ECX348PT ;ALB/JAM - PATCH ECX*3.0*48 Post-Init Rtn ; 03/24/03
;;3.0;DSS EXTRACTS;**48**;Dec 22, 1997
;Post-init routine to add new entries to:
; NATIONAL CLINIC file (#728.441)
EN ;
;- Add new entry to file 728.441
; ECXREC is in format: code^short description
D BMES^XPDUTL(">>> Adding entry to the NATIONAL CLINIC (#728.441) file...")
S (CNT0,CNT1)=0
.;- National Clinic code
.;- Quit w/error message if entry already exists in file #728.441
.I $$FIND1^DIC(728.441,"","X",ECXCODE) D Q
..D BMES^XPDUTL(">>>...."_ECXCODE_" "_$P(ECXREC,U,2)_" not added, entry already exists.")
..S CNT1=CNT1+1
.;- Setup field values of new entry
.S ECXFDA(728.441,"+1,",.01)=ECXCODE
.S ECXFDA(728.441,"+1,",1)=$P(ECXREC,"^",2)
.;- Add new entry to file #728.441
..D BMES^XPDUTL(">>>...."_ECXCODE_" "_$P(ECXREC,U,2)_" added to file.")
..S CNT0=CNT0+1
.D BMES^XPDUTL(">>>....Unable to add "_ECXCODE_" "_$P(ECXREC,U,2)_" to file.")
.S CNT1=CNT1+1
D MES^XPDUTL(" Done... Update to NATIONAL CLINIC File (#728.441).")
D MES^XPDUTL(" "_$J(CNT0,3)_" new entries added.")
D MES^XPDUTL(" "_$J(CNT1,3)_" were not added, already exist.")
NATCLIN ;- Contains the NATIONAL CLINIC entry to be added
;;CDAC^Cardiac Disease V1 CCS
;;CGAC^Coagulation Management V1 CCS
;;DEAC^Dementia V1 CCS
;;DMAC^Diabetes Mellitus V1 CCS
;;HTAC^Hypertension V1 CCS
;;IDAC^Infectious Disease V1 CCS
;;MHAC^Mental Health V1 CCS
;;PNAC^Pain Management V1 CCS
;;PDAC^Pulmonary Disease V1 CCS
;;RHAC^Rehabilitation V1 CCS
;;SCAC^Spinal Cord Injured V1 CCS
;;WCAC^Wound Care V1 CCS
;;CDBC^Cardiac Disease V2 CCS
;;CGBC^Coagulation Management V2 CCS
;;DEBC^Dementia V2 CCS
;;DMBC^Diabetes Mellitus V2 CCS
;;HTBC^Hypertension V2 CCS
;;IDBC^Infectious Disease V2 CCS
;;MHBC^Mental Health V2 CCS
;;PNBC^Pain Management V2 CCS
;;PDBC^Pulmonary Disease V2 CCS
;;RHBC^Rehabilitation V2 CCS
;;SCBC^Spinal Cord Injured V2 CCS
;;WCBC^Wound Care V2 CCS
;;CDCC^Cardiac Disease V3 CCS
;;CGCC^Coagulation Management V3 CCS
;;DECC^Dementia V3 CCS
;;DMCC^Diabetes Mellitus V3 CCS
;;HTCC^Hypertension V3 CCS
;;IDCC^Infectious Disease V3 CCS
;;MHCC^Mental Health V3 CCS
;;PNCC^Pain Management V3 CCS
;;PDCC^Pulmonary Disease V3 CCS
;;RHCC^Rehabilitation V3 CCS
;;SCCC^Spinal Cord Injured V3 CCS
;;WCCC^Wound Care V3 CCS
;;CDDC^Cardiac Disease V4 CCS
;;CGDC^Coagulation Management V4 CCS
;;DEDC^Dementia V4 CCS
;;DMDC^Diabetes Mellitus V4 CCS
;;HDDC^Hypertension V4 CCS
;;IDDC^Infectious Disease V4 CCS
;;MHDC^Mental Health V4 CCS
;;PNDC^Pain Management V4 CCS
;;PDDC^Pulmonary Disease V4 CCS
