EDPQPCE ;SLC/KCM - Retrieve PCE information for ED Visits ; 9/20/21 11:53am
Source file <EDPQPCE.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
DXPRI(AREA,LOG) | ; return primary diagnosis
DXALL(AREA,LOG,DXLST) | ; build list of diagnoses for a visit
DXPCE(EDPVISIT,DXLST) | ; return a list of diagnoses from PCE
; DRP 04062012 ADD ICD10 API CALLS EDP*2.0*2 Begin |
DXFREE(LOG,DXLST) | ; return free text diagnoses from ED LOG file
DXFREE2(LOG,DXLST) | ; return ONLY the free text diagnosis