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Routine: ECXPRO1

Package: DSS Extracts

Routine: ECXPRO1


ECXPRO1 ;ALB/GTS - Prosthetics Extract for DSS (Continued) ;2/27/19 15:47

Source Information

Source file <ECXPRO1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
; Input
; ECXDFN - ien in file #2
; ECXLNE - line number variable (passed by reference)
; ECXPIEN - IEN for the Prosthetics record
; ECXN0 - zero node of the Prosthetics record
; ECXNLB - LB node of the Prosthetics record
; ECINST - station number being extracted
; ECXFORM - Form Requested On
; Output (to be KILLed by calling routine)
; ^TMP("ECX-PRO EXC",$J) - Array for the exception message
; ECXLNE - The number of the next line in the msg
; ECXSTAT2 - Patient Station Number
; ECXDATE - Delivery Date of Prosthesis
; ECXTYPE - Type of Transaction work performed
; ECXSRCE - Source of prosthesis
; ECXHCPCS - CPT/HCPCS code for prosthesis
; ECXRQST - Requesting Station
; ECXRCST - Receiving Station
; ECXPHCPC - PSAS HCPCS code; if 'unknown', then use CPT/HCPCS code
; ECXPHPCD - PSAS HCPCS Code Description ;187
; ECXNPPDC - NPPD code for repairs or new issues
; Output (KILLed by NTEG)
; ECXMISS - 1 indicates missing information
; ECXGOOD - 0 indicates record should not be extracted
CHK ;*Check variables
; Input
; Variables set in and Output from NTEG^ECXPRO1
; Output
; ^TMP("ECX-PRO EXC",$J, - Global of records with integrity problems
PROSINFO(ECXDA,ECXLB,ECX0,ECXFORM) ;*Get Prosthetics Information

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^DIC(4 - [#4] Classic Fileman Calls
^RMPR(661.1 - [#661.1] Classic Fileman Calls,  GET1^DIQ
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