;;RHDC^Rehabilitation V4 CCS
;;SCDC^Spinal Cord Injured V4 CCS
;;WCDC^Wound Care V4 CCS
;;CDEC^Cardiac Disease V5 CCS
;;CGEC^Coagulation Management V5 CCS
;;DEEC^Dementia V5 CCS
;;DMEC^Diabetes Mellitus V5 CCS
;;HDEC^Hypertension V5 CCS
;;IDEC^Infectious Disease V5 CCS
;;MHEC^Mental Health V5 CCS
;;PNEC^Pain Management V5 CCS
;;PDEC^Pulmonary Disease V5 CCS
;;RHEC^Rehabilitation V5 CCS
;;SCEC^Spinal Cord Injured V5 CCS
;;WCEC^Wound Care V5 CCS
;;CDFC^Cardiac Disease V6 CCS
;;CGFC^Coagulation Management V6 CCCS
;;DEFC^Dementia V6 CCS
;;DMFC^Diabetes Mellitus V6 CCS
;;HTFC^Hypertension V6 CCS
;;IDFC^Infectious Disease V6 CCS
;;MHFC^Mental Health V6 CCS
;;PNFC^Pain Management V6 CCS
;;PDFC^Pulmonary Disease V6 CCS
;;RHFC^Rehabilitation V6 CCS
;;SCFC^Spinal Cord Injured V6 CCS
;;WCFC^Wound Care V6 CCS
;;CDGC^Cardiac Disease V7 CCS
;;CGGC^Coagulation Management V7 CCS
;;DEGC^Dementia V7 CCS
;;DMGC^Diabetes Mellitus V7 CCS
;;HDGC^Hypertension V7 CCS
;;IDGC^Infectious Disease V7 CCS
;;MHGC^Mental Health V7 CCS
;;PNGC^Pain Management V7 CCS
;;PDGC^Pulmonary Disease V7 CCS
;;RHGC^Rehabilitation V7 CCS
;;SCGC^Spinal Cord Injured V7 CCS
;;WCGC^Wound Care V7 CCS
;;CDHC^Cardiac Disease V8 CCS
;;CGHC^Coagulation Management V8 CCS
;;DEHC^Dementia V8 CCS
;;DMHC^Diabetes Mellitus V8 CCS
;;HDHC^Hypertension V8 CCS
;;IDHC^Infectious Disease V8 CCS
;;MHHC^Mental Health V8 CCS
;;PNHC^Pain Management V8 CCS
;;PDHC^Pulmonary Disease V8 CCS
;;RHHC^Rehabilitation V8 CCS
;;SCHC^Spinal Cord Injured V8 CCS
;;WCHC^Wound Care V8 CCS
;;CDJC^Cardiac Disease V9 CCS
;;CGJC^Coagulation Management V9 CCS
;;DEJC^Dementia V9 CCS
;;DMJC^Diabetes Mellitus V9 CCS
;;HDJC^Hypertension V9 CCS
;;IDJC^Infectious Disease V9 CCS
;;MHJC^Mental Health V9 CCS
;;PNJC^Pain Management V9 CCS
;;PDJC^Pulmonary Disease V9 CCS
;;RHJC^Rehabilitation V9 CCS
;;SCJC^Spinal Cord Injured V9 CCS
;;WCJC^Wound Care V9 CCS
;;CDKC^Cardiac Disease V10 CCS
;;CGKC^Coagulation Management V10 CCS
;;DEKC^Dementia V10 CCS
;;DMKC^Diabetes Mellitus V10 CCS
;;HDKC^Hypertension V10 CCS
;;IDKC^Infectious Disease V10 CCS
;;MHKC^Mental Health V10 CCS
;;PNKC^Pain Management V10 CCS
;;PDKC^Pulmonary Disease V10 CCS
;;RHKC^Rehabilitation V10 CCS
;;SCKC^Spinal Cord Injured V10 CCS
;;WCKC^Wound Care V10 CCS
;;CDLC^Cardiac Disease V11 CCS
;;CGLC^Coagulation Management V11 CCS
;;DELC^Dementia V11 CCS
;;DMLC^Diabetes Mellitus V11 CCS
;;HDLC^Hypertension V11 CCS
;;IDLC^Infectious Disease V11 CCS
;;MHLC^Mental Health V11 CCS
