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Routine: EDPLPCE

Package: Emergency Department Integration Software

Routine: EDPLPCE


EDPLPCE ;SLC/KCM - Create a Visit ;2/28/12 08:33am

Source Information

Source file <EDPLPCE.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
UPDVISIT(LOG,PCE) ; Get / Create a Visit
; PCE is list of potential updates to the visit
; PCE(TYP,n)=type^ien^code^label^add^del^upd^prim^qty
XFERDIAG(LOG,PCE) ; Setup diagnosis list based on entries in 230
DELVISIT(LOG) ; Delete visit for stub entry
DFLTLOC(DFN) ; Return the default location for the ED
TS4VISIT(DFN,LOC,TS,PRVVISIT) ; Return visit time if there is already a visit
TEST ; Test creation of encounter
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