ECXTRT1 ;ALB/JAP Treating Specialty Change Extract (cont) ; July 22, 1998
Source file <ECXTRT1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
PREVTRT(ECXLOC,ECXDATE1,ECXDATE2,ECXTRTL,ECXLOS) | ;find the date on which the change to the losing treat. spec. occurred
; input ; ECXLOC = local array built from ATS index on file #405 (passed by reference); required ; ECXDATE1 = inverse date of current (new) ts movement; required) ; ECXDATE2 = inverse date of previous (losing) ts movement; required ; ECXTRTL = pointer value to file #45.7 for previous facility ; treating specialty; required ; output ; ECXLOS = patients length of stay on previous (losing) ts (passed by reference) |
PREVATT(ECXLOC,ECXDATE1,ECXATTN,ECXDATE2,ECXATTL,ECXLOS) | ;find the date on which the change to the losing attending occurred
; input ; ECXLOC = local array built from ATS index on file #405 (passed by reference); required ; ECXDATE1 = inverse date of current (new) attending; required) ; ECXATTN = specifier for current (new) attending; required ; ECXDATE2 = inverse date of previous (losing) attending; required ; ECXATTL = specifier for previous (losing) attending (passed by reference); required ; output ; ECXLOSA = patients length of stay with previous (losing) attending (passed by reference) |
PREVPRV(ECXLOC,ECXDATE1,ECXPRVN,ECXDATE2,ECXPRVL,ECXLOS) | ;find the date on which the change to the losing primary provider occurred
; input ; ECXLOC = local array built from ATS index on file #405 (passed by reference); required ; ECXDATE1 = inverse date of current (new) primary provider; required) ; ECXPRVN = specifier for current (new) primary provider; required ; ECXDATE2 = inverse date of previous (losing) primary provider; required ; ECXPRVL = specifier for previous (losing) primary provider 9passed by reference); required ; output ; ECXLOSP = patients length of stay with previous (losing) primary provider (passed by reference) |