Source file <FBFHLU.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
PAYMETH(FBCKNO) | ; payment method extrinsic function
; input ; FBCHNO - check number ; result is string value ; CC, EFT, CHK ; |
POST(FBAAIN,FBFLAG,FBMSG) | ; Post Exception/Warning
; input ; FBAAIN - invoice number ; FBFLAG - flag (E or W) for (E)xception or (W)arning ; exceptions will prevent transmit of invoice to FPPS ; warnings will not prevent transmit ; FBMSG - text of message |
STANO(FBBATCH) | ; station number extrinsic function
; Input ; FBBATCH - ien of entry in FEE BASIS BATCH (#161.7) file ; Returns station number or NULL value |
LAST(FBAAIN) | ; function to return last entry in file 163.5 for invoice
; input ; FBAAIN - invoice number ; result is string with ien of last entry in file or null |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^FBAA(161.4 - [#161.4] | GET1^DIQ |