Source file <FBFHLL.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
LOG(FBN,FBTYPE) | ; processes batch and logs 0.00 invoices to FILE #163.5
; input ; FBN - pointer to FEE BASIS BATCH file ; FBTYPE - batch type (B3,B5,B9,BT) |
B3 | ; process outpatient/ancillary batch
B5 | ; processes pharmacy batch
B9 | ; processes inpatient batch
PAIDLOG(FBINV) | ; process EDI invoices from payment conf/canc message
; input FBINV array, passed by reference ; format FBINV(fbtype,fbaain)="" ; where fbtype = 3, 5, or 9 ; fbaain = invoice number |
FILEQUE(FBAAIN,FBTYPE) | ; file invoice into FPPS Queue
; input ; FBAAIN - invoice number ; FBTYPE - type (3, 5, or 9) ; where 3 = outpatient/ancillary - file 162 ; 5 = pharmacy - file 162.1 ; 9 = inpatient - file 162.5 |
CKFPPS(FBAAIN) | ; checks if invoice was previously sent to FPPS
; input ; FBAAIN - invoice number ; result ; status (0,1,X) of 1st entry for invoice in file 163.5 ; where 0 = waiting to be transmitted ; 1 = transmitted ; X = not logged |
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |