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Package: Enterprise Terminology Services



ETSLNCIX ;O-OIFO/FM23 - ETS LOINC Set/Kill Index Utilities ;01/31/2017

Source Information

Source file <ETSLNCIX.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
SETLNC(ETSTEXT,ETSIEN) ; Set Long Common Name (129.1, #83) word index node D
KILLLNC(ETSTEXT,ETSIEN) ; Set Long Common Name (129.1, #83) word index node AWRD
PREPTEXT(ETSTEXT) ;Prepare the Text for Indexing by
; - excluding certain words (a, the, in, etc.)
; - stop indexing when the [ or words IN, BY, or ON are reached
; - strip terms that are punctuation only
EXCLUDED(ETSTERM) ;Exclude certain terms
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