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Routine: FHP43


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  1. FHP43 ;EPIP/WLE - Remove three data dictionary fields for file 115 ;6/5/2018 3:45 PM
  1. ;;5.5;DIETETICS;**43**;Jan 28, 2005;Build 66
  1. ; Post install routine for patch FH*5.5*43 to remove fields created in a previous version at test sites
  1. ; Copy the old data at ^FHPT(IEN,662910) to ^FHPT(IEN,22)
  1. ; then remove the old data and node
  1. EN ;
  1. I '$$VFIELD^DILFD(115,662910.01) Q ; The fields do not exist so no reason to continue
  1. D BMES^XPDUTL("If NUTRITION PERSON FILE #115 has existing tray tickets flags. The data will be moved to a new node.")
  1. S IEN="" F S IEN=$O(^FHPT(IEN)) Q:IEN="" D
  1. .I $D(^FHPT(IEN,662910)) S ^FHPT(IEN,22)=^FHPT(IEN,662910) K ^FHPT(IEN,662910)
  1. D BMES^XPDUTL("If NUTRITION PERSON FILE #115 had data it has been moved to the new node.")
  1. ;
  1. ; delete the old fields in file 115
  1. S DIK="^DD(115,",DA=662910.01,DA(1)=115
  1. D ^DIK
  1. S DIK="^DD(115,",DA=662910.02,DA(1)=115
  1. D ^DIK
  1. S DIK="^DD(115,",DA=662910.03,DA(1)=115
  1. D ^DIK
  1. K DIK,DA,DA(1)
  1. Q