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Routine: FBFHLX1

Package: Fee Basis

Routine: FBFHLX1



Source Information

Source file <FBFHLX1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
CHKACK ; check for acknowledgements
; input - none
; output
; FBCNT("ACKT") - count of previously transmitted invoices w/o ack
; FBCNT("ACKA") - count of these that were accepted
; FBCNT("ACKR") - count of these that were rejected
; FBCNT("ACKW") - count of these that are still waiting for ack
; ^TMP($J,"FBNA",invoice number)="" - list waiting for ack
; update file 163.5
SUMMSG ; Summary Message (build and send)
; input
; ^TMP($J,"FBE",invoice number,seq number)=error text
; ^TMP($J,"FBW",invoice number,seq number)=warning text
; ^TMP($J,"FBNA",invoice number)="" for invoices not acknowledged
; ^TMP($J,"FBX",seq number)=message text so far
; FBXL = last line used in ^TMP($J,"FBX",seq number)
; FBXMIT("START") = start process, FileMan date/time
; FBXMIT("ACK") = start check for acks, FileMan date/time
; FBXMIT("SEND") = start transmit, FileMan date/time
; FBXMIT("END") = end process, FileMan date/time
; FBCNT("PENDT")= count of pending invoices that were transmitted
; FBCNT("PENDE")= count of pending invoices that had exception
; FBCNT("ACKT") = count of previously transmitted invoices w/o ack
; FBCNT("ACKA") = count of these that were accepted
; FBCNT("ACKR") = count of these that were rejected
; FBCNT("ACKW") = count of these that are still waiting for ack
; output
; ^TMP($J,"FBX",
; mail message
PTXT(FBXL,FBTXT) ; Post line of text in global array for summary message
; input
; FBXL - last line number used, passed by reference
; FBTXT - line of text
; output
; FBXL - increments value by 1
; ^TMP($J,"FBX",input line+1)=text

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^FBHL(163.5 - [#163.5] GET1^DIQ,  WP^DIE
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