;;PNLC^Pain Management V11 CCS
;;PDLC^Pulmonary Disease V11 CCS
;;RHLC^Rehabilitation V11 CCS
;;SCLC^Spinal Cord Injured V11 CCS
;;WCLC^Wound Care V11 CCS
;;CDMC^Cardiac Disease V12 CCS
;;CGMC^Coagulation Management V12 CCS
;;DEMC^Dementia V12 CCS
;;DMMC^Diabetes Mellitus V12 CCS
;;HDMC^Hypertension V12 CCS
;;IDMC^Infectious Disease V12 CCS
;;MHMC^Mental Health V12 CCS
;;PNMC^Pain Management V12 CCS
;;PDMC^Pulmonary Disease V12 CCS
;;RHMC^Rehabilitation V12 CCS
;;SCMC^Spinal Cord Injured V12 CCS
;;WCMC^Wound Care V12 CCS
;;CDNC^Cardiac Disease V23 CCS
;;CGNC^Coagulation Management V23 CCS
;;DENC^Dementia V23 CCS
;;DMNC^Diabetes Mellitus V23 CCS
;;HDNC^Hypertension V23 CCS
;;IDNC^Infectious Disease V23 CCS
;;MHNC^Mental Health V23 CCS
;;PNNC^Pain Management V23 CCS
;;PDNC^Pulmonary Disease V23 CCS
;;RHNC^Rehabilitation V23 CCS
;;SCNC^Spinal Cord Injured V23 CCS
;;WCNC^Wound Care V23 CCS
;;CDPC^Cardiac Disease V15 CCS
;;CGPC^Coagulation Management V15 CCS
;;DEPC^Dementia V15 CCS
;;DMPC^Diabetes Mellitus V15 CCS
;;HDPC^Hypertension V15 CCS
;;IDPC^Infectious Disease V15 CCS
;;MHPC^Mental Health V15 CCS
;;PNPC^Pain Management V15 CCS
;;PDPC^Pulmonary Disease V15 CCS
;;RHPC^Rehabilitation V15 CCS
;;SCPC^Spinal Cord Injured V15 CCS
;;WCPC^Wound Care V15 CCS
;;CDQC^Cardiac Disease V16 CCS
;;CGQC^Coagulation Management V16 CCS
;;DEQC^Dementia V16 CCS
;;DMQC^Diabetes Mellitus V16 CCS
;;HDQC^Hypertension V16 CCS
;;IDQC^Infectious Disease V16 CCS
;;MHQC^Mental Health V16 CCS
;;PNQC^Pain Management V16 CCS
;;PDQC^Pulmonary Disease V16 CCS
;;RHQC^Rehabilitation V16 CCS
;;SCQC^Spinal Cord Injured V16 CCS
;;WCQC^Wound Care V16 CCS
;;CDRC^Cardiac Disease V17 CCS
;;CGRC^Coagulation Management V17 CCS
;;DERC^Dementia V17 CCS
;;DMRC^Diabetes Mellitus V17 CCS
;;HDRC^Hypertension V17 CCS
;;IDRC^Infectious Disease V17 CCS
;;MHRC^Mental Health V17 CCS
;;PNRC^Pain Management V17 CCS
;;PDRC^Pulmonary Disease V17 CCS
;;RHRC^Rehabilitation V17 CCS
;;SNRC^Spinal Cord Injured V17 CCS
;;WCRC^Wound Care V17 CCS
;;CDSC^Cardiac Disease V18 CCS
;;CGSC^Coagulation Management V18 CCS
;;DESC^Dementia V18 CCS
;;DMSC^Diabetes Mellitus V18 CCS
;;HTSC^Hypertension V18 CCS
;;IDSC^Infectious Disease V18 CCS
;;MHSC^Mental Health V18 CCS
;;PNSC^Pain Management V18 CCS
;;PDSC^Pulmonary Disease V18 CCS
;;RHSC^Rehabilitation V18 CCS
;;SCSC^Spinal Cord Injured V18 CCS
;;WCSC^Wound Care V18 CCS
;;CDTC^Cardiac Disease V19 CCS
;;CGTC^Coagulation Management V19 CCS
;;DETC^Dementia V19 CCS
;;DMTC^Diabetes Mellitus V19 CCS
