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Routine: FHWOR5R

Package: Dietetics

Routine: FHWOR5R


FHWOR5R ; HISC/NCA - HL7 Tubefeeding Function Call ;6/28/96 16:28

Source Information

Source file <FHWOR5R.m>

Caller Graph


Legend of Colors

Package Component Superscript legend

action A extended action Ea event driver Ed subscriber Su protocol O limited protocol LP run routine RR broker B edit E server Se print P screenman SM inquire I

Caller Graph

Caller Graph Total: 2

Package Total Caller Graph
Order Entry Results Reporting 2 ORCDFHTF  ORWDFH  

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
QUAN(FHS,FHQ) ; Entry Point for OE to get Tubefeeding Quantity.
  • ICR #2289
    • Status: Active
    • Usage: Private
    F6 ;;per Day;per Hour;Twice a Day;Three times a Day;Every 2 Hours;Every 3 Hours;Every 4 Hours;Every 6 Hours

    Global Variables Directly Accessed

    Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
    ^FH(118.2 - [#118.2] QUAN+10

    Label References

    Name Line Occurrences
    C1 F3+7, ML
    EXIT QUAN+8, QUAN+14, F3+1, F3+2, F3+5, F3+6
    F3 QUAN+13
    F6 F3+3

    Local Variables


    >> Not killed explicitly
    * Changed
    ! Killed
    ~ Newed

    Name Field # of Occurrence
    A1 QUAN+1~, QUAN+2*, QUAN+3, QUAN+12*, F3+3, F3+5, F3+6, F3+7
    A2 QUAN+1~, QUAN+2*, QUAN+3, QUAN+7*, QUAN+11*, QUAN+12*, QUAN+13, F3*, F3+1, F3+2
    A3 QUAN+1~, QUAN+2*, QUAN+3, QUAN+11*, F3*, F3+4, F3+7*, ML*, ML+1*, ML+2*
    DX QUAN+1~, F3+5*, F3+6*
    FDG QUAN+1~, QUAN+2*, QUAN+4*, QUAN+5*, QUAN+6
    K QUAN+1~, QUAN+13*, F3
    QUA QUAN+1~, QUAN+2*, QUAN+7*, F3+3*, F3+4*
    S1 QUAN+1~, QUAN+13*, F3*, F3+3, F3+5, F3+6, F3+7
    S2 QUAN+1~, F3+2*, F3+3, MLML+1, ML+2
    STR QUAN+1~, QUAN+9*, F3+5, F3+6
    T QUAN+1~
    T(0 QUAN+10*, QUAN+12, F3+5, F3+6
    TC QUAN+1~, QUAN+2*, F3+5*, F3+6*, F3+7*, C1*, EXIT
    TK QUAN+1~, F3+5*
    TT QUAN+1~, QUAN+8*, QUAN+10
    X QUAN+1~, QUAN+3*, QUAN+6*, QUAN+7

    Marked Items

    Name Field # of Occurrence
    $T(F6 F3+3
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