EDPYPST ;SLC/KCM - Post init for facility install ;2/28/12 08:33am
Source file <EDPYPST.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
PROXY | ; Create proxy user
CONVERT | ; set ^XTMP for tracking conversion
DIV(X) | ; return file 4 ien for Configuration
FIXSPEC | ; add the display properties to existing spec
ADDPROP(SPEC) | ; add display properties to spec
MOVEBRD(AREA) | ; move the display board spec into a multiple
DP | ; default display properties
FIXWAIT | ; change the category of waiting room to "waiting"
FIXDFLT | ; create initial default rooms
DELBRD | ; delete the DD and data for the old display board spec
AO | ; build AO index on #230
CHOICES | ; initialize choices timestamps
FIXNV | ; convert the "no value" codes to 0
CHGNV(FN,LOG,SUB,P) | ; convert individual piece, expects NOVAL defined
FIXAPX | ; fix the AP xref in 230
FIXPDFN | ; create the DFN xref in 230
FIXSTA | ; convert the station number field to an institution pointer
CHGSTA(EDPFILE,EDPIEN) | ; convert station number to institution pointer withing file
FIXICD | ; convert the ICD Code file to a pointer to the ICD file
CHGICD(LOG,IEN) | ; convert individual ICD Code to ICD Pointer
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^EDP(230 - [#230] | Classic Fileman Calls |
^EDPB(231.9 - [#231.9] | GET1^DID, WP^DIE |