;;HTTC^Hypertension V19 CCS
;;IDTC^Infectious Disease V19 CCS
;;MHTC^Mental Health V19 CCS
;;PNTC^Pain Management V19 CCS
;;PDTC^Pulmonary Disease V19 CCS
;;RHTC^Rehabilitation V19 CCS
;;SCTC^Spinal Cord Injured V19 CCS
;;WCTC^Wound Care V19 CCS
;;CDUC^Cardiac Disease V20 CCS
;;CGUC^Coagulation Management V20 CCS
;;DEUC^Dementia V20 CCS
;;DMUC^Diabetes Mellitus V20 CCS
;;HTUC^Hypertension V20 CCS
;;IDUC^Infectious Disease V20 CCS
;;MHUC^Mental Health V20 CCS
;;PNUC^Pain Management V20 CCS
;;PDUC^Pulmonary Disease V20 CCS
;;RHUC^Rehabilitation V20 CCS
;;SCUC^Spinal Cord Injured V20 CCS
;;WCUC^Wound Care V20 CCS
;;CDVC^Cardiac Disease V21 CCS
;;CGVC^Coagulation Management V21 CCS
;;DEVC^Dementia V21 CCS
;;DMVC^Diabetes Mellitus V21 CCS
;;HTVC^Hypertension V21 CCS
;;IDVC^Infectious Disease V21 CCS
;;MHVC^Mental Health V21 CCS
;;PNVC^Pain Management V21 CCS
;;PDVC^Pulmonary Disease V21 CCS
;;RHVC^Rehabilitation V21 CCS
;;SNVC^Spinal Cord Injured V21 CCS
;;WCVC^Wound Care V21 CCS
;;CDWC^Cardiac Disease V22 CCS
;;CGWC^Coagulation Management V22 CCS
;;DEWC^Dementia V22 CCS
;;DMWC^Diabetes Mellitus V22 CCS
;;HTWC^Hypertension V22 CCS
;;IDWC^Infectious Disease V22 CCS
;;MHWC^Mental Health V22 CCS
;;PNWC^Pain Management V22 CCS
;;PDWC^Pulmonary Disease V22 CCS
;;RHWC^Rehabilitation V22 CCS
;;SCWC^Spinal Cord Injured V22 CCS
;;WCWC^Wound Care V22 CCS
--- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HECX348PT 9821 printed Dec 13, 2024@01:49:59 Page 2
ECX348PT ;ALB/JAM - PATCH ECX*3.0*48 Post-Init Rtn ; 03/24/03
+1 ;;3.0;DSS EXTRACTS;**48**;Dec 22, 1997
+2 ;
+3 ;Post-init routine to add new entries to:
+4 ; NATIONAL CLINIC file (#728.441)
+5 ;
EN ;
+1 ;- Add new entry to file 728.441
+2 ; ECXREC is in format: code^short description
+3 ;
+4 ;
+6 DO BMES^XPDUTL(">>> Adding entry to the NATIONAL CLINIC (#728.441) file...")
+8 SET (CNT0,CNT1)=0
+9 ;
+10 ;- Get NATIONAL CLINIC record
+11 FOR I=1:1
Begin DoDot:1
+12 ;
+13 ;- National Clinic code
+15 ;
+16 ;- Quit w/error message if entry already exists in file #728.441
+17 IF $$FIND1^DIC(728.441,"","X",ECXCODE)
Begin DoDot:2
+18 DO BMES^XPDUTL(">>>...."_ECXCODE_" "_$PIECE(ECXREC,U,2)_" not added, entry already exists.")
+19 SET CNT1=CNT1+1
End DoDot:2
+20 ;- Setup field values of new entry
+21 SET ECXFDA(728.441,"+1,",.01)=ECXCODE
+22 SET ECXFDA(728.441,"+1,",1)=$PIECE(ECXREC,"^",2)
+23 ;
+24 ;- Add new entry to file #728.441
+26 ;
Begin DoDot:2
+28 DO BMES^XPDUTL(">>>...."_ECXCODE_" "_$PIECE(ECXREC,U,2)_" added to file.")
