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Routine: ENFAR5A

Package: Engineering

Routine: ENFAR5A



Source Information

Source file <ENFAR5A.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
GETDATA ; collect/sort data
; load table for converting FA Type to SGL
AFA(ENFILE,ENIEN) ; Associated FA Document Extrinsic Function
; Input Variables
; ENFILE - FAP document file of the input document
; ENIEN - IEN of the input document in ENFILE
; Returns
; IEN of the FA document which is associated with the input document
; 0 if no associated FA document could be found
FUND(ENFILE,ENIEN,ENFAIEN) ; Determine FUND at time of non-FA transaction
; Input Variables
; ENFILE - FAP document file for the input document
; ENIEN - IEN of the input document in ENFILE
; ENFAIEN - IEN of the assoicated FA document
; Returns
; Fund of equipment just before input document was processed
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