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Routine: FBAAVR5

Package: Fee Basis

Routine: FBAAVR5



Source Information

Source file <FBAAVR5.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
VBMSG(FBN) ; Generate Voucher Batch Message
; input
; FBN - Batch IEN (file 161.7)
; returns value
; =message number if successful
; =0^error message if unsuccessful
  • ICR #5825
    • Status: Retired
    • Usage: Private
    END ;
    ADDLN ; add detail line
    STANUM(FBN) ; determine station number to transmit
    RECIP ; determine message recipients
    ; input
    ; DUZ
    ; output
    ; XMDUZ
    ; XMY(
    ORGICN(FBFILE,FBICN) ; return original ICN value for a line item
    ; input
    ; FBFILE - sub-file (162.03 or 162.04)
    ; FBICN - ICN value
    ; return value = the original ICN value
  • ICR #5825
    • Status: Retired
    • Usage: Private

    FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

    FileNo Call Tags
    ^FBAA(161.7 - [#161.7] GET1^DIQ
    162.03 GET1^DIQ
    162.04 GET1^DIQ
    162.11 GET1^DIQ
    ^FBAAI - [#162.5] GET1^DIQ
    Info |  Source |  Entry Points |  FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call