+29 SET CNT0=CNT0+1
End DoDot:2
+30 DO BMES^XPDUTL(">>>....Unable to add "_ECXCODE_" "_$PIECE(ECXREC,U,2)_" to file.")
+31 SET CNT1=CNT1+1
End DoDot:1
+32 DO MES^XPDUTL(" ")
+33 DO MES^XPDUTL(" Done... Update to NATIONAL CLINIC File (#728.441).")
+34 DO MES^XPDUTL(" "_$JUSTIFY(CNT0,3)_" new entries added.")
+35 DO MES^XPDUTL(" "_$JUSTIFY(CNT1,3)_" were not added, already exist.")
+36 DO MES^XPDUTL(" ")
+37 ;
+38 QUIT
+39 ;
NATCLIN ;- Contains the NATIONAL CLINIC entry to be added
+1 ;;CDAC^Cardiac Disease V1 CCS
+2 ;;CGAC^Coagulation Management V1 CCS
+3 ;;DEAC^Dementia V1 CCS
+4 ;;DMAC^Diabetes Mellitus V1 CCS
+5 ;;HTAC^Hypertension V1 CCS
+6 ;;IDAC^Infectious Disease V1 CCS
+7 ;;MHAC^Mental Health V1 CCS
+8 ;;PNAC^Pain Management V1 CCS
+9 ;;PDAC^Pulmonary Disease V1 CCS
+10 ;;RHAC^Rehabilitation V1 CCS
+11 ;;SCAC^Spinal Cord Injured V1 CCS
+12 ;;WCAC^Wound Care V1 CCS
+13 ;;CDBC^Cardiac Disease V2 CCS
+14 ;;CGBC^Coagulation Management V2 CCS
+15 ;;DEBC^Dementia V2 CCS
+16 ;;DMBC^Diabetes Mellitus V2 CCS
+17 ;;HTBC^Hypertension V2 CCS
+18 ;;IDBC^Infectious Disease V2 CCS
+19 ;;MHBC^Mental Health V2 CCS
+20 ;;PNBC^Pain Management V2 CCS
+21 ;;PDBC^Pulmonary Disease V2 CCS
+22 ;;RHBC^Rehabilitation V2 CCS
+23 ;;SCBC^Spinal Cord Injured V2 CCS
+24 ;;WCBC^Wound Care V2 CCS
+25 ;;CDCC^Cardiac Disease V3 CCS
+26 ;;CGCC^Coagulation Management V3 CCS
+27 ;;DECC^Dementia V3 CCS
+28 ;;DMCC^Diabetes Mellitus V3 CCS
+29 ;;HTCC^Hypertension V3 CCS
+30 ;;IDCC^Infectious Disease V3 CCS
+31 ;;MHCC^Mental Health V3 CCS
+32 ;;PNCC^Pain Management V3 CCS
+33 ;;PDCC^Pulmonary Disease V3 CCS
+34 ;;RHCC^Rehabilitation V3 CCS
+35 ;;SCCC^Spinal Cord Injured V3 CCS
+36 ;;WCCC^Wound Care V3 CCS
+37 ;;CDDC^Cardiac Disease V4 CCS
+38 ;;CGDC^Coagulation Management V4 CCS
+39 ;;DEDC^Dementia V4 CCS
+40 ;;DMDC^Diabetes Mellitus V4 CCS
+41 ;;HDDC^Hypertension V4 CCS
+42 ;;IDDC^Infectious Disease V4 CCS
+43 ;;MHDC^Mental Health V4 CCS
+44 ;;PNDC^Pain Management V4 CCS
+45 ;;PDDC^Pulmonary Disease V4 CCS
+46 ;;RHDC^Rehabilitation V4 CCS
+47 ;;SCDC^Spinal Cord Injured V4 CCS
+48 ;;WCDC^Wound Care V4 CCS
+49 ;;CDEC^Cardiac Disease V5 CCS
+50 ;;CGEC^Coagulation Management V5 CCS
+51 ;;DEEC^Dementia V5 CCS
+52 ;;DMEC^Diabetes Mellitus V5 CCS
+53 ;;HDEC^Hypertension V5 CCS
+54 ;;IDEC^Infectious Disease V5 CCS
+55 ;;MHEC^Mental Health V5 CCS
