EDPARPT1 ;SLC/BWF - Ad Hoc Reports ;5/16/2012 11:51am
Source file <EDPARPT1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
ELAPSED(LIEN) | ; elapsed time
SMULT(LIEN,IARRY,FLD) | ; list of doctors/nurses/residents/status/acuity or any 'standard multiples (single fields that can change) associated with the patient for this ed visit
TRIAGE(LIEN) | ; The elapsed time between the patient's time-in and his or her initial acuity assessment.
D2DOC(LIEN) | ; elapsed time from door to doc
WAIT(LIEN,AREA) | ; The elapsed time between the patient's time-in and his or her first assignment to a location other than the waiting room
ADMDECL(LIEN,TYPE) | ; elapsed time between the patient's time-in and the status change to 'Admit to.'
DXMULT(LIEN,IARRY,AREA,TYPE) | ; patients free text or ICD-9-CM diagnosis - could be multiple
PID(DFN) | ;
FileNo | Call Tags |
^VA(200 - [#200] | GET1^DIQ |
^EDP(230 - [#230] | GET1^DIQ |
^EDP(230.1 - [#230.1] | FIELD^DID, GET1^DIQ |
^EDPB(231.9 - [#231.9] | GET1^DIQ |