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Routine: FBHLZFE

Package: Fee Basis

Routine: FBHLZFE



Source Information

Source file <FBHLZFE.m>

Call Graph

Call Graph

Call Graph Total: 4

Package Total Call Graph
Health Level Seven 1 $$HLDATE^HLFNC  
Kernel 1 $$FMTHL7^XLFDT  
Master Patient Index VistA 1 ($$GETICN,$$IFLOCAL)^MPIF001  

Caller Graph


Legend of Colors

Package Component Superscript legend

action A extended action Ea event driver Ed subscriber Su protocol O limited protocol LP run routine RR broker B edit E server Se print P screenman SM inquire I

Caller Graph

Caller Graph Total: 1

Package Total Caller Graph
Income Verification Match 1 IVMPTRN9  

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EN(DFN,FBSTR,FBCUT) ; Returns array of ZFE segments containing FEE BASIS
; authorizatiion data for a veteran.
; Input:
; DFN - internal entry number of the PATIENT (#2) file and
; FEE BASIS PATIENT (#161) file
; FBSTR - (optional) comma delimited sting of requested fields
; DEFAULT: "1,2,3,4,5" (returns all fields)
; FBCUT - (optional) cutoff date (fileman format)
; Default: "2961001" (Oct 1, 1996)
; authorizations with a TO DATE prior to the cutoff will
; not be considered.
; Also needs HL7 variables defined (HLFS, HLECH and HLQ)
; Output:
; If an exception did not occur
; FBZFE(I) - an array of string(s) forming the ZFE segments for the
; patient's FEE authorizations that meet the criteria.
; I will be numeric values greater than 0.
; OR undefined if no authorizations meet criteria.
  • ICR #2485
    • Status: Active
    • Usage: Controlled Subscription
    QUIT ;
    AUTH ; Add node (HL7 ZFE seg.) to FBZFE array for a specified authorization
    ; Input:
    ; DFN - veteran ien (file #2 and #161)
    ; FBDA1 - authorization ien (authorization multiple of #161)
    ; FBI - previous set ID number used for array or 0 when none
    ; FBSTR - comma delimited string of requested fields
    ; Output:
    ; FBI - set ID (modified)
    ; FBZFE(FBI) - output array element for one set ID
    ; ZFE ^ set ID ^ treat. type ^ FEE program ^ From ^ To

    External References

    Name Field # of Occurrence
    $$GETICN^MPIF001 EN+39
    $$IFLOCAL^MPIF001 EN+38
    $$FMTHL7^XLFDT EN+44

    FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

    FileNo Call Tags

    Global Variables Directly Accessed

    Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
    ^FBAA(161.8 - [#161.8] AUTH+22
    ^FBAAA - [#161] EN+49, EN+50, EN+51, AUTH+13

    Label References

    Name Line Occurrences
    AUTH EN+63

    Local Variables


    >> Not killed explicitly
    * Changed
    ! Killed
    ~ Newed

    Name Field # of Occurrence
    DFN EN~, EN+33, EN+38, EN+39, EN+49, EN+50, EN+51, AUTH+13
    FBA EN+25~
    FBA( EN+55, EN+57*, EN+61, EN+62
    FBCUT EN~, EN+29*, EN+43, EN+44, EN+53
    FBDA1 EN+25~, EN+49*, EN+50, EN+51, EN+57, EN+62*, AUTH+13
    FBGRP EN+25~, EN+54*, EN+55, EN+57, EN+61*, EN+62
    FBI EN+25~, EN+60*, AUTH+16*, AUTH+18, AUTH+19, AUTH+20, AUTH+21, AUTH+22, AUTH+23, AUTH+24
    FBICN EN+25~, EN+39*
    FBSTR EN~, EN+27*, EN+28*, AUTH+20, AUTH+21, AUTH+22, AUTH+23, AUTH+24
    FBY0 EN+25~, EN+51*, EN+52, EN+53, EN+54, EN+55, EN+57, AUTH+11~, AUTH+13*, AUTH+14
    AUTH+21, AUTH+22, AUTH+23, AUTH+24
    FBZFE EN+26!
    FBZFE( AUTH+18*, AUTH+19*, AUTH+20*, AUTH+21*, AUTH+22*, AUTH+23*, AUTH+24*
    FBZFE(0 EN+32, EN+33*, EN+34*, EN+37, EN+38*, EN+39*, EN+42, EN+43*, EN+44*, EN+46
    >> HLECH EN+34, AUTH+21, AUTH+22
    >> HLFS EN+34, AUTH+19, AUTH+20, AUTH+21, AUTH+22, AUTH+23, AUTH+24
    >> HLQ EN+34, AUTH+21, AUTH+22, AUTH+23, AUTH+24
    U EN+50, EN+52, EN+53, EN+54, EN+55, EN+57, EN+62, AUTH+21, AUTH+22, AUTH+23
    X AUTH+11~, AUTH+21*, AUTH+22*
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