+56 ;;PNEC^Pain Management V5 CCS
+57 ;;PDEC^Pulmonary Disease V5 CCS
+58 ;;RHEC^Rehabilitation V5 CCS
+59 ;;SCEC^Spinal Cord Injured V5 CCS
+60 ;;WCEC^Wound Care V5 CCS
+61 ;;CDFC^Cardiac Disease V6 CCS
+62 ;;CGFC^Coagulation Management V6 CCCS
+63 ;;DEFC^Dementia V6 CCS
+64 ;;DMFC^Diabetes Mellitus V6 CCS
+65 ;;HTFC^Hypertension V6 CCS
+66 ;;IDFC^Infectious Disease V6 CCS
+67 ;;MHFC^Mental Health V6 CCS
+68 ;;PNFC^Pain Management V6 CCS
+69 ;;PDFC^Pulmonary Disease V6 CCS
+70 ;;RHFC^Rehabilitation V6 CCS
+71 ;;SCFC^Spinal Cord Injured V6 CCS
+72 ;;WCFC^Wound Care V6 CCS
+73 ;;CDGC^Cardiac Disease V7 CCS
+74 ;;CGGC^Coagulation Management V7 CCS
+75 ;;DEGC^Dementia V7 CCS
+76 ;;DMGC^Diabetes Mellitus V7 CCS
+77 ;;HDGC^Hypertension V7 CCS
+78 ;;IDGC^Infectious Disease V7 CCS
+79 ;;MHGC^Mental Health V7 CCS
+80 ;;PNGC^Pain Management V7 CCS
+81 ;;PDGC^Pulmonary Disease V7 CCS
+82 ;;RHGC^Rehabilitation V7 CCS
+83 ;;SCGC^Spinal Cord Injured V7 CCS
+84 ;;WCGC^Wound Care V7 CCS
+85 ;;CDHC^Cardiac Disease V8 CCS
+86 ;;CGHC^Coagulation Management V8 CCS
+87 ;;DEHC^Dementia V8 CCS
+88 ;;DMHC^Diabetes Mellitus V8 CCS
+89 ;;HDHC^Hypertension V8 CCS
+90 ;;IDHC^Infectious Disease V8 CCS
+91 ;;MHHC^Mental Health V8 CCS
+92 ;;PNHC^Pain Management V8 CCS
+93 ;;PDHC^Pulmonary Disease V8 CCS
+94 ;;RHHC^Rehabilitation V8 CCS
+95 ;;SCHC^Spinal Cord Injured V8 CCS
+96 ;;WCHC^Wound Care V8 CCS
+97 ;;CDJC^Cardiac Disease V9 CCS
+98 ;;CGJC^Coagulation Management V9 CCS
+99 ;;DEJC^Dementia V9 CCS
+100 ;;DMJC^Diabetes Mellitus V9 CCS
+101 ;;HDJC^Hypertension V9 CCS
+102 ;;IDJC^Infectious Disease V9 CCS
+103 ;;MHJC^Mental Health V9 CCS
+104 ;;PNJC^Pain Management V9 CCS
+105 ;;PDJC^Pulmonary Disease V9 CCS
+106 ;;RHJC^Rehabilitation V9 CCS
+107 ;;SCJC^Spinal Cord Injured V9 CCS
+108 ;;WCJC^Wound Care V9 CCS
+109 ;;CDKC^Cardiac Disease V10 CCS
+110 ;;CGKC^Coagulation Management V10 CCS
+111 ;;DEKC^Dementia V10 CCS
+112 ;;DMKC^Diabetes Mellitus V10 CCS
+113 ;;HDKC^Hypertension V10 CCS
+114 ;;IDKC^Infectious Disease V10 CCS
+115 ;;MHKC^Mental Health V10 CCS
+116 ;;PNKC^Pain Management V10 CCS
+117 ;;PDKC^Pulmonary Disease V10 CCS
+118 ;;RHKC^Rehabilitation V10 CCS
+119 ;;SCKC^Spinal Cord Injured V10 CCS
+120 ;;WCKC^Wound Care V10 CCS
+121 ;;CDLC^Cardiac Disease V11 CCS
+122 ;;CGLC^Coagulation Management V11 CCS
