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Routine: ECXNURS

Package: DSS Extracts

Routine: ECXNURS


ECXNURS ;ALB/JAP,BIR/DMA,PTD-Nursing Extract for DSS ;9/13/10 13:59

Source Information

Source file <ECXNURS.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
BEG ;entry point from option
START ;entry when queued
RESOLVE ;process ^tmp by patient
NEWWARD(ECDNEW,OLDWARD,NEWWARD) ;get new nursing location
; input ECDNEW = date of care
; OLDWARD = pointer to file #42, previous mas ward
; NEWWARD = null
; output NEWWARD = new nursing location^new nursing bedsection
; OR "^", if new ward same as previous ward or
FILE ;file extract records
SETUP ;Set required input for ECXTRAC
QUE ; entry point for the background requeuing handled by ECXTAUTO
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