")
- D MES^XPDUTL("for 10/01/23 at 1:00 AM. If this patch is installed after that time")
- D MES^XPDUTL("the post-install will queue immediately.")
- ;
- S ZTRTN="CHKDSS^ECUTL3",ZTDTH=3231001.0100
- S ZTDESC="Inactivate DSS Units with invalid stop codes",ZTIO=""
- ;
- D BMES^XPDUTL("Done. You will receive a MailMan message with the results.")
- Q
- --- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HEC2P166 1046 printed Jan 18, 2025@02:56:57 Page 2
- EC2P166 ;ALB/DTA - Inactive Stop Code DSS Unit Review; JUN 13, 2023@01:19
- +1 ;;2.0;EVENT CAPTURE;**166**;May 8, 1996;Build 6
- +2 ;
- +3 ;This routine is part of a combined build with scheduling to
- +4 ;inactivate any DSS units that are set to send no records
- +5 ;and have an inactive/invalid stop code.
- +6 ;
- +7 ; References to %ZTLOAD supported by ICR# 10063
- +8 ; References to BMES^XPDUTL supported by ICR# 10141
- +9 ; References to MES^XPDUTL supported by ICR# 10141
- +10 ;
- +11 QUIT
- +12 ;
- POST ;post install entry point
- +2 DO BMES^XPDUTL("Queuing the inactivation of any DSS Units, that are set")
- +3 DO MES^XPDUTL("to send no records and have an inactive/invalid stop code,")
- +4 DO MES^XPDUTL("for 10/01/23 at 1:00 AM. If this patch is installed after that time")
- +5 DO MES^XPDUTL("the post-install will queue immediately.")
- +6 ;
- SET ZTDTH=3231001.0100
- +8 SET ZTDESC="Inactivate DSS Units with invalid stop codes"
- +9 DO ^%ZTLOAD
- +10 ;
- +11 DO BMES^XPDUTL("Done. You will receive a MailMan message with the results.")
- +12 QUIT