+123 ;;DELC^Dementia V11 CCS
+124 ;;DMLC^Diabetes Mellitus V11 CCS
+125 ;;HDLC^Hypertension V11 CCS
+126 ;;IDLC^Infectious Disease V11 CCS
+127 ;;MHLC^Mental Health V11 CCS
+128 ;;PNLC^Pain Management V11 CCS
+129 ;;PDLC^Pulmonary Disease V11 CCS
+130 ;;RHLC^Rehabilitation V11 CCS
+131 ;;SCLC^Spinal Cord Injured V11 CCS
+132 ;;WCLC^Wound Care V11 CCS
+133 ;;CDMC^Cardiac Disease V12 CCS
+134 ;;CGMC^Coagulation Management V12 CCS
+135 ;;DEMC^Dementia V12 CCS
+136 ;;DMMC^Diabetes Mellitus V12 CCS
+137 ;;HDMC^Hypertension V12 CCS
+138 ;;IDMC^Infectious Disease V12 CCS
+139 ;;MHMC^Mental Health V12 CCS
+140 ;;PNMC^Pain Management V12 CCS
+141 ;;PDMC^Pulmonary Disease V12 CCS
+142 ;;RHMC^Rehabilitation V12 CCS
+143 ;;SCMC^Spinal Cord Injured V12 CCS
+144 ;;WCMC^Wound Care V12 CCS
+145 ;;CDNC^Cardiac Disease V23 CCS
+146 ;;CGNC^Coagulation Management V23 CCS
+147 ;;DENC^Dementia V23 CCS
+148 ;;DMNC^Diabetes Mellitus V23 CCS
+149 ;;HDNC^Hypertension V23 CCS
+150 ;;IDNC^Infectious Disease V23 CCS
+151 ;;MHNC^Mental Health V23 CCS
+152 ;;PNNC^Pain Management V23 CCS
+153 ;;PDNC^Pulmonary Disease V23 CCS
+154 ;;RHNC^Rehabilitation V23 CCS
+155 ;;SCNC^Spinal Cord Injured V23 CCS
+156 ;;WCNC^Wound Care V23 CCS
+157 ;;CDPC^Cardiac Disease V15 CCS
+158 ;;CGPC^Coagulation Management V15 CCS
+159 ;;DEPC^Dementia V15 CCS
+160 ;;DMPC^Diabetes Mellitus V15 CCS
+161 ;;HDPC^Hypertension V15 CCS
+162 ;;IDPC^Infectious Disease V15 CCS
+163 ;;MHPC^Mental Health V15 CCS
+164 ;;PNPC^Pain Management V15 CCS
+165 ;;PDPC^Pulmonary Disease V15 CCS
+166 ;;RHPC^Rehabilitation V15 CCS
+167 ;;SCPC^Spinal Cord Injured V15 CCS
+168 ;;WCPC^Wound Care V15 CCS
+169 ;;CDQC^Cardiac Disease V16 CCS
+170 ;;CGQC^Coagulation Management V16 CCS
+171 ;;DEQC^Dementia V16 CCS
+172 ;;DMQC^Diabetes Mellitus V16 CCS
+173 ;;HDQC^Hypertension V16 CCS
+174 ;;IDQC^Infectious Disease V16 CCS
+175 ;;MHQC^Mental Health V16 CCS
+176 ;;PNQC^Pain Management V16 CCS
+177 ;;PDQC^Pulmonary Disease V16 CCS
+178 ;;RHQC^Rehabilitation V16 CCS
+179 ;;SCQC^Spinal Cord Injured V16 CCS
+180 ;;WCQC^Wound Care V16 CCS
+181 ;;CDRC^Cardiac Disease V17 CCS
+182 ;;CGRC^Coagulation Management V17 CCS
+183 ;;DERC^Dementia V17 CCS
+184 ;;DMRC^Diabetes Mellitus V17 CCS
+185 ;;HDRC^Hypertension V17 CCS
+186 ;;IDRC^Infectious Disease V17 CCS
+187 ;;MHRC^Mental Health V17 CCS
