FBAAIAR1 ;ALB/FA - FEE IPAC Vendor DoD Invoice Number Inquiry Report ;1/16/2014
Source file <FBAAIAR1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN | ;EP
; Main report entry point |
DODISEL(FBDODINV) | ; Ask for the DoD Invoice
; Input: None ; Output: FBDODINV - Selected DoD Invoice Number ; Returns: 1 - User quit out, 0 otherwise ; Called From: EN |
FORMAT(FBFORMAT) | ; Capture the report format from the user (normal or CSV output)
; Input: None ; Output: FBFORMAT - 1 - CSV Format, 0 otherwise ; Returns: 0 - User quit out, 1 otherwise ; Called From: EN |
DEVICE(FBDODINV,FBFORMAT) | ; Device Selection and Report compilation
; Input: FBDODINV - DoD invoice number to compile VistA invoices for ; FBFORMAT - 1 - CSV Format, 0 otherwise ; Output: Report is compiled if a device is selected ; Returns: 1 - User quit out, 0 otherwise ; Called From: EN |
COMPILE | ; Entry point for the compile to build the scratch global
; may be background task if job queued ; Input: FBDODINV - DoD Invoice number to use for selection ; FBFORMAT - 1 - CSV format, 0 otherwise ; Output: Report is compiled and output ; Called From: Report processing |
GETTYPEO(PATIEN,VENIEN,IDTIEN,SVCIEN,INV0,INV2) | ; Determines if the invoice has been
; cancelled, rejected, purged or voided or some combination ; Input: PATIEN - Patient IEN ; VENIEN - Vendor IEN ; IDTIEN - Initial Treatment Date IEN ; SVCIEN - Service Provided IEN ; INV0 - 0 node of the outpatient invoice ; INV2 - 2 node of the outpatient invoice ; Returns: V - Voided ; C - Cancelled ; R - Rejected ; P - Purged ; "" - Otherwise ; or any combination of C/V/R/P ; Called From: ROWDATAO |
GETTYPEI(INVIEN,INV0,INV2) | ; Determines if the inpatient invoice has been
; cancelled, rejected or voided or some combination ; Input: INVIEN - IEN of the inpatient invoice ; INV0 - 0 node of the inpatient invoice ; INV2 - 2 node of the inpatient invoice ; INV5 - 5 node of the inpatient invoice ; Returns: V - Voided ; C - Cancelled ; R - Rejected ; "" - Otherwise ; or any combination of C/V/R ; Called From: COMPIN |
GETTYPEP(PHIEN,RXIEN,INV2,ITYPE) | ; Determines if the pharmacy invoice has any
; cancelled, rejected or voided prescriptions. ; Input: PHIEN - IEN of the pharmacy invoice ; RXIEN - Prescription IEN ; INV2 - 2 node of the pharmacy prescription invoice ; ITYPE - Current value for the pharmacy invoice ; Output: ITYPE - Updated value for the pharmacy invoice ; Called From: COMPRX |
TOTS(VNAME,TYPE,INVNUM,DATA) | ; Gather totals and other data for all invoices for
; the specified DoD invoice#. Update the scratch global with information ; Input: VNAME - Vendor Name ; TYPE - "OUT" - Outpatient Invoice ; "ANC" - Inpatient Ancillary Invoice ; "INP" - Inpatient Invoice ; "RX" - Pharmacy Invoice ; INVNUM - VistA Invoice Number ; DATA - ^TMP("FBAAIAR1",$J,VNAME,TYPE,INVNUM) ; ^TMP("FBAAIAR1",$J,VNAME) - Current DoD Invoice Vendor totals ; ^TMP("FBAAIAR1",$J,VNAME,TYPE) - Current Type totals ; Output: ^TMP("FBAAIAR1",$J,VNAME) - Updated DoD Invoice Vendor totals ; ^TMP("FBAAIAR1",$J,VNAME,TYPE) - Updated Type totals ; Called From: COMPIN, COMPOUT, COMPRX |
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