EDPLOGH ;SLC/KCM - Add History Entry for ED Log ;2/28/12 08:33am
Source file <EDPLOGH.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
SAVE(IEN,TIME,HIST) | ; save a new history entry for changed fields
COLLIDE(LOG,LOADTS) | ; return true if new updates since load time
BEDGONE(AREA,CURBED,HOLDBED,BED) | ; return true if bed is no longer available
UPDHOLD(FDA,IEN,CURBED) | ; hold the current bed if primary > secondary
MSG(VAL,LBL) | ; add to XML message
CODE(IEN) | ; return coded value
NP(IEN) | ; return New Person name
DIAG(LOG) | ; return list of diagnoses