+188 ;;PNRC^Pain Management V17 CCS
+189 ;;PDRC^Pulmonary Disease V17 CCS
+190 ;;RHRC^Rehabilitation V17 CCS
+191 ;;SNRC^Spinal Cord Injured V17 CCS
+192 ;;WCRC^Wound Care V17 CCS
+193 ;;CDSC^Cardiac Disease V18 CCS
+194 ;;CGSC^Coagulation Management V18 CCS
+195 ;;DESC^Dementia V18 CCS
+196 ;;DMSC^Diabetes Mellitus V18 CCS
+197 ;;HTSC^Hypertension V18 CCS
+198 ;;IDSC^Infectious Disease V18 CCS
+199 ;;MHSC^Mental Health V18 CCS
+200 ;;PNSC^Pain Management V18 CCS
+201 ;;PDSC^Pulmonary Disease V18 CCS
+202 ;;RHSC^Rehabilitation V18 CCS
+203 ;;SCSC^Spinal Cord Injured V18 CCS
+204 ;;WCSC^Wound Care V18 CCS
+205 ;;CDTC^Cardiac Disease V19 CCS
+206 ;;CGTC^Coagulation Management V19 CCS
+207 ;;DETC^Dementia V19 CCS
+208 ;;DMTC^Diabetes Mellitus V19 CCS
+209 ;;HTTC^Hypertension V19 CCS
+210 ;;IDTC^Infectious Disease V19 CCS
+211 ;;MHTC^Mental Health V19 CCS
+212 ;;PNTC^Pain Management V19 CCS
+213 ;;PDTC^Pulmonary Disease V19 CCS
+214 ;;RHTC^Rehabilitation V19 CCS
+215 ;;SCTC^Spinal Cord Injured V19 CCS
+216 ;;WCTC^Wound Care V19 CCS
+217 ;;CDUC^Cardiac Disease V20 CCS
+218 ;;CGUC^Coagulation Management V20 CCS
+219 ;;DEUC^Dementia V20 CCS
+220 ;;DMUC^Diabetes Mellitus V20 CCS
+221 ;;HTUC^Hypertension V20 CCS
+222 ;;IDUC^Infectious Disease V20 CCS
+223 ;;MHUC^Mental Health V20 CCS
+224 ;;PNUC^Pain Management V20 CCS
+225 ;;PDUC^Pulmonary Disease V20 CCS
+226 ;;RHUC^Rehabilitation V20 CCS
+227 ;;SCUC^Spinal Cord Injured V20 CCS
+228 ;;WCUC^Wound Care V20 CCS
+229 ;;CDVC^Cardiac Disease V21 CCS
+230 ;;CGVC^Coagulation Management V21 CCS
+231 ;;DEVC^Dementia V21 CCS
+232 ;;DMVC^Diabetes Mellitus V21 CCS
+233 ;;HTVC^Hypertension V21 CCS
+234 ;;IDVC^Infectious Disease V21 CCS
+235 ;;MHVC^Mental Health V21 CCS
+236 ;;PNVC^Pain Management V21 CCS
+237 ;;PDVC^Pulmonary Disease V21 CCS
+238 ;;RHVC^Rehabilitation V21 CCS
+239 ;;SNVC^Spinal Cord Injured V21 CCS
+240 ;;WCVC^Wound Care V21 CCS
+241 ;;CDWC^Cardiac Disease V22 CCS
+242 ;;CGWC^Coagulation Management V22 CCS
+243 ;;DEWC^Dementia V22 CCS
+244 ;;DMWC^Diabetes Mellitus V22 CCS
+245 ;;HTWC^Hypertension V22 CCS
+246 ;;IDWC^Infectious Disease V22 CCS
+247 ;;MHWC^Mental Health V22 CCS
+248 ;;PNWC^Pain Management V22 CCS
+249 ;;PDWC^Pulmonary Disease V22 CCS
+250 ;;RHWC^Rehabilitation V22 CCS
+251 ;;SCWC^Spinal Cord Injured V22 CCS
+252 ;;WCWC^Wound Care V22 CCS
+253 ;;QUIT